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First work3 code version and report initialization

27 changed files with 747 additions and 0 deletions
  1. BIN
      Work 3/report/Work3_report.pdf
  2. +93
      Work 3/report/Work3_report.tex
  3. +19
      Work 3/scripts/BelongsTo.m
  4. +33
      Work 3/scripts/GivenEnv.asv
  5. +36
      Work 3/scripts/GivenEnv.m
  6. +18
      Work 3/scripts/ProjectionPoint.m
  7. +14
      Work 3/scripts/Script_0_Plots.m
  8. +29
      Work 3/scripts/Script_1_SteepDesc.m
  9. +32
      Work 3/scripts/Script_2_SteepDesc_Proj.m
  10. +27
      Work 3/scripts/Script_3_SteepDesc_Proj.m
  11. +27
      Work 3/scripts/Script_4_SteepDesc_Proj.m
  12. BIN
      Work 3/scripts/figures/Plot_Contour.png
  13. BIN
      Work 3/scripts/figures/Plot_Function.png
  14. BIN
      Work 3/scripts/figures/StDes_fixed_1.png
  15. BIN
      Work 3/scripts/figures/StDes_fixed_2.png
  16. +49
      Work 3/scripts/fmin_bisection.m
  17. +32
      Work 3/scripts/gamma_armijo.m
  18. +12
      Work 3/scripts/gamma_fixed.m
  19. +24
      Work 3/scripts/gamma_minimized.m
  20. +39
      Work 3/scripts/method_SteepDesc.m
  21. +50
      Work 3/scripts/method_SteepDesc_Proj.m
  22. +42
      Work 3/scripts/plot3dFun.m
  23. +41
      Work 3/scripts/plotContour.m
  24. +54
      Work 3/scripts/plotConvCompare.m
  25. +28
      Work 3/scripts/plotItersOverGamma.m
  26. +48
      Work 3/scripts/plotPointsOverContour.m
  27. BIN
      Work 3/Εργασία3.pdf

Work 3/report/Work3_report.pdf View File

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Work 3/report/Work3_report.tex View File

@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
% Optimization Techniques Work 3 report
% authors:
% Χρήστος Χουτουρίδης ΑΕΜ 8997

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{AUTHReport}

% Document configuration
\AuthorName{Χρήστος Χουτουρίδης}

%\CoAuthorName{CoAuthor Name}
%\CoAuthorMail{CoAuthor Mail}

% \WorkGroup{Ομάδα Χ}

\DocTitle{3η Εργαστηριακή Άσκηση}
\DocSubTitle{Μέθοδος Μέγιστης Καθόδου με Προβολή}

\Department{Τμήμα ΗΜΜΥ. Τομέας Ηλεκτρονικής}
\ClassName{Τεχνικές Βελτιστοποίησης}

\InstructorName{Γ. Ροβιθάκης}

\CoInstructorName{Θ. Αφορόζη}








Η παρούσα εργασία αφορά το πρόβλημα της ελαχιστοποίησης μιας δοσμένης συνάρτησης πολλών μεταβλητών $f: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ χωρίς περιορισμούς.
Για το σκοπό αυτό κάνουμε χρήση τριών μεθόδων.
Της μεθόδου μέγιστης καθόδου (Steepest Descent), της μεθόδου Newton, και της Levenberg-Marquardt.
Ακόμα για κάθε μία από αυτές θα υλοποιήσουμε τρεις διαφορετικές τεχνικές υπολογισμού βήματος.

Τα παραδοτέα της εργασίας αποτελούνται από:
\item Την παρούσα αναφορά.
\item Τον κατάλογο \textbf{scripts/}, που περιέχει τον κώδικα της MATLAB.
\item Το \href{}{σύνδεσμο} με το αποθετήριο που περιέχει όλο το project με τον κώδικα της MATLAB, της αναφοράς και τα παραδοτέα.

