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WIP: 2nd draft of the board

6 changed files with 447 additions and 181 deletions
  1. +228
  2. +99
  3. +10
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  5. +19
  6. +48

+ 228
- 78
src/net/hoo2/auth/labyrinth/ View File

@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ import java.util.function.IntFunction;
* The board is the square arrangement of the tiles. This class is also
* the owner of the tile and supply objects.
public class Board {
class Board {
/** @name Constructors */
/** @{ */

* The empty constructor for default initialization
protected Board() {
Board() {
this.N = this.S = this.W = 0;
this.tiles = null; =null;
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public class Board {
* @param S The number of supplies on the board
* @param W The number of walls on the board
protected Board(int N, int S, int W) {
Board(int N, int S, int W) {
assert (W>= 4*N-1 && W<=(3*N*N+1)/2 )
: "Boards walls has to be in the range [4N-1, (3N^2+1)/2]";

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public class Board {
* In this class we try to cope with this situation knowing that we can not do anything about
* assignment operator. We just add value semantics to the copy constructor and go on with our lifes...
protected Board(Board b) {
Board(Board b) {
// Copy primitives
this.N = b.N;
this.S = b.S;
@@ -70,31 +70,35 @@ public class Board {
/** @} */

/** @name Supply's main application interface */
/** @name Board's main application interface */
/** @{ */

protected void createTiles() {
int wallPool = W;
wallPool -= createBasicTileWalls ();

protected void createSupplies(int theseusTile, int minotaurTile) {
ShuffledRange rand = new ShuffledRange(0, N*N);
for (int tileId, i=0 ; i<supplies.length ; ++i) {
tileId = rand.get();
while (tileId == theseusTile || tileId == minotaurTile);
supplies[i] = new Supply(i, tileId);

protected void createBoard(int theseusTile, int minotaurTile) {
* Creates the board with all the requested walls and supplies.
* @param theseusTile
* @param minotaurTile
void createBoard(int theseusTile, int minotaurTile) throws Exception {
createSupplies(theseusTile, minotaurTile);

protected String[][] getStringRepresentation(int theseusTile, int minotaurTile) {
* Returns a 2-D array with the string representation of the board.
* The rows of the array represent the Y-coordinate and the columns the X-coordinate.
* The only difference is that between each row there is an extra row with the possible
* walls. This way the number of rows of the returning array are 2N+1 and the number of
* columns N+1.\n
* So each tile of the board is represented by 3 strings. One for the north wall, one for
* the body and one for the south wall.
* @param theseusTile The current Theseus tile
* @param minotaurTile The current Minotaur tile
* @return The string representation of the board
String[][] getStringRepresentation(int theseusTile, int minotaurTile) {
String[][] frame = new String[2*N+1][N];

for (int row=0 ; row<N ; ++row) {
@@ -106,16 +110,22 @@ public class Board {
return frame;

protected void printBoard (String[][] sBoard) {
* Print board utility.
* @param sBoard Reference to string representation of the board to print.
* @note
* As the lower row addresses of the string representation of the board contain
* the south rows, in order to view the board correctly we have to print the rows
* in the opposite order.
void printBoard (String[][] sBoard) {
for (int i=sBoard.length-1 ; i>=0 ; --i) {
for (String it : sBoard[i])

int size() { return N; }

/** @} */

@@ -124,95 +134,208 @@ public class Board {
* Please consider not to use mutator interface. Its the abstraction killer :(
/** @{ */
protected int getN() { return N; }
protected int getS() { return S; }
protected int getW() { return W; }
int getN() { return N; }
int getS() { return S; }
int getW() { return W; }
* @note Use it with care. Any use of this function results to what Sean Parent calls "incidental data-structure".
* <a href=""> see also here</a>
* @return Reference to inner tiles array.
protected Tile[] getTiles() { return tiles; }
Tile[] getTiles() { return tiles; }
* @note Use it with care. Any use of this function results to what Sean Parent calls "incidental data-structure".
* <a href=""> see also here</a>
* @return Reference to inner supplies array.
protected Supply[] getSupplies() { return supplies; }
Supply[] getSupplies() { return supplies; }

protected void setN(int N) { this.N = N; }
protected void setS(int S) { this.S = S; }
protected void setW(int W) { this.W = W; }
void setN(int N) { this.N = N; }
void setS(int S) { this.S = S; }
void setW(int W) { this.W = W; }

