Bladeren bron

WIP: BG95/sequencer sanitizers

Christos Choutouridis 2 jaren geleden
4 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 91 en 215 verwijderingen
  1. +42
  2. +13
  3. +0
  4. +36

+ 42
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include/drv/BG95_base.h Bestand weergeven

@@ -250,23 +250,58 @@ class BG95_base
// cmd: "AT+CREG?"
// expected: "\r\n+CREG: 0,%\r\n\r\nOK\r\n"
* \brief
* Send a command to modem and check if the response matches to
* \c expected. If so read any token inside response marked with
* \c Marker, convert the value into type \c T and write it to \c t
* \param cmd The comand to send (null terminated)
* \param expected The expected response
* \param t The value to return
* \param timeout The timeout in CPU time (leave it for 0 - no timeout)
* \tparam T The type of the value to read from response marked with \c Marker
* \tparam Marker The marker character
* \return True on success
* example
* \code
* BG95<256> modem;
* std::thread th1 ([&](){
* modem.inetd(false);
* });
* int status;
* bool done = modem.command("AT+CREG?\r\n", "\r\n+CREG: 0,%\r\n\r\nOK\r\n", status);
* if (done && status == 1)
* std::cout << "Connected to home network\n"
* \endcode
template <typename T, char Marker = '%'>
bool command (const char* cmd, const str_view_t expected, T& t) {
bool command (const char* cmd, const str_view_t expected, T& t, clock_t timeout =0) {
char buffer[N];
for (size_t pos =0, i=0, j=0 ; pos < expected.size(); pos += j) {
str_view_t ex = expected.substr(pos); // get starting point of expected
size_t sz = receive(buffer, 1); // load the answer
size_t sz =0;
clock_t mark = clock();
do {
sz = receive(buffer); // load the answer with timeout
if ((timeout != 0 )&& ((clock() - mark) >= timeout)) {
return false;
} while (!sz);
for (i=0, j=0 ; i<sz ; ) {
if (ex[j] == Marker) {
i += parse(&buffer[i], sz, ex[j+1], t); // parse and convert
i += parse(&buffer[i], sz, ex[j+1], t); // parse and convert
else if (ex[j] == buffer[i]) {
++j; // consume current character
++i; // if same consume current character
return false; // Fail to parse
@@ -313,8 +348,8 @@ class BG95_base
//! @}
equeue<char, N> rx_q{};
std::atomic<size_t> streams_{};
equeue<char, N, true> rx_q{};
std::atomic<size_t> streams_{};
} // namespace tbx;

+ 13
- 0
test/Makefile Bestand weergeven

@@ -221,6 +221,19 @@ build-clang: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)
.PHONY: debug
debug: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)
.PHONY: test_asan
test_asan: CFLAGS += -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=leak -fsanitize=bounds-strict
test_asan: LDFLAGS += -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=leak -fsanitize=bounds-strict
test_asan: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)
.PHONY: test_tsan
test_tsan: CFLAGS += -fsanitize=thread
test_tsan: LDFLAGS += -fsanitize=thread
test_tsan: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)
.PHONY: release
release: CFLAGS := $(REL_CFLAGS)
release: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

+ 0
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test/main.cpp Bestand weergeven