\section{Προγραμματιστική προσέγγιση}
Για τον προγραμματισμό και εκτέλεση των μεθόδων της παρούσας εργασίας έγινε χρήση της MATLAB.
Στον κατάλογο \textbf{scripts}, περιέχονται όλες οι μέθοδοι και οι τεχνικές υπολογισμού βημάτων με τη μορφή συναρτήσεων καθώς και scripts που τις καλούν.
Για κάθε μία μέθοδο (ένα θέμα της εργασίας), υπάρχει το αντίστοιχο script που περιέχει τους υπολογισμούς, τις κλήσεις των μεθόδων και τη δημιουργία των διαγραμμάτων.
Για το πρώτο θέμα το αρχείο Script\_1\_Plots.m για το δεύτερο το Script\_2\_Steepest\_descent.m και ούτω καθεξής.
Στην παρούσα εργασία η υλοποίηση του κώδικα ακολουθεί την τεχνική της προηγούμενης εργασίας και “ομαδοποιεί” αρκετές λειτουργίες.
Πιο συγκεκριμένα.

\subsection{Symbolic expression functions}
Μία ακόμη προγραμματιστική τεχνική που ακολουθήθηκε είναι η χρήση \textbf{symbolic expression} για την αναπαράσταση των διαφορετικών αντικειμενικών συναρτήσεων.
Ο λόγος που επιλέχθηκε είναι η \textbf{δυνατότητα εξαγωγής ενός symbolic expression που αναπαριστά την κλίση $\nabla f$ και τον Εσσιανό $\nabla^2f$ μιας συνάρτησης} από την MATLAB, κάνοντας χρήση των εντολών \textit{gradient()} και \textit{hessian()}.
Αν αντίθετα χρησιμοποιούσαμε απλές συναρτήσεις, πολυώνυμα ή lambdas για την αναπαράσταση των αντικειμενικών συναρτήσεων, τότε για τον υπολογισμό της κλίσης και του Εσσιανού θα έπρεπε:
\item Είτε να υπολογίζαμε αριθμητικά τις παραγώγους gradient και hessian μέσα στις μεθόδους, κάτι που θα εισήγαγε \textit{\textbf{αχρείαστο αριθμητικό σφάλμα}}.
\item Είτε να κάναμε χρήση δύο επιπλέων συναρτήσεων (ή πολυωνύμων) για την αναπαράσταση τους, κάτι που ουσιαστικά θα δημιουργούσε \textit{\textbf{πλεονασμό πληροφορίας εισόδου}} και άρα μεγαλύτερη πιθανότητα να κάνουμε λάθος.
Η αναπαράσταση όμως με χρήση symbolic expression είναι πιο “βαριά” όταν χρειάζεται να υπολογίσουμε την τιμή μιας συνάρτησης σε κάποιο σημείο (subs(expr, number)).
Αυτό είναι κάτι που χρειάζεται εκτενώς στον κώδικά μας.
Για το λόγο αυτό, ενώ η συνάρτηση δίνεται ως symbolic expression, μέσω αυτής υπολογίζονται αυτόματα η κλίση, ο Εσσιανός αλλά και οι “κανονικές” συναρτήσεις MATLAB που τις υλοποιούν.
Έτσι έχουμε την ακριβή αναπαράσταση της κλίσης και του Εσσιανού ως συναρτήσεις χωρίς να πληρώνουμε το κόστος της subs().


+ 19
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Work 3/scripts/BelongsTo.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
function [flag] = BelongsTo(x, SetLimmits)
%Checks if the x vector belongs to Set
% x: A vector to project
% SetLimmits: The set to project. Each line/dimension off the set has to contain the limits
% of the set to that particular dimension
% flag: True if belongs
flag = true; % Have faith

for i = 1:size(SetLimmits, 2)
if x(i) < SetLimmits(i,1)
flag = false;
elseif x(i) > SetLimmits(i,2)
flag = false;

+ 33
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Work 3/scripts/GivenEnv.asv View File

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
% Given environment

% Setup the function under test
syms x [2 1] real;
fexpr = (1/3)*x(1)^2 +3*x(2)^2;
title_fun = "$f(x) = frac{1}{3}{x_1}^2 + 3{x_2}^2$";