* @param tiles Reference to tiles that we want to act as replacement for the inner tiles array.
* @note Use with care.
* Any call to this function will probably add memory for the garbage collector.
protected void setTiles(Tile[] tiles) { this.tiles = tiles; }
void setTiles(Tile[] tiles) { this.tiles = tiles; }
* @param supplies Reference to supplies that we want to act as replacement for the inner supplies array.
* @note Use with care.
* Any call to this function will probably add memory for the garbage collector.
protected void setSupplies(Supply[] supplies) { supplies; }
void setSupplies(Supply[] supplies) { supplies; }
/** @} */

* @name private functionality of the object
/** @{ */

* This function creates randomly all the tiles of the board
private void createTiles() throws Exception {
int wallPool = W;
wallPool -= createBasicTileWalls (); // First create tiles with outer walls
if (createInnerWalls(wallPool) > 0) // Create inner walls with the rest of the requested walls
throw new Exception("Can not create the requested number of walls");

* This function create randomly the board's supplies.
* The supplies has to be in separate tiles and in tiles with no player
* @param theseusTile The tile of the Theseus
* @param minotaurTile The tile of the Minotaur
private void createSupplies(int theseusTile, int minotaurTile) {
ShuffledRange rand = new ShuffledRange(0, N*N); // Make a shuffled range of all tiles
for (int tileId, i=0 ; i<supplies.length ; ++i) {
// Pick a tile as long as there is no player in it
tileId = rand.get();
while (tileId == theseusTile || tileId == minotaurTile);
supplies[i] = new Supply(i, tileId);

/** @name Sentinel predicates */
/** @{ */
private boolean isLeftSentinel (int tileId) { return (Position.toCol(tileId) == 0); }
private boolean isRightSentinel (int tileId) { return (Position.toCol(tileId) == N-1); }
private boolean isUpSentinel (int tileId) { return (Position.toRow(tileId) == N-1); }
private boolean isDownSentinel (int tileId) { return (Position.toRow(tileId) == 0); }
/** @} */

* Predicate to check if a tile direction is `Wallable`.
* A `wallable` direction is a tile direction where:
* <ul>
* <li>The wall is not the DOWN wall from tile (0, 0).
* <li>There is not already a wall in the desired direction. (Implies no sentinel tile).
* <li>The neighbor in this direction has at most `Const.maxTileWalls -1` walls.
* </ul>
* @note
* A wallable direction automatically implies that the direction in not an outer wall.
* @param tileId The tile to check.
* @param direction The direction to check
* @return True if the direction is wallable.
private boolean isWallableDir (int tileId, int direction) {
// Check list
if (tileId == 0 && direction == Direction.DOWN)
return false;
if (tiles[tileId].hasWall(direction))
return false;
switch (direction) {
case Direction.UP: return (tiles[upTileId.apply(tileId)].hasWalls() < Const.maxTileWalls);
case Direction.DOWN: return (tiles[downTileId.apply(tileId)].hasWalls() < Const.maxTileWalls);
case Direction.LEFT: return (tiles[leftTileId.apply(tileId)].hasWalls() < Const.maxTileWalls);
case Direction.RIGHT:return (tiles[rightTileId.apply(tileId)].hasWalls() < Const.maxTileWalls);
return false;

