Micro template library A library for building device drivers
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  1. /*!
  2. * \file detection.h
  3. * \brief Detection idiom based on WG21's N4502 from Walter E. Brown
  4. */
  5. #ifndef __utl_meta_detection_h__
  6. #define __utl_meta_detection_h__
  7. #include <utl/core/impl.h>
  8. #include <utl/meta/basic.h>
  9. #include <type_traits>
  10. /*!
  11. * \ingroup meta
  12. * \defgroup detection Detection
  13. * Detection idiom support header.
  14. */
  15. //! @{
  16. namespace utl {
  17. namespace meta {
  18. /*!
  19. * \name void_t implementation
  20. */
  21. //! @{
  22. #if defined(UTL_WORKAROUND_CWG_1558)
  23. template<typename... _Ts>
  24. struct void_ {
  25. using type = void;
  26. };
  27. //! void_t type alias
  28. template<typename... _Ts>
  29. using void_t = eval<void_<_Ts...>>;
  30. #else
  31. //! void_ meta-function that maps a sequence of any types to the type void
  32. template <typename...> using void_ = void;
  33. //! void_t meta-function that maps a sequence of any types to the type void
  34. template <typename...> using void_t = void;
  35. #endif
  36. //! @}
  37. /*!
  38. * \brief
  39. * Not a type to use in detected idiom.
  40. *
  41. * This type can not be constructed, destructed or copied.
  42. */
  43. struct nat_ {
  44. nat_() = delete;
  45. ~nat_() = delete;
  46. nat_(nat_ const&) = delete;
  47. void operator = (nat_ const&) = delete;
  48. };
  49. //! \name Detector for detection idiom
  50. //! @{
  51. namespace details {
  52. template <typename Default,
  53. typename AlwaysVoid,
  54. template<typename...> class Op, typename... Args>
  55. struct detector {
  56. using detected = false_;
  57. using type = Default;
  58. };
  59. template <typename Default,
  60. template<typename...> class Op, typename... Args>
  61. struct detector <Default, void_t<Op<Args...>>, Op, Args...> {
  62. using detected = true_;
  63. using type = Op<Args...>;
  64. };
  65. //! helper for detected_or_t
  66. template <typename Default,
  67. template<typename...> class Op, typename... Args>
  68. using detected_or = detector<Default, void, Op, Args...>;
  69. } // namespace details
  70. //! @}
  71. /*!
  72. * \name detection interface
  73. */
  74. //! @{
  75. /*!
  76. * Checks if Op<Args...> is a valid expression without evaluating it.
  77. *
  78. * \tparam Op a meta-callback function to pass Args...
  79. * \tparam Args... types to pass to Op for checking
  80. * \return status of the operation [bool_]
  81. * \arg true_ if Op<Args...> is valid expression
  82. * \arg false_ if Op<Args...> is not valid
  83. *
  84. * \code
  85. * // archetypal alias for a copy assignment operation
  86. * template< class T > using copy_assign_t = decltype( declval<T&>() = declval<T const &>() );
  87. *
  88. * template< class T > using is_copy_assignable = is_detected< copy_assign_t, T >;
  89. * \endcode
  90. */
  91. template <template<typename...> class Op, typename... Args>
  92. using is_detected = typename details::detector<nat_, void, Op, Args...>::detected;
  93. //! Detection predicate
  94. template< template<typename...> class Op, typename... Args>
  95. constexpr bool is_detected_v = is_detected<Op, Args...>::value;
  96. /*!
  97. * Detection tool that evaluates to Op<Args...> if it's valid and to nat_ if not
  98. *
  99. * \tparam Op metafunction detector
  100. * \tparam Args... The arguments to pass to \p Op and check if is well formed
  101. * \return The result type
  102. * \arg Op<Args...> if is well formed
  103. * \arg nat_ if Op<Args...> is ill formed
  104. *
  105. * \code
  106. * template <typename T> using try_type = typename T::type; // detector
  107. * template <typename T> using try_ppT = decltype (++(std::declval<T>())); // detector
  108. * static_assert( std::is_same<nat_, detected_t<try_type, A<int>> >(), ""); // detection failed
  109. * static_assert( std::is_same<A<int>&, detected_t<try_ppT, A<int>> >(), ""); // detection succeed
  110. *
  111. * // if mFun<int, int> is well formed
  112. * static_assert(std::is_same< mFun<int, int>, detected_t<mFun, int, int> >(), "");
  113. * \endcode
  114. */
  115. template <template<typename...> class Op, typename... Args>
  116. using detected_t = eval <
  117. details::detector<nat_, void, Op, Args...>
  118. >;
  119. /*!