% Calculate the gradient and Hessian
grad_fexpr = gradient(fexpr, x); % Gradient of f
hessian_fexpr = hessian(fexpr, x); % Hessian of f

% Convert symbolic expressions to MATLAB functions
fun = matlabFunction(fexpr, 'Vars', {x}); % Function
grad_fun = matlabFunction(grad_fexpr, 'Vars', {x}); % Gradient
hessian_fun = matlabFunction(hessian_fexpr, 'Vars', {x}); % Hessian

% Minimum reference
%Freference = @(x) x(1).^5 .* exp(-x(1).^2 - x(2).^2);
%[Xmin, Fmin] = fminsearch(Freference, [-1, -1]);

% Amijo globals
global amijo_beta; % Step reduction factor in [0.1, 0.5] (typical range: [0.1, 0.8])
global amijo_sigma; % Sufficient decrease constant in [1e-5, 0.1] (typical range: [0.01, 0.3])

%fixed step size globals
global gamma_fixed_step

global image_width,
global image_height;

image_width = 960;
image_height = 640;

+ 36
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Work 3/scripts/GivenEnv.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
% Given environment
% Setup the function under test
syms x [2 1] real;
fexpr = (1/3)*x(1)^2 +3*x(2)^2;
title_fun = "$f(x) = \frac{1}{3}{x_1}^2 + 3{x_2}^2$";
XSetLimmits = [-10, 5 ; -8, 12];
% Calculate the gradient and Hessian
grad_fexpr = gradient(fexpr, x); % Gradient of f
hessian_fexpr = hessian(fexpr, x); % Hessian of f
% Convert symbolic expressions to MATLAB functions
fun = matlabFunction(fexpr, 'Vars', {x}); % Function
grad_fun = matlabFunction(grad_fexpr, 'Vars', {x}); % Gradient
hessian_fun = matlabFunction(hessian_fexpr, 'Vars', {x}); % Hessian
% Minimum reference
[Xmin, Fmin] = fminsearch(fun, [-1, -1]');
Xmin = round(Xmin, 3);
Fmin = round(Fmin, 3);
% Amijo globals
global amijo_beta; % Step reduction factor in [0.1, 0.5] (typical range: [0.1, 0.8])
global amijo_sigma; % Sufficient decrease constant in [1e-5, 0.1] (typical range: [0.01, 0.3])
%fixed step size globals
global gamma_fixed_step
global image_width,
global image_height;
image_width = 960;
image_height = 640;

+ 18
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Work 3/scripts/ProjectionPoint.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
function [x_p] = ProjectionPoint(x, SetLimmits)
%Project the x vector to Set, returns a point of Set close(st) to x
% x: A vector to project
% SetLimmits: The set to project. Each line/dimension off the set has to contain the limits
% of the set to that particular dimension
%x_p: The projected point
x_p = x;
for i = 1:size(SetLimmits, 2)
if x(i) < SetLimmits(i,1)
x_p(i) = SetLimmits(i,1);
elseif x(i) > SetLimmits(i,2)
x_p(i) = SetLimmits(i,2);

+ 14
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Work 3/scripts/Script_0_Plots.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
% Define environment (functions, gradients etc...)

% We plot the function in the domain of x,y in [-3, 3].
% We also plot the contour in order to get a sense of the min and maximum
% points in the x-y plane

% 3d plot the function
plot3dFun(fun, XSetLimmits(1, :), XSetLimmits(2, :), 100, title_fun, "figures/Plot_Function.png");

% Plot isobaric lines
plotContour(fun, XSetLimmits(1, :), XSetLimmits(2, :), 100, title_fun, "figures/Plot_Contour.png");

+ 29
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Work 3/scripts/Script_1_SteepDesc.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
% Define environment (functions, gradients etc...)