* Predicate to check if a tile is `Wallable`.
* A `wallable` tile is a tile where:
* <ul>
* <li>The tile has at most `Const.maxTileWalls -1` walls.
* <li>There is at least one wallable direction on the tile.
* </ul>
* @param tileId The tile to check
* @return True if the tile is wallable.
private boolean isWallable (int tileId) {
// Check list
if (tileId == Const.noTileId)
return false;
if (tiles[tileId].hasWalls() >= Const.maxTileWalls)
return false;
Range dirs = new Range(Direction.Begin, Direction.End, Direction.Step);
for (int dir ; (dir = dirs.get()) != Const.noTileId ; )
if (isWallableDir(tileId, dir))
return true;
return false;

* This utility function create/allocate the tiles of the board and create
* the outer walls at the same time.
* @return The number of walls created from the utility.
private int createBasicTileWalls () {
int tileCount =0;
// Create basic tiles and outer walls
for (int i =0 ; i< tiles.length ; ++i) {
int r = Position.toRow(i);
int c = Position.toCol(i);
boolean up = (r == N-1) ? true : false;
boolean down = (r == 0 && c != 0) ? true : false;
boolean left = (c == 0) ? true : false;
boolean right = (c == N-1) ? true : false;
boolean up = isUpSentinel(i);
boolean down = isDownSentinel(i) && (i != 0);
boolean left = isLeftSentinel(i);
boolean right = isRightSentinel(i);
tileCount += ((up?1:0) + (down?1:0) + (left?1:0) + (right?1:0));
tiles[i] = new Tile (i, up, down, left, right);
return tileCount;

private int createInnerWalls (int wallPool) {
// Create inner walls for the rest of the desired walls
* Create randomly a wall in the wallable selected tile.
* @param tileId The wallable tile to create the wall
private void createInnerWall(int tileId) {
// Randomly pick a wallable direction in that tile.
ShuffledRange randDirections = new ShuffledRange(Direction.Begin, Direction.End, Direction.Step);
int dir;
dir = randDirections.get();
while (!isWallableDir(tileId, dir));
Position neighbor = new Position(Position.toRow(tileId), Position.toCol(tileId), dir);

* This utility creates the inner walls of the board.
* @param walls The number of walls to create
* @return The number of walls failed to create.
private int createInnerWalls (int walls) {
ShuffledRange randTiles = new ShuffledRange(0, N*N);
for (int tileId, i =0 ; i<wallPool ; ++i) {
// randomly pick a tile with less than 2 walls
for (int tileId, i =0, shuffleMark =0 ; i<walls ; ++i) {
// randomly pick a wallable tile.
do {
tileId = randTiles.get();
if (tileId == Const.noTileId)
return 0;
} while (tiles[tileId].hasWalls() >= 2); //XXX: Predicate : can put wall
// Randomly pick a not used direction in that tile
ShuffledRange randDirections = new ShuffledRange(Direction.Begin, Direction.Step, Direction.End);
Position tilePos = new Position(tileId);
int dir;
dir = randDirections.get();
while (tiles[tileId].hasWall(dir));
switch (dir) {
case Direction.UP:
tiles[tileId].setWalls(true, false, false, false);
tiles[Position.toID(tilePos.getRow()+1, tilePos.getCol())].setWalls(false, true, false, false);
case Direction.DOWN:
tiles[tileId].setWalls(false, true, false, false);
tiles[Position.toID(tilePos.getRow()-1, tilePos.getCol())].setWalls(true, false, false, false);
case Direction.LEFT:
tiles[tileId].setWalls(false, false, true, false);
tiles[Position.toID(tilePos.getRow(), tilePos.getCol()-1)].setWalls(false, false, false, true);
case Direction.RIGHT:
tiles[tileId].setWalls(false, false, false, true);
tiles[Position.toID(tilePos.getRow(), tilePos.getCol()+1)].setWalls(false, false, true, false);
if ((tileId = randTiles.get())== Const.noTileId) {
if (i == shuffleMark) // Wallable tiles exhausted.
return walls - i;
else { // Re-shuffle and continue.
randTiles = new ShuffledRange(0, N*N);
shuffleMark =i;
} while (!isWallable(tileId));
return 0;

