A java snake game for A.U.TH. Data structures class
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Board.java 19 KiB

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  1. package SnakePkg;
  2. import java.lang.Math;
  3. /**
  4. * @class Board
  5. * @brief The game's board representation.
  6. *
  7. * The board in a square collection of tiles numbered in a
  8. * boustrophedon (zig-zag) way. A number of snakes, ladders
  9. * and apples which called elements are placed on the board
  10. * for each game.
  11. *
  12. * @author Christos Choutouridis 8997
  13. * @email cchoutou@ece.auth.gr
  14. */
  15. public class Board {
  16. /** Constants */
  17. /**@{ */
  18. static final int POINTS_MAX = 20; /**< The maximum absolute number of points for each apple */
  19. static final int POINTS_STEP = 5; /**< The difference between different apple points */
  20. /**@} */
  21. /** @name Constructors */
  22. /** @{ */
  23. /** A doing nothing default constructor
  24. * @warining Avoid using this constructor as it requires all setters(or copy)
  25. * and @ref createBoard() to be called after.
  26. */
  27. Board () {
  28. N = M =0;
  29. tiles = null;
  30. snakes = null;
  31. ladders = null;
  32. apples = null;
  33. }
  34. /**
  35. * @brief Creates a board for game
  36. *
  37. * This constructor allocates the memory for the board and elements and
  38. * creates a board by placing all required elements on the board.
  39. *
  40. * @param N The row for the board
  41. * @param M The columns of the board
  42. * @param numOfSnakes Number of snakes to place
  43. * @param numOfLadders Number of ladders to place
  44. * @param numOfApples Number of Apples to place
  45. *
  46. * @warning
  47. * We call @ref createBoard() inside this constructor in order for
  48. * the board to be in "playable condition". This is preferable by the author.
  49. * A constructor should(if possible) to leave the object in a usable condition.
  50. * In order to follow the project requirements we create this functionality in a
  51. * separate function @ref createBoard(). We believe that if a user can make a
  52. * mistake he eventually will do it sometime. Here, if we leave the createBoard()
  53. * call to user we are enabling him to make it.
  54. */
  55. Board (int N, int M, int numOfSnakes, int numOfLadders, int numOfApples) {
  56. // Init the board object
  57. setN (N); // Input checked version (may throw)
  58. setM (M); // Input checked version (may throw)
  59. tiles = new int[N][M];
  60. snakes = new Snake[numOfSnakes];
  61. ladders = new Ladder[numOfLadders];
  62. apples = new Apple[numOfApples];
  63. createBoard (); // Complete board preparation and make all the element memory allocations
  64. }
  65. /**
  66. * @brief Copy constructor.
  67. * We make a deep copy of B and we trust B's data to be valid.
  68. * @param B The board we want to copy
  69. * @note We don't use clone as long as we don't inherit Cloneable iface
  70. * @note This requires Snake, Apple and Ladder copy constructors
  71. */
  72. Board (Board B) {
  73. N = B.getN();
  74. M = B.getM();
  75. tiles = new int[N][M];
  76. snakes = new Snake[B.getSnakes().length];
  77. ladders = new Ladder[B.getLadders().length];
  78. apples = new Apple[B.getApples().length];
  79. // Copy B's guts into new memory
  80. setTiles(B.getTiles()); // primitive
  81. copySnakes(B.getSnakes());
  82. copyLadders(B.getLadders());
  83. copyApples(B.getApples());
  84. }
  85. /** @} */
  86. /** @name Get/Set interface */
  87. /** @{ */
  88. /** Get value N */
  89. int getN () { return N; }
  90. /** Set value N */
  91. void setN (int N) { this.N = N; }
  92. /** Get value M */
  93. int getM () { return M; }
  94. /** Set value M */
  95. void setM (int M) { this.M = M; }
  96. /** Get reference to tiles */
  97. int[][] getTiles () { return tiles; }
  98. /**
  99. * Set tiles
  100. * @param tiles Source of tiles to use
  101. * @note This has to be called if the board is default constructed
  102. */
  103. void setTiles (int[][] tiles) {
  104. // Check if we need allocation
  105. if (this.tiles == null)
  106. this.tiles = new int[N][M];
  107. // Assign values
  108. for (int i =0 ; i<N ; ++i)
  109. for (int j =0 ; j<M ; ++j)
  110. this.tiles[i][j] = tiles[i][j];
  111. }
  112. /** Get reference to snakes */
  113. Snake[] getSnakes() { return snakes; }
  114. /**
  115. * Set snakes
  116. * @param snakes Reference to snakes to use
  117. * @note This requires snakes must be allocated elsewhere.