% Define parameters
max_iter = 1000; % Maximum iterations
tol = 1e-4; % Tolerance

% Point x0 = (1, 1)
% =========================================================================
point = 1;
x0 = [5, -5]';
point_str = "[" + x0(1) + ", " + x0(2) + "]";
f = fun(x0);
gf = grad_fun(x0);
hf = hessian_fun(x0);
fprintf('Initial point (%d, %d), f = %f, grad = [%f;%f], hessian = [%f %f ; %f %f]=> Method applicable\n', x0, f, gf, hf);

for g=[0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 3, 5]
gamma_fixed_step = g;

[x_fixed, f_fixed, kk] = method_SteepDesc(fun, grad_fun, x0, tol, max_iter, 'fixed');
fprintf('Fixed step g=%f: Initial point (%f, %f), steps:%d, Final (x1,x2)=(%f, %f), f(x1,x2)=%f\n', g, x0, kk, x_fixed(:, end), f_fixed(end));
if g <= 1
plotPointsOverContour(x_fixed, fun, XSetLimmits(1, :), XSetLimmits(2, :), 100, point_str + ": Steepest descent $\gamma$ = " + gamma_fixed_step, "");
plotPointsOverContour(x_fixed, fun, [-500, 500], [-500, 500], 100, point_str + ": Steepest descent $\gamma$ = " + gamma_fixed_step, "");

+ 32
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Work 3/scripts/Script_2_SteepDesc_Proj.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
% Define environment (functions, gradients etc...)

% Settings
max_iter = 1000; % Maximum iterations

% Define parameters
% =========================================================================
x0 = [5, -5]';
gamma = 0.5;
sk_step = 5;
tol = 0.01; % Tolerance

point_str = "[" + x0(1) + ", " + x0(2) + "]";
f = fun(x0);
gf = grad_fun(x0);
hf = hessian_fun(x0);
fprintf('Initial point (%d, %d), f = %f, grad = [%f;%f], hessian = [%f %f ; %f %f]=> Method applicable\n', x0, f, gf, hf);

gamma_fixed_step = gamma;
[x_fixed, f_fixed, kk] = method_SteepDesc_Proj(fun, grad_fun, x0, sk_step, XSetLimmits, tol, max_iter, 'fixed');
fprintf('Fixed step g=%f: Initial point (%f, %f), steps:%d, Final (x1,x2)=(%f, %f), f(x1,x2)=%f\n', gamma_fixed_step, x0, kk, x_fixed(:, end), f_fixed(end));
plotPointsOverContour(x_fixed, fun, XSetLimmits(1, :), XSetLimmits(2, :), 100, point_str + ": Steepest descent $\gamma$ = " + gamma_fixed_step, "");

%[x_minimized, f_minimized, kk] = method_SteepDesc_Proj(fun, grad_fun, x0, sk_step, XSetLimmits, tol, max_iter, 'minimized');
%fprintf('Minimized f: Initial point (%f, %f), steps:%d, Final (x1,x2)=(%f, %f), f(x1,x2)=%f\n', x0, kk, x_fixed(:, end), f_fixed(end));
%plotPointsOverContour(x_fixed, fun, XSetLimmits(1, :), XSetLimmits(2, :), 100, point_str + ": Steepest descent minimized", "");

+ 27
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Work 3/scripts/Script_3_SteepDesc_Proj.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
% Define environment (functions, gradients etc...)

% Settings
max_iter = 1000; % Maximum iterations

% Define parameters
% =========================================================================
x0 = [-5, 10]';
gamma = 0.1;
sk_step = 55;
tol = 0.01; % Tolerance

point_str = "[" + x0(1) + ", " + x0(2) + "]";
f = fun(x0);
gf = grad_fun(x0);
hf = hessian_fun(x0);
fprintf('Initial point (%d, %d), f = %f, grad = [%f;%f], hessian = [%f %f ; %f %f]=> Method applicable\n', x0, f, gf, hf);

gamma_fixed_step = gamma;
[x_fixed, f_fixed, kk] = method_SteepDesc_Proj(fun, grad_fun, x0, sk_step, XSetLimmits, tol, max_iter, 'fixed');
fprintf('Fixed step g=%f: Initial point (%f, %f), steps:%d, Final (x1,x2)=(%f, %f), f(x1,x2)=%f\n', gamma_fixed_step, x0, kk, x_fixed(:, end), f_fixed(end));
plotPointsOverContour(x_fixed, fun, XSetLimmits(1, :), XSetLimmits(2, :), 100, point_str + ": Steepest descent $\gamma$ = " + gamma_fixed_step, "");

+ 27
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Work 3/scripts/Script_4_SteepDesc_Proj.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
% Define environment (functions, gradients etc...)