* Utility to get the body (center line) of the string representation of the tile.
* @param row What board's row to get.
* @param col What board's column to get.
* @param theseusTile The current tile of the Theseus.
* @param minotaurTile The current tile of the Minotaur.
* @return The body string
private String getTileBody (int row, int col, int theseusTile, int minotaurTile) {
int tileId = Position.toID(row, col);
boolean T = (tileId == theseusTile) ? true : false;
@@ -227,6 +350,15 @@ public class Board {
else return " ";

* Utility to render the 3 strings of the tile in the representation frame.
* @param frame Reference to the frame to print into.
* @param row The board's row to print.
* @param col The board's column to print.
* @param theseusTile The current tile of the Theseus.
* @param minotaurTile The current tile of the Minotaur.
private void renderTile(String[][] frame, int row, int col, int theseusTile, int minotaurTile) {
IntFunction<Integer> toframe = (r)->{ return 2*r+1; };

@@ -237,7 +369,16 @@ public class Board {
frame[toframe.apply(row)-1][col] = tiles[tileId].hasWall(Direction.DOWN) ? "+---" : "+ ";

* Utility to render the 3 strings of the tile in the representation frame in
* the case the tile lies in the east wall. We call these tiles `sentinel tiles`
* @param frame Reference to the frame to print into.
* @param row The board's row to print.
* @param col The board's column to print.
* @param theseusTile The current tile of the Theseus.
* @param minotaurTile The current tile of the Minotaur.
private void renderSentinelTile(String[][] frame, int row, int col, int theseusTile, int minotaurTile ) {
IntFunction<Integer> toframe = (r)->{ return 2*r+1; };

@@ -248,6 +389,15 @@ public class Board {
+ (tiles[tileId].hasWall(Direction.RIGHT)? "|" : " ");
frame[toframe.apply(row)-1][col] = tiles[tileId].hasWall(Direction.DOWN) ? "+---+" : "+ +";
/** @} */

/** @name Neighbor access lambdas */
/** @{ */
private IntFunction<Integer> leftTileId = (id) -> { return Position.toID(Position.toRow(id), Position.toCol(id)-1); };
private IntFunction<Integer> rightTileId = (id) -> { return Position.toID(Position.toRow(id), Position.toCol(id)+1); };
private IntFunction<Integer> upTileId = (id) -> { return Position.toID(Position.toRow(id)+1, Position.toCol(id) ); };
private IntFunction<Integer> downTileId = (id) -> { return Position.toID(Position.toRow(id)-1, Position.toCol(id) ); };
/** @} */

/** @name Class data */
/** @{ */

+ 99
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src/net/hoo2/auth/labyrinth/ View File

@@ -9,15 +9,19 @@ package net.hoo2.auth.labyrinth;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

* Class to hold constant values for entire application
class Const {
static final int noSupply =-1;
static final int noTileId =-1;
static final int maxTileWalls = 2; /**< Number of maximum walls for each tile on the board */
static final int noSupply =-1; /**< Number to indicate the absent of supply */
static final int noTileId =-1; /**< Number to indicate wrong tileId */
* Application wide object to hold settings like values for the session.
class Session {
static int boardSize = 15; /**@< Default board's size (if no one set it via command line) */
static int boardSize = 15; /**< Default board's size (if no one set it via command line) */

@@ -28,9 +32,16 @@ class Direction {
static final int RIGHT =3; /**< East direction */
static final int DOWN =5; /**< South direction */
static final int LEFT =7; /**< West direction */
static final int Begin =1;
static final int End =8;
static final int Step =2;
static final int Begin =1; /**< Iterator style begin of range direction (starting north) */
static final int End =8; /**< Iterator style end of range direction (one place after the last) */
static final int Step =2; /**< Step for iterator style direction */