  118. */
  119. void setSnakes(Snake[] snakes) { this.snakes = snakes; }
  120. /** Get reference to ladders */
  121. Ladder[] getLadders() { return ladders; }
  122. /**
  123. * Set ladders
  124. * @param ladders Reference to ladders to use
  125. * @note This requires ladders must be allocated elsewhere.
  126. */
  127. void setLadders(Ladder[] ladders) { this.ladders = ladders; }
  128. /** Get reference to apples */
  129. Apple[] getApples() { return apples; }
  130. /**
  131. * Set apples
  132. * @param apples Reference to apples to use
  133. * @note This requires apples must be allocated elsewhere.
  134. */
  135. void setApples(Apple[] apples) { this.apples = apples; }
  136. /**
  137. * Copy snakes (deep copy)
  138. * @param snakes Source of snakes to use
  139. * @note Requires Snake copy constructor
  140. * @note This has to be called if the board is default constructed
  141. */
  142. void copySnakes(Snake[] snakes) {
  143. // Check if we need allocation
  144. if (this.snakes == null)
  145. this.snakes = new Snake[snakes.length];
  146. // Assign values (deep copy)
  147. for (int i =0 ; i<this.snakes.length ; ++i)
  148. this.snakes[i] = new Snake(snakes[i]);
  149. }
  150. /**
  151. * Copy ladders (deep copy)
  152. * @param ladders Source of ladders to use
  153. * @note Requires Ladder copy constructor
  154. * @note This has to be called if the board is default constructed
  155. */
  156. void copyLadders (Ladder[] ladders) {
  157. // Check if we need allocation
  158. if (this.ladders == null)
  159. this.ladders = new Ladder[ladders.length];
  160. // Assign values (deep copy)
  161. for (int i =0 ; i<this.ladders.length ; ++i)
  162. this.ladders[i] = new Ladder(ladders[i]);
  163. }
  164. /**
  165. * Copy apples (deep copy)
  166. * @param apples Source of apples to use
  167. * @note Requires Apple copy constructor
  168. * @note This has to be called if the board is default constructed
  169. */
  170. void copyApples (Apple[] apples) {
  171. // Check if we need allocation
  172. if (this.apples == null)
  173. this.apples = new Apple[apples.length];
  174. // Assign values (deep copy)
  175. for (int i =0 ; i<this.apples.length ; ++i)
  176. this.apples[i] = new Apple(apples[i]);
  177. }
  178. /** @} */
  179. /** @name Exposed API members */
  180. /** @{ */
  181. /**
  182. * Check if the tile is a snake head. If so return the snake's
  183. * tails tile. If not return the same tile
  184. * @param tile The tile to check
  185. * @return The result tile
  186. */
  187. int checkSnake (int tile) {
  188. for (int i =0 ; i<snakes.length ; ++i) {
  189. if (snakes[i].getHeadId() == tile)
  190. return snakes[i].getTailId();
  191. }
  192. return tile;
  193. }
  194. /**
  195. * Check if the tile is a ladder down step. If so return the ladder's
  196. * up step tile. If not return the same tile.
  197. * @note
  198. * This also break the ladder if used
  199. * @param tile The tile to check
  200. * @return The result tile
  201. */
  202. int checkLadder (int tile) {
  203. for (int i =0 ; i<ladders.length ; ++i) {
  204. if (ladders[i].getDownStepId() == tile &&
  205. ladders[i].getBroken() == false) {
  206. ladders[i].setBroken(true);
  207. return ladders[i].getUpStepId();
  208. }
  209. }
  210. return tile;
  211. }
  212. /**
  213. * Check if the tile is an apple tile. If so eat it and return the score difference
  214. * @param tile The tile to check
  215. * @return The score difference
  216. */
  217. int checkApple (int tile) {
  218. int ds =0; // delta-score
  219. for (int i =0 ; i<apples.length ; ++i) {
  220. if (apples[i].getAppleTileId() == tile) {
  221. // eat it
  222. ds = apples[i].getPoints();
  223. apples[i].setPoints(0);
  224. }
  225. }
  226. return ds;
  227. }
  228. /**
  229. * Create a playable board for the game.
