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structtesting_1_1internal_1_1is__same.tex 1005 B

  1. \hypertarget{structtesting_1_1internal_1_1is__same}{}\section{testing\+:\+:internal\+:\+:is\+\_\+same$<$ T, U $>$ Struct Template Reference}
  2. \label{structtesting_1_1internal_1_1is__same}\index{testing\+::internal\+::is\+\_\+same$<$ T, U $>$@{testing\+::internal\+::is\+\_\+same$<$ T, U $>$}}
  3. {\ttfamily \#include $<$gtest.\+h$>$}
  4. Inheritance diagram for testing\+:\+:internal\+:\+:is\+\_\+same$<$ T, U $>$\+:\begin{figure}[H]
  5. \begin{center}
  6. \leavevmode
  7. \includegraphics[height=2.000000cm]{structtesting_1_1internal_1_1is__same}
  8. \end{center}
  9. \end{figure}
  10. \subsection*{Additional Inherited Members}
  11. \subsection{Detailed Description}
  12. \subsubsection*{template$<$typename T, typename U$>$\newline
  13. struct testing\+::internal\+::is\+\_\+same$<$ T, U $>$}
  14. Definition at line 2194 of file gtest.\+h.
  15. The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file\+:\begin{DoxyCompactItemize}
  16. \item
  17. test/eclipse-\/cygwin/lib/gtest/\mbox{\hyperlink{gtest_8h}{gtest.\+h}}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}