* Utility to get the opposite
* @param direction Input direction
* @return The opposite direction
static int opposite (int direction) { return (direction+4)%End; }

@@ -45,11 +56,11 @@ class Direction {
class Position {

* Basic constructor from col-row coordinates
* Basic constructor from row-column coordinates
* @param row The row coordinate
* @param col The column coordinate
protected Position(int row, int col) {
Position(int row, int col) { = toID(row, col);

@@ -57,15 +68,33 @@ class Position {
* Basic constructor from Id
* @param tileId The id of tile
protected Position(int tileId) {
Position(int tileId) { = tileId;

* Constructor from row-column coordinates and a direction.
* This constructor creates a position relative to coordinates.
* @param row The row coordinate
* @param col The column coordinate
* @param direction The direction
Position(int row, int col, int direction) {
switch (direction) {
case Direction.UP: = toID(row+1, col); break;
case Direction.DOWN: = toID(row-1, col); break;
case Direction.LEFT: = toID(row, col-1); break;
case = toID(row, col+1); break;

/** @name non-static API */
/** @{ */
protected int getRow() { return toRow(id); } /**< Read access to virtual row coordinate */
protected int getCol() { return toCol(id); } /**< Read access to virtual column coordinate */
protected int getId() { return id; } /**< Read access to id coordinate */
int getRow() { return toRow(id); } /**< Read access to virtual row coordinate */
int getCol() { return toCol(id); } /**< Read access to virtual column coordinate */
int getId() { return id; } /**< Read access to id coordinate */
/** @} */

/** @name Static convention utilities */
@@ -76,7 +105,7 @@ class Position {
* @param col The column coordinate
* @return The converted value
protected static int toID(int row, int col) {
static int toID(int row, int col) {
return row * Session.boardSize + col;

@@ -85,7 +114,7 @@ class Position {
* @param id The id coordinate
* @return The row coordinate
protected static int toRow(int id){
static int toRow(int id){
return id / Session.boardSize;
@@ -93,7 +122,7 @@ class Position {
* @param id The id coordinate
* @return The column coordinate
protected static int toCol(int id) {
static int toCol(int id) {
return id % Session.boardSize;
/** @} */
@@ -104,36 +133,42 @@ class Position {
/** @} */

class ShuffledRange {

ShuffledRange() {
numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();

ShuffledRange(int begin, int end) {
* Class to create ranges of numbers
class Range {
* Create the range [begin, end)
* @param begin The first item on the range
* @param end The item after the last on the range
Range (int begin, int end) {
numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
init (begin, end);
init (begin, end, 1);

ShuffledRange(int begin, int step, int end) {
* Create the range [begin, end) using step as interval between items.
* @param begin The first item on the range
* @param end The item after the last on the range
* @param step The interval between items
Range(int begin, int end, int step) {
numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
init (begin, step, end);

void init (int begin, int end) {
for (int i=begin ; i<end ; ++i)
init (begin, end, step);

void init (int begin, int step, int end) {
* Common utility to create the range for all constructors
private void init (int begin, int end, int step) {
for (int i=begin ; i<end ; i+=step)

* Extract and return the first item from the range.
* @return The first item of the range or Const.noTileId if there is none.
int get () {
try {
return numbers.remove(0);
@@ -143,5 +178,32 @@ class ShuffledRange {

private ArrayList<Integer> numbers;
protected ArrayList<Integer> numbers; /**< handle to range */

* Class to create shuffled ranges of numbers
class ShuffledRange extends Range {
* Create a shuffled version of range [begin, end)
* @param begin The first item on the range
* @param end The item after the last on the range
ShuffledRange(int begin, int end) {
super(begin, end); // Delegate
* Create a shuffled version of the range [begin, end)
* using step as interval between items.
* @param begin The first item on the range
* @param end The item after the last on the range
* @param step The interval between items
ShuffledRange(int begin, int end, int step) {
super(begin, end, step); // Delegate