% Settings
max_iter = 1000; % Maximum iterations

% Define parameters
% =========================================================================
x0 = [8, -10]';
gamma = 0.2;
sk_step = 0.1;
tol = 0.01; % Tolerance

point_str = "[" + x0(1) + ", " + x0(2) + "]";
f = fun(x0);
gf = grad_fun(x0);
hf = hessian_fun(x0);
fprintf('Initial point (%d, %d), f = %f, grad = [%f;%f], hessian = [%f %f ; %f %f]=> Method applicable\n', x0, f, gf, hf);

gamma_fixed_step = gamma;
[x_fixed, f_fixed, kk] = method_SteepDesc_Proj(fun, grad_fun, x0, sk_step, XSetLimmits, tol, max_iter, 'fixed');
fprintf('Fixed step g=%f: Initial point (%f, %f), steps:%d, Final (x1,x2)=(%f, %f), f(x1,x2)=%f\n', gamma_fixed_step, x0, kk, x_fixed(:, end), f_fixed(end));
plotPointsOverContour(x_fixed, fun, XSetLimmits(1, :), XSetLimmits(2, :), 100, point_str + ": Steepest descent $\gamma$ = " + gamma_fixed_step, "");

Work 3/scripts/figures/Plot_Contour.png View File

Before After
Width: 3000  |  Height: 2000  |  Size: 90 KiB

Work 3/scripts/figures/Plot_Function.png View File

Before After
Width: 3000  |  Height: 2000  |  Size: 1.1 MiB

Work 3/scripts/figures/StDes_fixed_1.png View File

Before After
Width: 3000  |  Height: 2000  |  Size: 112 KiB

Work 3/scripts/figures/StDes_fixed_2.png View File

Before After
Width: 3000  |  Height: 2000  |  Size: 110 KiB

+ 49
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Work 3/scripts/fmin_bisection.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
function [a, b, k, n] = fmin_bisection(fun, alpha, beta, epsilon, lambda)
% Bisection method for finding the local minimum of a function.
% fun: The objective function
% alpha: (number) The starting point of the interval in which we seek
% for minimum
% beta: (number) The ending point of the interval in which we seek
% for minimum
% epsilon: (number) The epsilon value (distance from midpoint)
% lambda: (number) The lambda value (accuracy)
% return:
% a: (vector) Starting points of the interval for each iteration
% b: (vector) Ending points of the interval for each iteration
% k: (number) The number of iterations
% n: (number) The calls of objective function fun_expr
% Error checking
if alpha > beta || 2*epsilon >= lambda || lambda <= 0
error ('Input criteria not met')
% Init
a = alpha;
b = beta;
n = 0;
while b(k) - a(k) > lambda
% bisect [a,b]
mid = (a(k) + b(k)) / 2;
x_1 = mid - epsilon;
x_2 = mid + epsilon;
% set new search interval
k = k + 1;
if fun(x_1) < fun(x_2)
a(k) = a(k-1);
b(k) = x_2;
a(k) = x_1;
b(k) = b(k-1);