  230. * @warning
  231. * This is not required to be called after construction in order to ensure board's playable
  232. * condition. In fact this function SHOULD NOT CALLED AT ALL.
  233. * The project requirements expect this to be public. The preferable mode would be private.
  234. * @see Board() constructor.
  235. */
  236. void createBoard () {
  237. _tileNumbering (); // Create tile numbering
  238. _placeSnakes (); // Place snakes
  239. _placeApples (); // Place Apples
  240. _placeLadders (); // place ladders
  241. }
  242. /**
  243. * @brief
  244. * make and print element boards
  245. * This is not required in order for the board to be playable
  246. * It just produce a stdout output for convenience.
  247. */
  248. void createElementBoard () {
  249. String[][] elementBoardSnakes = new String[N][M];
  250. String[][] elementBoardLadders = new String[N][M];
  251. String[][] elementBoardApples = new String[N][M];
  252. _makeElementSnakes (elementBoardSnakes);
  253. _makeElementLadders (elementBoardLadders);
  254. _makeElementApples (elementBoardApples);
  255. _printElement (elementBoardSnakes, "elementBoardSnakes");
  256. _printElement (elementBoardLadders, "elementBoardLadders");
  257. _printElement (elementBoardApples, "elementBoardApples");
  258. }
  259. /** @} */
  260. /** @name Private api */
  261. /**@{ */
  262. /**
  263. * @brief
  264. * Create the tile numbering in a boustrophedon (zig-zag) way.
  265. * We use a starting point the tile[0][0] and as finish point
  266. * the tile[N-1][M-1]
  267. */
  268. private void _tileNumbering () {
  269. for (int i=0, tile =1 ; i<N ; ++i) {
  270. if (i%2 == 0) {
  271. // Even row, go right
  272. for (int j=0 ; j<M ; ++j)
  273. tiles[i][j] = tile++;
  274. }
  275. else {
  276. // Odd row, go left
  277. for (int j=M-1 ; j>=0 ; --j)
  278. tiles[i][j] = tile++;
  279. }
  280. }
  281. }
  282. /**
  283. * @brief
  284. * Place the snakes on the board
  285. * The only constrain at this point is that snake tails must be placed
  286. * below heads and heads must be placed in separate tiles
  287. */
  288. private void _placeSnakes () {
  289. int [] head = new int [snakes.length]; // temporary place holder for heads
  290. int [] tail = new int [snakes.length]; // temporary place holder for tails
  291. for (int i =0, tile =0 ; i<snakes.length ; ++i) {
  292. // Keep getting heads until they are different from the previous
  293. do
  294. tile = _pickRandom (M+1, M*N); // Don't use first row for heads
  295. while (_search (head, tile) >= 0);
  296. head[i] = tile;
  297. tail[i] = _pickRandom (1, head[i]-head[i]%M); // Don't use heads row and up for tail
  298. snakes[i] = new Snake(i, head[i], tail[i]); // Allocate snake
  299. }
  300. }
  301. /**
  302. * @brief
  303. * Place apples on the board
  304. * The constrains here are
  305. * that apples have to lie on different tiles and not in some
  306. * snake's head.
  307. * @note We require we have snakes.