+ 10
- 6
src/net/hoo2/auth/labyrinth/ View File

@@ -13,12 +13,16 @@ package net.hoo2.auth.labyrinth;
public class Game {

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("Lets begin");
Board board = new Board(7, 3, 42);
board.createBoard(0, Position.toID(3, 3));
String[][] frame = board.getStringRepresentation(0, Position.toID(3, 3));
try {
Board board = new Board(7, 3, 60);
board.createBoard(0, Position.toID(3, 3));
String[][] frame = board.getStringRepresentation(0, Position.toID(3, 3));
catch (Exception e) {


+ 43
- 0
src/net/hoo2/auth/labyrinth/ View File

@@ -1,5 +1,48 @@
package net.hoo2.auth.labyrinth;

* @brief
* This class represents the game's player
class Player {

* @name Accessor/Mutator interface
* @note
* Please consider not to use mutator interface. Its the abstraction killer :(
* We have added a bit of logic however, in order to make it a bit more safe.
/** @{ */
int getPlayerId () { return playerId; }
String getName() { return name; }
Board getBoard () { return board; }
int getScore () { return score; }
int getX() { return x; }
int getY() { return y; }

void setPlayerId(int id) { playerId = id; }
void setName(String name) { = name; }
void setBoard (Board board){ this.board = board; }
void setScore(int score) { this.score = score; }
void setX(int x) {
assert (x >= 0 && x< Session.boardSize) : "X(column) coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
this.x = x;
void setY(int y) {
assert (y >= 0 && y< Session.boardSize) : "Y(row) coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
this.y = y;
/** @} */
/** @name Class data */
/** @{ */
private int playerId; /**< The unique identifier of the player */
private String name; /**< The name of the player */
private Board board; /**< Reference to the session's boards */
private int score; /**< The current score of the player */
private int x; /**< The column coordinate of the player on the board */
private int y; /**< The row coordinate of the player on the board */
/** @} */

+ 19
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src/net/hoo2/auth/labyrinth/ View File

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Supply {
* @param row The row coordinate to place the supply
* @param col The column coordinate to place the supply
protected Supply(int id, int row, int col) {
Supply(int id, int row, int col) {
// Boundary checks
assert (row >= 0 && row< Session.boardSize) : "Row coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
assert (col >= 0 && col< Session.boardSize) : "Column coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class Supply {
* @param id The Id of the created supply
* @param tileId The linear combination of (row, column)
protected Supply(int id, int tileId) {
Supply(int id, int tileId) {
// Boundary check
assert (id >= 0 && id <= Position.toID(Session.boardSize-1, Session.boardSize-1))
: "TileId must be in the range of [0, Session.boardSize^2)";
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Supply {
* A deep copy constructor.
protected Supply (Supply s) {
Supply (Supply s) {
this.supplyId = s.supplyId;
this.x = s.x;
this.y = s.y;
@@ -73,20 +73,20 @@ class Supply {
/** @{ */

/** @return the supplyId */
protected int supplyId () { return supplyId; }
int supplyId () { return supplyId; }
* Set the supplyId
* @param sId The Id to set
* @return The supplyId
* @note This function also returns the supplyId to help in chained expressions.
protected int supplyId (int sID) { return supplyId = sID; }
int supplyId (int sID) { return supplyId = sID; }

* @return the position of the supply as a Position object
* @see Position
protected Position position () { return new Position (supplyTileId); }
Position position () { return new Position (supplyTileId); }