+ 32
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Work 3/scripts/gamma_armijo.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
function [gamma] = gamma_armijo(f, grad_f, dk, xk)
% Calculates the best step based on amijo method
% f(xk​+ γk*dk) ≤ f(xk) + σ * γk * dk^T * ∇f(xk)
% γk = β*γk_0
% f: Objective function
% grad_fun: Gradient function of f
% dk: Current value of selected direction -∇f or -inv{H}*∇f or -inv{H + lI}*∇f
% xk: Current point (x,y)
% beta: beta factor in [0.1, 0.5]
% signam: sigma factor in (0, 0.1]
global amijo_beta
global amijo_sigma

gf = grad_f(xk);
gamma = 1; % Start with a step size of 1

% Perform Armijo line search
while f(xk + gamma * dk) > f(xk) + amijo_sigma * gamma * dk * gf
%while f(xk(1) + gamma * dk(1), xk(2) + gamma * dk(2)) > ...
% f(xk(1), xk(2)) + amijo_sigma * gamma * norm(dk)^2
gamma = amijo_beta * gamma; % Reduce step size
if gamma < 1e-12 % Safeguard to prevent infinite reduction
warning('Armijo step size became too small.');


+ 12
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Work 3/scripts/gamma_fixed.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
function [gamma] = gamma_fixed(~, ~, ~, ~)
% Return a fixed step
% This is for completion and code symmetry.
global gamma_fixed_step
% Perform line search
gamma = gamma_fixed_step;


+ 24
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Work 3/scripts/gamma_minimized.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
function [gamma] = gamma_minimized(f, ~, dk, xk)
% Calculates the step based on minimizing f(xk​− γk*dk)
% f: Objective function
% ~: Gradient function of f - Not used
% dk: Current value of selected direction -∇f or -inv{H}*∇f or -inv{H + lI}*∇f
% xk: Current point (x,y)

% Define the line search function fmin(g) = f(xk - g * dk)
fmin = @(g) f(xk) + g * dk;

% find g that minimizes fmin
e = 0.0001;
l = 0.001;
[a,b,k,~] = fmin_bisection(fmin, 0.0001, 1, e, l); % g in (0, 1]
gamma = 0.5*(a(k) + b(k));

% Define the line search function fmin(g) = f(xk - g * dk)
%fmin = @(g) f(xk(1) - gamma * dk(1), xk(2) - gamma * dk(2));

% find g that minimizes fmin
%gamma = fminbnd(g, 0, 1);

+ 39
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Work 3/scripts/method_SteepDesc.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
function [x_vals, f_vals, k] = method_SteepDesc(f, grad_f, xk, tol, max_iter, mode)
% f: Objective function
% grad_f: Gradient of the function
% xk: Initial point [x0; y0]
% tol: Tolerance for stopping criterion
% max_iter: Maximum number of iterations
% x_vals: Vector with the (x,y) values until minimum
% f_vals: Vector with f(x,y) values until minimum
% k: Number of iterations
if strcmp(mode, 'armijo') == 1
gamma_f = @(f, grad_f, dk, xk) gamma_armijo(f, grad_f, dk, xk);
elseif strcmp(mode, 'minimized') == 1
gamma_f = @(f, grad_f, dk, xk) gamma_minimized(f, grad_f, dk, xk);
else % mode == 'fixed'
gamma_f = @(f, grad_f, dk, xk) gamma_fixed(f, grad_f, dk, xk);
% Storage for iterations, begin with the first point
x_vals = xk;
f_vals = f(xk);
for k = 1:max_iter
% Check for convergence
if norm(grad_f(xk)) < tol
dk = - grad_f(xk); % Steepset descent direction

gk = gamma_f(f, grad_f, dk, xk); % Calculate gamma
x_next = xk + gk * dk; % Update step
f_next = f(x_next);
xk = x_next; % Update point
x_vals = [x_vals, x_next]; % Store values
f_vals = [f_vals, f_next]; % Store function values