  308. */
  309. private void _placeApples () {
  310. int [] apple_tiles = new int [apples.length]; // temporary placeholder for apples
  311. int [] snake_tiles = new int [snakes.length]; // array with snake head tiles
  312. for (int i =0 ; i<snakes.length ; ++i) // Load snake head tiles
  313. snake_tiles[i] = snakes[i].getHeadId();
  314. for (int i =0, tile =0 ; i<apples.length ; ++i) {
  315. // Keep getting tiles until they are different from the previous
  316. // and not in some snake's head
  317. do
  318. tile = _pickRandom (1, M*N);
  319. while ((_search (apple_tiles, tile) >= 0) ||
  320. (_search (snake_tiles, tile) >= 0));
  321. apple_tiles[i] = tile;
  322. // get points
  323. int points = _pickRandom (1, (POINTS_MAX/POINTS_STEP)) * POINTS_STEP;
  324. boolean red = (boolean)(Math.random() >=0.5); // get color
  325. // Allocate apple
  326. if (red)
  327. apples[i] = new Apple(i, tile, "red", points);
  328. else
  329. apples[i] = new Apple(i, tile, "black", -points);
  330. }
  331. }
  332. /**
  333. * @brief
  334. * Place ladders on board
  335. *
  336. * We add constrains so each ladder's up-step tile has to be different from:
  337. * * A snake's head tile. This ensures ladders and snakes are independent
  338. * * A ladders's down-step. This ensure we eliminate ladder chains.
  339. * * One other ladder's up-step. This is not critical but helps the printElement functionality
  340. *
  341. * We add constrains so each ladder's down-step tile has to be different from:
  342. * * A snake's head tile. This ensures ladders and snakes are independent
  343. * * A ladders's down-step. This is not critical but helps the printElement functionality
  344. * * One other ladder's up-step. This ensure we eliminate ladder chains.
  345. * @note We require we have snakes.
  346. */
  347. private void _placeLadders () {
  348. int [] up_step = new int [ladders.length]; // temporary place holder for up-steps
  349. int [] down_step = new int [ladders.length]; // temporary place holder for down-step
  350. int [] snake_tiles= new int [snakes.length]; // array with snake head tiles
  351. for (int i =0 ; i<snakes.length ; ++i) // Load snake head tiles
  352. snake_tiles[i] = snakes[i].getHeadId();
  353. for (int i =0, tile =0 ; i<ladders.length ; ++i) {
  354. // Keep getting up-steps until they are different from the previous ladder tiles
  355. // and not in some snake's head
  356. do
  357. tile = _pickRandom (M+1, M*N); // Don't use first row for up-steps
  358. while ((_search (up_step, tile) >= 0)
  359. || (_search (down_step, tile) >= 0)
  360. || (_search (snake_tiles, tile) >= 0));
  361. up_step[i] = tile;
  362. // Keep getting down-steps until they are different from the previous ladder tiles
  363. // and not in some snake's head
  364. do
  365. // Don't use up-step row and up for down-step
  366. tile = _pickRandom (1, up_step[i]-up_step[i]%M);
  367. while ((_search (up_step, tile) >= 0)
  368. || (_search (down_step, tile) >= 0)
  369. || (_search (snake_tiles, tile) >= 0));
  370. down_step[i] = tile;
  371. ladders[i] = new Ladder (i, up_step[i], down_step[i]); // Allocate ladder
  372. }
  373. }
  374. /**
  375. * Make element array of snakes as required by the project
  376. * @param elemSnakes
  377. */
  378. private void _makeElementSnakes (String[][] elemSnakes) {
  379. int [] head_tiles = new int [snakes.length]; // array with snake head tiles
  380. int [] tail_tiles = new int [snakes.length]; // array with snake head tiles
  381. int sn =-1;
  382. // Load snake head tiles
  383. for (int i =0 ; i<snakes.length ; ++i) {
  384. head_tiles[i] = snakes[i].getHeadId();
  385. tail_tiles[i] = snakes[i].getTailId();
  386. }
  387. // Search all tiles for snake heads and tails
  388. for (int i =0; i<N ; ++i) {
  389. for (int j =0 ; j<M ; ++j) {
  390. if ((sn = _search (head_tiles, tiles[i][j])) >= 0)
  391. elemSnakes[i][j] = "SH" + sn;