* Set the position of the supply from a (row, column) pair
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class Supply {
* @note This function also returns the Position to help in chained expressions.
* @see Position
protected Position position (int row, int col) {
Position position (int row, int col) {
// Boundary checks
assert (row >= 0 && row< Session.boardSize) : "Row coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
assert (col >= 0 && col< Session.boardSize) : "Column coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class Supply {
* @note This function also returns the Position to help in chained expressions.
* @see Position
protected Position position (int tileId) {
Position position (int tileId) {
// Boundary check
assert (tileId >= 0 && tileId <= Position.toID(Session.boardSize-1, Session.boardSize-1))
: "TileId must be in the range of [0, Session.boardSize^2)";
@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ class Supply {
this.supplyTileId = p.getId(); // =tileId;
return p;

/** @} */

@@ -136,23 +135,23 @@ class Supply {
* We have added a bit of logic however, in order to make it a bit more safe.
/** @{ */
protected int getSupplyId () { return supplyId; }
protected int getX() { return x; }
protected int getY() { return y; }
protected int getSupplyTileId(){ return supplyTileId; }
protected void setSupplyId(int Id) { supplyId = Id; }
protected void setX(int x) {
assert (x >= 0 && x< Session.boardSize) : "X coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
int getSupplyId () { return supplyId; }
int getX() { return x; }
int getY() { return y; }
int getSupplyTileId(){ return supplyTileId; }
void setSupplyId(int Id) { supplyId = Id; }
void setX(int x) {
assert (x >= 0 && x< Session.boardSize) : "X(column) coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
this.x = x;
this.supplyTileId = Position.toID(this.x, this.y);
protected void setY(int y) {
assert (y >= 0 && y< Session.boardSize) : "X coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
void setY(int y) {
assert (y >= 0 && y< Session.boardSize) : "Y(row) coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
this.y = y;
this.supplyTileId = Position.toID(this.x, this.y);
protected void setSupplyTileId(int tileId) {
void setSupplyTileId(int tileId) {
assert (tileId >= 0 && tileId <= Position.toID(Session.boardSize-1, Session.boardSize-1))
: "TileId must be in the range of [0, Session.boardSize^2)";
this.supplyTileId = tileId;

+ 48
- 40
src/net/hoo2/auth/labyrinth/ View File

@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Tile {
* @param left The existence of wall left of the tile
* @param right The existence of wall right of the tile
protected Tile(int row, int col, boolean up, boolean down, boolean left, boolean right) {
Tile(int row, int col, boolean up, boolean down, boolean left, boolean right) {
// Boundary checks
assert (row >= 0 && row< Session.boardSize) : "Row coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
assert (col >= 0 && col< Session.boardSize) : "Column coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class Tile {
* @param left The existence of wall left of the tile
* @param right The existence of wall right of the tile
protected Tile(int id, boolean up, boolean down, boolean left, boolean right) {
Tile(int id, boolean up, boolean down, boolean left, boolean right) {
// Boundary check
assert (id >= 0 && id <= Position.toID(Session.boardSize-1, Session.boardSize-1))
: "TileId must be in the range of [0, Session.boardSize^2)";
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class Tile {
* A deep copy constructor.
protected Tile (Tile t) {
Tile (Tile t) {
this.tileId = t.tileId;
this.x = t.x;
this.y = t.y;
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class Tile {
* @return the position of the tile as a Position object
* @see Position
protected Position position () { return new Position (tileId); }
Position position () { return new Position (tileId); }

* Set the position of the tile from a (row, column) pair
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class Tile {
* @note This function also returns the supplyId to help in chained expressions.
* @see Position
protected Position position (int row, int col) {
Position position (int row, int col) {
// Boundary checks
assert (row >= 0 && row< Session.boardSize) : "Row coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
assert (col >= 0 && col< Session.boardSize) : "Column coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class Tile {
* @note This function also returns the supplyId to help in chained expressions.
* @see Position
protected Position position (int tileId) {
Position position (int tileId) {
// Boundary check
assert (tileId >= 0 && tileId <= Position.toID(Session.boardSize-1, Session.boardSize-1))
: "TileId must be in the range of [0, Session.boardSize^2)";
@@ -131,21 +131,29 @@ class Tile {