+ 50
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Work 3/scripts/method_SteepDesc_Proj.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
function [x_vals, f_vals, k] = method_SteepDesc_Proj(f, grad_f, xk, sk, limmits, tol, max_iter, mode)
% f: Objective function
% grad_f: Gradient of the function
% xk: Initial point [x0; y0]
% sk: Step size (fixed positive scalar)
% limits: Bounds of the feasible set for each dimension
% tol: Tolerance for stopping criterion
% max_iter: Maximum number of iterations
% x_vals: Vector with the (x,y) values until minimum
% f_vals: Vector with f(x,y) values until minimum
% k: Number of iterations
if strcmp(mode, 'armijo') == 1
gamma_f = @(f, grad_f, dk, xk) gamma_armijo(f, grad_f, dk, xk);
elseif strcmp(mode, 'minimized') == 1
gamma_f = @(f, grad_f, dk, xk) gamma_minimized(f, grad_f, dk, xk);
else % mode == 'fixed'
gamma_f = @(f, grad_f, dk, xk) gamma_fixed(f, grad_f, dk, xk);
% Project the first point if needed
xk = ProjectionPoint(xk, limmits);

% Storage for iterations, begin with the first point
x_vals = xk;
f_vals = f(xk);
for k = 1:max_iter
% Check for convergence
if norm(grad_f(xk)) < tol
dk = - grad_f(xk); % Steepset descent direction

% First calculate xk-bar and project it if nessesary
xkbar = xk + sk * dk;
xkbar = ProjectionPoint(xkbar, limmits);

dk = (xkbar - xk); % Steepest descent projection direction
gk = gamma_f(f, grad_f, dk, xk); % Calculate gamma
x_next = xk + gk * dk; % Update step
f_next = f(x_next);
xk = x_next; % Update point
x_vals = [x_vals, x_next]; % Store values
f_vals = [f_vals, f_next]; % Store function values

+ 42
- 0
Work 3/scripts/plot3dFun.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
function plot3dFun(fun, x_lim, y_lim, size, plot_title, filename)
% 3D plots a function
% fun: The function to plot
% x_lim: The range for x axis. ex: [-2, 2]
% y_lim: The range for y axis. ex: [0, 2]
% size: The number of points for each axis
% plot_title: The latex title for the plot

global image_width,
global image_height;

% Generate a grid for x and y
x_space = linspace(x_lim(1), x_lim(2), size);
y_space = linspace(y_lim(1), y_lim(2), size);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x_space, y_space);
% Evaluate the function on the grid
for i = 1:size
for j = 1:size
% Pass each [x1; x2] as input to fun
Z(i, j) = fun([X(i, j); Y(i, j)]);
% 3D plot
figure('Name', 'f(x,y)', 'NumberTitle', 'off');
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, image_width, image_height]); % Set the figure size
surf(X, Y, Z);
% Customize the plot
xlabel('x1'); % Label for x-axis
ylabel('x2'); % Label for y-axis
zlabel('f(x, y)'); % Label for z-axis
title(plot_title, 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16); % Title of the plot

% save the figure
if strcmp(filename, '') == 0
print(gcf, filename, '-dpng', '-r300');

+ 41
- 0
Work 3/scripts/plotContour.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
function plotContour(fun, x_lim, y_lim, size, plot_title, filename)
% plot the contour of a function
% fun: The function to plot
% x_lim: The range for x axis. ex: [-2, 2]
% y_lim: The range for y axis. ex: [0, 2]
% size: The number of points for each axis
% plot_title: The latex title for the plot

global image_width,
global image_height;

% Generate a grid for x and y
x_space = linspace(x_lim(1), x_lim(2), size);
y_space = linspace(y_lim(1), y_lim(2), size);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x_space, y_space);
% Evaluate the function on the grid
for i = 1:size
for j = 1:size
% Pass each [x1; x2] as input to fun
Z(i, j) = fun([X(i, j); Y(i, j)]);
% Contour
figure('Name', 'Contours of f(x1,x2)', 'NumberTitle', 'off');
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, image_width, image_height]); % Set the figure size
contour(X, Y, Z);
% Customize the plot
xlabel('x1'); % Label for x-axis
ylabel('x2'); % Label for y-axis
title(plot_title, 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16); % Title of the plot

% save the figure
if strcmp(filename, '') == 0
print(gcf, filename, '-dpng', '-r300');