  392. else if ((sn = _search (tail_tiles, tiles[i][j])) >= 0)
  393. elemSnakes[i][j] = "ST" + sn;
  394. else
  395. elemSnakes[i][j] = "___";
  396. }
  397. }
  398. }
  399. /**
  400. * Make element array of ladders as required by the project
  401. * @param elemLadders
  402. */
  403. private void _makeElementLadders (String[][] elemLadders) {
  404. int [] up_tiles = new int [ladders.length]; // array with ladder up-step tiles
  405. int [] down_tiles = new int [ladders.length]; // array with ladder down-step tiles
  406. int sn =-1;
  407. // Load ladder tiles
  408. for (int i =0 ; i<ladders.length ; ++i) {
  409. up_tiles[i] = ladders[i].getUpStepId();
  410. down_tiles[i] = ladders[i].getDownStepId();
  411. }
  412. // Search all tiles for snake heads and tails
  413. for (int i =0; i<N ; ++i) {
  414. for (int j =0 ; j<M ; ++j) {
  415. if ((sn = _search (up_tiles, tiles[i][j])) >= 0)
  416. elemLadders[i][j] = "LU" + sn;
  417. else if ((sn = _search (down_tiles, tiles[i][j])) >= 0)
  418. elemLadders[i][j] = "LD" + sn;
  419. else
  420. elemLadders[i][j] = "___";
  421. }
  422. }
  423. }
  424. /**
  425. * Make element array of apples as required by the project
  426. * @param elemApples
  427. */
  428. private void _makeElementApples (String[][] elemApples) {
  429. int [] red_tiles = new int [apples.length]; // array with red apple tiles
  430. int [] black_tiles = new int [apples.length]; // array with black apple tiles
  431. int sn =-1;
  432. // Load apple tiles
  433. for (int i =0 ; i<apples.length ; ++i) {
  434. if (apples[i].getColor() == "red")
  435. red_tiles[i] = apples[i].getAppleTileId();
  436. else
  437. black_tiles[i] = apples[i].getAppleTileId();
  438. }
  439. // Search all tiles for snake heads and tails
  440. for (int i =0; i<N ; ++i) {
  441. for (int j =0 ; j<M ; ++j) {
  442. if ((sn = _search (red_tiles, tiles[i][j])) >= 0)
  443. elemApples[i][j] = "AR" + sn;
  444. else if ((sn = _search (black_tiles, tiles[i][j])) >= 0)
  445. elemApples[i][j] = "AB" + sn;
  446. else
  447. elemApples[i][j] = "___";
  448. }
  449. }
  450. }
  451. /**
  452. * Print element array
  453. * @param elem The element array to print
  454. * @param caption The caption
  455. * @note
  456. * As long as we use tiles[0][0] for first tile, this method
  457. * has to print in reverse Y-axis order. For ex:
  458. * <pre>
  459. * 16 15 14 13
  460. * 09 10 11 12
  461. * 08 07 06 05
  462. * 01 02 03 04
  463. * </pre>
  464. */
  465. private void _printElement (String[][] elem, String caption) {
  466. System.out.print(caption);
  467. for (int i=N-1 ; i>=0 ; --i) {
  468. System.out.println("");
  469. System.out.print(" ");
  470. for (int j =0 ; j<M ; ++j)
  471. System.out.print(elem[i][j] + " ");
  472. }
  473. System.out.println("");
  474. System.out.println("");
  475. }
  476. /**
  477. * Pick a random tile in range [from..to]
  478. * @param from The first tile to consider
  479. * @param to The last tile to consider
  480. * @return The random pick
  481. */
  482. private int _pickRandom (int from, int to) {
  483. return from + (int)(Math.random() * (to - from));
  484. }
  485. /** Search algorithm
  486. * @param array Array to search
  487. * @param elem Element of type T to find inside of array
  488. * @return The status of the operation
  489. * @arg -1 Element not found
  490. * @arg >=0 Element found
  491. */
  492. private int _search (int[] array, int elem) {
  493. for (int i=0 ; i<array.length ; ++i)
  494. if (elem == array[i])
  495. return i;
  496. return -1;
  497. }
  498. /**@} */
  499. /** @name Data members */
  500. /** @{ */
  501. private int N; /**< Board's row count */
  502. private int M; /**< Board's Column count */
  503. private int[][] tiles; /**< Board's tiles */
  504. private Snake[] snakes; /**< Board's snakes */
  505. private Ladder[] ladders; /**< Board's ladders */
  506. private Apple[] apples; /**< Board's apples */
  507. /** @} */
  508. }