* Set the tile's walls
* @param up Request for north wall (winter is coming)
* @param down Request for south wall
* @param left Request for west wall
* @param right Request for east wall
* Sets the tile's wall in the requested direction.
* @param up The direction for the wall.
protected void setWalls (boolean up, boolean down, boolean left, boolean right) {
assert (
((up?1:0) + (down?1:0) + (left?1:0) + (right?1:0)) <=2
) : "A tile can have at most 2 walls";

this.up = (up) ? true : this.up;
this.down = (down) ? true : this.down;
this.left = (left) ? true : this.left;
this.right = (right)? true : this.right;
void setWall (int direction) {
switch (direction) {
case Direction.UP: this.up = true; break;
case Direction.DOWN: this.down = true; break;
case Direction.LEFT: this.left = true; break;
case Direction.RIGHT:this.right = true; break;

* Clears the tile's wall in the requested direction.
* @param up The direction for the wall
void clearWall (int direction) {
switch (direction) {
case Direction.UP: this.up = false; break;
case Direction.DOWN: this.down = false; break;
case Direction.LEFT: this.left = false; break;
case Direction.RIGHT:this.right = false; break;

@@ -153,7 +161,7 @@ class Tile {
* @param direction The direction to check
* @return True if there is a wall
protected boolean hasWall (int direction) {
boolean hasWall (int direction) {
switch (direction) {
case Direction.UP: return up;
case Direction.RIGHT: return right;
@@ -167,11 +175,11 @@ class Tile {
* Checks if the tile has walls and return the number of them
* @return The number of walls
protected int hasWalls () {
int hasWalls () {
return ((up?1:0) + (down?1:0) + (left?1:0) + (right?1:0));

protected int hasSupply (Supply[] supplies) {
int hasSupply (Supply[] supplies) {
for (Supply s: supplies)
if (s.position().getId() == position().getId())
return s.getSupplyId();
@@ -186,35 +194,35 @@ class Tile {
* We have added a bit of logic however, in order to make it a bit more safe.
/** @{ */
protected int getTileId () { return tileId; }
protected int getX () { return x; }
protected int getY () { return y; }
protected boolean getUp () { return up; }
protected boolean getDown () { return down; }
protected boolean getLeft () { return left; }
protected boolean getRight () { return right; }
protected void setTileId(int tileId) {
int getTileId () { return tileId; }
int getX () { return x; }
int getY () { return y; }
boolean getUp () { return up; }
boolean getDown () { return down; }
boolean getLeft () { return left; }
boolean getRight () { return right; }
void setTileId(int tileId) {
assert (tileId >= 0 && tileId <= Position.toID(Session.boardSize-1, Session.boardSize-1))
: "TileId must be in the range of [0, Session.boardSize^2)";
this.tileId = tileId;
this.x = Position.toCol(tileId);
this.y = Position.toRow(tileId);
protected void setX(int x) {
assert (x >= 0 && x< Session.boardSize) : "X coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
void setX(int x) {
assert (x >= 0 && x< Session.boardSize) : "X(column) coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
this.x = x;
this.tileId = Position.toID(this.x, this.y);
protected void setY(int y) {
assert (y >= 0 && y< Session.boardSize) : "Y coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
void setY(int y) {
assert (y >= 0 && y< Session.boardSize) : "Y(row) coordinate must be in the range [0, Session.boardSize)";
this.y = y;
this.tileId = Position.toID(this.x, this.y);
protected void setUp(boolean up) { this.up = up; }
protected void setDown(boolean down) { this.down = down; }
protected void setRight(boolean right) { this.right = right; }
protected void setLeft(boolean left) { this.left = left; }
void setUp(boolean up) { this.up = up; }
void setDown(boolean down) { this.down = down; }
void setRight(boolean right) { this.right = right; }
void setLeft(boolean left) { this.left = left; }
/** @} */

/** @name Class data */