  120. * Detection tool that evaluates to Op<Args...> if it's valid and to \p Default if not
  121. *
  122. * \tparam Default The resulting type if detection fail
  123. * \tparam Op metafunction detector
  124. * \tparam Args... The arguments to pass to \p Op and check if is well formed
  125. * \return The result type
  126. * \arg Op<Args...> if is well formed
  127. * \arg Default if Op<Args...> is ill formed
  128. *
  129. * \code
  130. * template <typename T> using try_type = typename T::type; // detector
  131. * template <typename T> using try_ppT = decltype (++(std::declval<T>())); // detector
  132. * static_assert( std::is_same<Foo, detected_or_t<Foo, try_type, A<int>> >(), ""); // detection failed
  133. * static_assert( std::is_same<A<int>&, detected_or_t<Foo, try_ppT, A<int>> >(), ""); // detection succeed
  134. *
  135. * // if mFun<int, int> is well formed
  136. * static_assert(std::is_same< mFun<int, int>, detected_or_t<void, mFun, int, int> >(), "");
  137. * \endcode
  138. */
  139. template <typename Default,
  140. template<typename...> class Op, typename... Args>
  141. using detected_or_t = eval <
  142. details::detected_or<Default, Op, Args...>
  143. >;
  144. /*!
  145. * Detection tool that evaluates to true_ if evaluation of Op<Args...>
  146. * is \p Expected and to false_ if not
  147. *
  148. * \tparam Expected The expected resulting type if detection succeed
  149. * \tparam Op metafunction detector
  150. * \tparam Args... The arguments to pass to \p Op and check if is well formed
  151. * \return The result type
  152. * \arg true_ if Op<Args...> is well formed and evaluate to Expected
  153. * \arg false_ Any other case
  154. *
  155. * \code
  156. * template <typename T> using try_type = typename T::type; // detector
  157. * template <typename T> using try_ppT = decltype (++(std::declval<T>())); // detector
  158. * static_assert( std::is_same<false_, is_detected_exact<int, try_type, A<int>> >(), ""); // detection failed
  159. * static_assert( std::is_same<true_, is_detected_exact<A<int>&, try_ppT, A<int>> >(), ""); // detection succeed
  160. *
  161. * // if mFun<int, int> is well formed
  162. * static_assert(std::is_same< true_, is_detected_exact<mFun<int, int>, mFun, int, int> >(), "");
  163. * \endcode
  164. */
  165. template <typename Expected,
  166. template<typename...> class Op, typename... Args >
  167. using is_detected_exact = eval <
  168. same<Expected, detected_t<Op, Args...>>
  169. >;
  170. //! evaluates to true if evaluation of Op<Args...> is \p Expected and to false if not
  171. template <typename Expected,
  172. template<typename...> class Op, typename... Args >
  173. constexpr bool is_detected_exact_v = is_detected_exact< Expected, Op, Args...>::value;
  174. /*!
  175. * Detection tool that evaluates to true_ if evaluation of Op<Args...> is convertible
  176. * to \p To and to false_ if not
  177. *
  178. * \tparam To The to convert to if detection succeed
  179. * \tparam Op metafunction detector
  180. * \tparam Args... The arguments to pass to \p Op and check if is well formed
  181. * \return The result type
  182. * \arg true_ if Op<Args...> is well formed and convertible to To
  183. * \arg false_ Any other case
  184. *
  185. * \code
  186. * template <typename T> using try_type = typename T::type; // detector
  187. * template <typename T> using try_ppT = decltype (++(std::declval<T>())); // detector
  188. * static_assert( std::is_same<false_, is_detected_convertible<Foo, try_type, A<int>> >(), ""); // detection failed
  189. * static_assert( std::is_same<true_, is_detected_convertible<A<int>&&, try_ppT, A<int>> >(), "");// detection succeed
  190. *
  191. * // if mFun<int, int> is well formed but not convertible to Foo
  192. * static_assert(std::is_same< false_, is_detected_convertible<Foo, mFun, int, int> >(), "");
  193. * \endcode
  194. */
  195. template <typename To,
  196. template<typename...> class Op, typename... Args >
  197. using is_detected_convertible = eval <
  198. std::is_convertible< detected_t<Op, Args...>, To >
  199. >;
  200. //! evaluates to true if evaluation of Op<Args...> is convertible to \p To
  201. //! and to false if not
  202. template <typename To,
  203. template<typename...> class Op, typename... Args >
  204. constexpr bool is_detected_convertible_v =
  205. is_detected_convertible<To, Op, Args...>::value;
  206. //! @}
  207. }}
  208. //!@}
  209. #endif /* __utl_meta_detection_h__ */