+ 54
- 0
Work 3/scripts/plotConvCompare.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
function plotConvCompare(points_1, title_1, points_2, title_2, points_3, title_3, Min_point, plot_title, filename)
% 3D plots a function
% points: The points to plot
% contur_fun: The function for contour plot
% x_lim: The range for x axis. ex: [-2, 2]
% y_lim: The range for y axis. ex: [0, 2]
% size: The number of points for each axis
% plot_title: The latex title for the plot
% filename: The filename to save the plot (if exists)
global image_width,
global image_height;

distances_1 = sqrt((points_1(1, :) - Min_point(1)).^2 + (points_1(2, :) - Min_point(2)).^2);
distances_2 = sqrt((points_2(1, :) - Min_point(1)).^2 + (points_2(2, :) - Min_point(2)).^2);
distances_3 = sqrt((points_3(1, :) - Min_point(1)).^2 + (points_3(2, :) - Min_point(2)).^2);

% 2D plot
figure('Name', 'Convergence compare', 'NumberTitle', 'off');
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, image_width, image_height]); % Set the figure size
title(plot_title, 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16); % Title of the plot
% One
subplot(3, 1, 1);
plot(distances_1, '-o');
% Customize the plot
ylabel(title_1, 'Interpreter', 'none');
grid on

% One
subplot(3, 1, 2);
plot(distances_2, '-o');
% Customize the plot
ylabel(title_2, 'Interpreter', 'none');
grid on

% One
subplot(3, 1, 3);
plot(distances_3, '-o');
% Customize the plot
ylabel(title_3, 'Interpreter', 'none');
grid on

% save the figure
if strcmp(filename, '') == 0
print(gcf, filename, '-dpng', '-r300');

+ 28
- 0
Work 3/scripts/plotItersOverGamma.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
function plotItersOverGamma(gamma, iterations, plot_title, filename)
% 3D plots a function
% fun: The points to plot
% contur_fun: The function for contour plot
% x_lim: The range for x axis. ex: [-2, 2]
% y_lim: The range for y axis. ex: [0, 2]
% size: The number of points for each axis
% plot_title: The latex title for the plot
% filename: The filename to save the plot (if exists)
global image_width,
global image_height;

figure('Name', 'Iterations_over_gamma', 'NumberTitle', 'off');
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, image_width, image_height]); % Set the figure size
plot(gamma, iterations, '*r', 'LineWidth', 2);

% Customize the plot
title(plot_title, 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16); % Title of the plot
xlabel('\gamma') ;

% save the figure
if strcmp(filename, '') == 0
print(gcf, filename, '-dpng', '-r300');

+ 48
- 0
Work 3/scripts/plotPointsOverContour.m View File

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
function plotPointsOverContour(points, contour_fun, x_lim, y_lim, size, plot_title, filename)
% 3D plots a function
% points: The points to plot
% contur_fun: The function for contour plot
% x_lim: The range for x axis. ex: [-2, 2]
% y_lim: The range for y axis. ex: [0, 2]
% size: The number of points for each axis
% plot_title: The latex title for the plot
% filename: The filename to save the plot (if exists)
global image_width,
global image_height;

% Generate a grid for x and y
x_space = linspace(x_lim(1), x_lim(2), size);
y_space = linspace(y_lim(1), y_lim(2), size);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x_space, y_space);
% Evaluate the function on the grid
for i = 1:size
for j = 1:size
% Pass each [x1; x2] as input to fun
Z(i, j) = contour_fun([X(i, j); Y(i, j)]);
% 2D plot
figure('Name', '(x1,x2) convergence', 'NumberTitle', 'off');
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, image_width, image_height]); % Set the figure size
plot(points(1, :), points(2, :), '-or');
hold on
contour(X, Y, Z);
% Customize the plot
xlabel('x1'); % Label for x-axis
ylabel('x2'); % Label for y-axis
grid on

title(plot_title, 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16); % Title of the plot

% save the figure
if strcmp(filename, '') == 0
print(gcf, filename, '-dpng', '-r300');

Work 3/Εργασία3.pdf View File
