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WIP: First draft of the game with rounds and winners

6 changed files with 215 additions and 7 deletions
  1. +52
  2. +3
  3. +59
  4. +79
  5. +5
  6. +17

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src/net/hoo2/auth/labyrinth/ View File

@@ -126,6 +126,58 @@ class Board {

* Predicate to check if a direction is Walkable
* @param tileId The starting tileId.
* @param direction The desired direction.
* @return True if it is walkable.
boolean isWalkable(int tileId, int direction) {
return !tiles[tileId].hasWall(direction)
&& !(tileId == 0 && direction == Direction.DOWN);

* Predicate to check if a direction is Walkable
* @param row Row position of the starting tile.
* @param column Column position of the starting tile.
* @param direction The desired direction.
* @return True if it is walkable.
boolean isWalkable(int row, int col, int direction) {
return !tiles[Position.toID(row, col)].hasWall(direction)
&& !(Position.toID(row, col) == 0 && direction == Direction.DOWN);

* Try to pick supply from a tile. If succeed it also erases the
* supply from the board.
* @param tileId The tile to check
* @return The id of supply.
* @arg Const.noSupply if there is none
* @arg The ID of supply if there is one.
int tryPickSupply(int tileId) {
int supplyId = tiles[tileId].hasSupply(supplies);
if (supplyId != Const.noSupply) {
tiles[tileId].pickSupply(supplies, supplyId);
return supplyId;

* A plain fair dice functionality provided by the board.
* @return A random direction;
int dice () {
ShuffledRange d = new ShuffledRange(Direction.Begin, Direction.End, Direction.Step);
return d.get();

/** @return the size of each site of the board. */
int size () { return N; }
/** @} */


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src/net/hoo2/auth/labyrinth/ View File

@@ -178,7 +178,10 @@ class Range {

/** @name protected data types */
/** @{ */
protected ArrayList<Integer> numbers; /**< handle to range */
/** @} */


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src/net/hoo2/auth/labyrinth/ View File

@@ -8,21 +8,74 @@
package net.hoo2.auth.labyrinth;

* Main application class. This class is the only public interface of
* the entire game.
public class Game {

Game() {} /**< An empty constructor */

* @name Accessor/Mutator interface
* @note
* Please consider not to use mutator interface. Its the abstraction killer :(
* We have added a bit of logic however, in order to make it a bit more safe.
/** @{ */
int getRound() { return round; }
void setRound (int round) { this.round = round; }
/** @} */

/** @name Game's data */
/** @{ */
private int round;
/** @} */

* Main game loop
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Board board = new Board(7, 3, 60);
board.createBoard(0, Position.toID(3, 3));
String[][] frame = board.getStringRepresentation(0, Position.toID(3, 3));
// Create a game, a board and 2 players.
Game game = new Game();
Board board = new Board(11, 4, 82);
Player T = new Player(1, "Theseus", board, 0);
Player M = new Player(2, "Minotaur", board, Position.toID(3, 3));
// Populate data to the board
board.createBoard(T.playerTileId(), M.playerTileId());

while (true) {
int[] m;
System.out.println("Round: " + (game.getRound()+1));

m = T.move(T.playerTileId());
System.out.println(T.getName() + ":\t tileId =" + m[0] + " (" + m[1] + ", " + m[2] + ")");
m = M.move(M.playerTileId());
System.out.println(M.getName() + ":\t tileId =" + m[0] + " (" + m[1] + ", " + m[2] + ")");
board.getStringRepresentation(T.playerTileId(), M.playerTileId())

// Termination cases
if (T.getScore() == 4) {
System.out.println(T.getName() + " Wins!!! Score =" + T.getScore());
if (M.getScore() == 4 || M.playerTileId() == T.playerTileId()) {
System.out.println(M.getName() + " Wins!!! Score =" + M.getScore());
if (!(game.getRound() < 100)) {
System.out.println("New day has come... Tie!!!");
catch (Exception e) {


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src/net/hoo2/auth/labyrinth/ View File

@@ -6,8 +6,86 @@ package net.hoo2.auth.labyrinth;
* This class represents the game's player
class Player {
/** @name Contructors */
/** @{ */

* Create a new player and put him at the row-column coordinates
* @param id The id of the player
* @param name The name of the player
* @param board Reference to the board of the game
Player(int id, String name, Board board, int row, int column) {
this.playerId = id; = name;
this.board = board;
this.score = 0;
this.x = column;
this.y = row;

* Create a new player and put him at the row-column coordinates
* @param id The id of the player
* @param name The name of the player
* @param board Reference to the board of the game
Player(int id, String name, Board board, int tileId) {
this.playerId = id; = name;
this.board = board;
this.score = 0;
this.x = Position.toCol(tileId);
this.y = Position.toRow(tileId);
/** @} */

/** @name Player main application interface */
/** @{ */

* Player's move.
* A player first throw a dice to get a random direction. Then checks if the direction
* is walkable. If it is, then goes to that tile, pick up a possible supply on the tile
* and update player's data.
* @param id The id of the starting tile.
* @return An array containing player's final position and possible supply of that position.
* The array format is:
* <ul>
* <li> int[0]: The tileId of the final player's position.
* <li> int[1]: The row of the final player's position.
* <li> int[2]: The column of the final player's position.
* <li> int[1]: The supplyId in case player picked one (Const.noSupply otherwise).
* </ul>
int[] move(int id) {
// Init return array with the current data
int[] ret = {id, Position.toRow(id), Position.toCol(id), Const.noSupply};

int diceDirection = board.dice(); // throw the dice
if (board.isWalkable(id, diceDirection)) { // The result is walkable
// Get next tile
Position next = new Position(Position.toRow(id), Position.toCol(id), diceDirection);
ret[0] = next.getId(); // Update player's and return data
ret[1] = y = next.getRow();
ret[2] = x = next.getCol();
if ((ret[3] = board.tryPickSupply(next.getId())) != Const.noSupply) {
++score; // keep score
System.out.println(name + ":\t*Found a supply. [score: " + score + "]");
System.out.println(name + ":\t*Can not move.");
return ret;

int playerTileId() { return Position.toID(y, x); }
int playerRow() { return y; }
int playerCol() { return x; }
/** @} */

* @name Accessor/Mutator interface
* @note

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src/net/hoo2/auth/labyrinth/ View File

@@ -126,6 +126,11 @@ class Supply {
this.supplyTileId = p.getId(); // =tileId;
return p;

* Marks the supply removed. This usually mean the supply is picked up by a user.
void removeSupply () { this.supplyId = Const.noSupply; }
/** @} */


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src/net/hoo2/auth/labyrinth/ View File

@@ -179,12 +179,28 @@ class Tile {
return ((up?1:0) + (down?1:0) + (left?1:0) + (right?1:0));

* Utility to check if the tile has a supply.
* @param supplies Reference to supply array to check.
* @return Const.noSupply if there is no supply or the supplyId if succeed.
int hasSupply (Supply[] supplies) {
for (Supply s: supplies)
if (s.position().getId() == position().getId())
return s.getSupplyId();
return Const.noSupply;

* Utility to find a supply in the supplies array and removes it.
* @param supplies Reference to supply array to check
* @param supplyId The supplyId to search.
void pickSupply (Supply[] supplies, int supplyId) {
for (Supply s: supplies)
if (s.getSupplyId() == supplyId)
/** @} */

@@ -244,4 +260,5 @@ class Tile {
* We implement it just because its in the requirements of the assignment.
* @see Supply.supplyTileId
/** @} */