@@ -28,185 +28,6 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <exception>
//#include <drv/BG95_base.h>
//#include <gtest/gtest.h>
//#include <cont/equeue.h>
////#include <map>
////#include <iostream>
//#include <cstring>
//#include <utility>
//#ifndef WIN_TRHEADS
//#include <mutex>
//#include <thread>
//#include <mingw.thread.h>
//#include <mingw.mutex.h>
//using namespace tbx;
//using Q = equeue<char, 512, true>;
//// BG95 implementer mock
//class BG95 : public BG95_base<BG95, Q, 256> {
// using base_type = BG95_base<BG95, Q, 256>;
// public:
// enum class event {
// };
// // simulated modem operation
// private:
// struct cmd_pair {
// const char *cmd;
// const char *resp;
// };
// struct event_pair {
// event e;
// const char* resp;
// };
// std::array<cmd_pair, 19> cmd_map = {{
// {"ERROR", "\r\nERROR\r\n"},
// {"ATE0\r\n", "\r\nATE0\r\nOK\r\n"},
// {"AT\r\n", "\r\nOK\r\n"},
// {"AT+QCFG=\"nwscanseq\"\r\n", "\r\n+QCFG: \"nwscanseq\",020301\r\n"},
// {"AT+QCFG=\"nwscanseq\",010302\r\n", "\r\nOK\r\n"},
// {"AT+CREG?\r\n", "\r\n+CREG: 0,5\r\n\r\nOK\r\n"},
// {"AT+CSQ\r\n", "\r\n+CSQ: 19,99\r\n\r\nOK\r\n"},
// {"AT+QNWINFO\r\n", "\r\n+QNWINFO: \"EDGE\",\"20201\",\"GSM 1800\",865\r\n\r\nOK\r\n"},
// // Files
// {"AT+QFLST\r\n", "\r\n+QFLST: \"cacert.pem\",1220\r\n+QFLST: \"security/\",2\r\nOK\r\n"},
// // MQTT config
// {"AT+QSSLCFG=\"ignorelocaltime\",2,1\r\n", "\r\nOK\r\n"},
// {"AT+QSSLCFG=\"seclevel\",2,1\r\n", "\r\nOK\r\n"},
// {"AT+QSSLCFG=\"sslversion\",2,4\r\n", "\r\nOK\r\n"},
// {"AT+QSSLCFG=\"ciphersuite\",2\r\n", "\r\n+QSSLCFG: \"ciphersuite\",2,0XFFFF\r\n\r\nOK\r\n"},
// {"AT+QMTCFG=\"ssl\",0,1,2\r\n", "\r\nOK\r\n"},
// {"AT+QMTCFG=\"keepalive\",0,3600\r\n", "\r\nOK\r\n"},
// // MQTT
// {"AT+QMTOPEN=0,\"\",8883\r\n", "\r\nOK\r\n\r\n+QMTOPEN: 0,0\r\n"},
// {"AT+QMTCONN=0,\"myID\",\"user\",\"pass\"\r\n", "\r\nOK\r\n\r\n+QMTCONN: 0,0,0\r\n"},
// {"AT+QMTSUB=0,1,\"/path/topic1\",2\r\n", "\r\nOK\r\n\r\n+QMTSUB: 0,1,0,2\r\n"},
// {"AT+QMTPUB=0,0,0,0,\"/path/topic2\",9\r\n", "\r\n> \r\nOK\r\n\r\n+QMTPUB: 0,0,0\r\n"},
// }};
// std::array<event_pair, 2> event_map {{
// {event::MQTT_DISCONNECT, "\r\n+QMTSTAT: 0,1\r\n"},
// {event::MQTT_RXDATA, "\r\n+QMTRECV: 0,1,\"/path/topic1\",\"BR: hello to all of my subscribers\""}
// }};
// const char* cmd_responce (const char* cmd) {
// for (auto& it : cmd_map) {
// if (!strcmp(it.cmd, cmd))
// return it.resp;
// }
// return cmd_map[0].resp;
// }
// const char* event_responce (const event e) {
// for (auto& it : event_map) {
// if (e == it.e)
// return it.resp;
// }
// return nullptr; // non reachable
// }
// // data
// Q rx_q{};
// std::atomic<size_t> lines{};
// public:
// using range_t = typename Q::range_t;
// public:
// // BG95_base driver requirements
// BG95() :
// rx_q(Q::data_match::MATCH_PUSH, base_type::delimiter, [&](){
// lines.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
// }), lines(0) { }
// size_t get(char* data, bool wait =false) {
// do {
// if (lines.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
// size_t n =0;
// do{
// *data << rx_q;
// ++n;
// } while (*data++ != base_type::delimiter);
// lines.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
// return n;
// }
// } while (wait);
// return 0;
// }
// size_t put (const char* data, size_t n) {
// const char* reply = cmd_responce (data);
// while (*reply)
// rx_q << *reply++;
// return n;
// }
// const range_t contents() const {
// return range_t {rx_q.begin(), rx_q.end()};
// }
// clock_t clock() { static clock_t t=0; return ++t; }
// // extra helper for testing purposes
// void async (event e) {
// const char* reply =event_responce (e);
// while (*reply)
// rx_q << *reply++;
// }
//// Behavior flag
//bool handler_flag = false;
//void handler (const char* data, size_t n) {
// (void)*data;
// (void)n;
//// std::cout << "* handler called\n";
// handler_flag = true;
//void clear_flag () {
// handler_flag = false;
//int main(int argc, char **argv) try {
// BG95 modem;
// const BG95::async_handlers<2> async = {{
// {"+QMTOPEN:", BG95::match_t::STARTS_WITH, handler, BG95::action_t::NO, 0},
// {"+QMT", BG95::match_t::STARTS_WITH, handler, BG95::action_t::NO, 0},
// }};
// const BG95::script_t<5, 2> script = {{
// /* 0 */{BG95::control_t::NOP, {"", BG95::match_t::NO, nullptr, BG95::action_t::GOTO, 1}, 1000},
// /* 1 */{BG95::control_t::SEND, {"ATE0\r\n", BG95::match_t::NO, nullptr, BG95::action_t::NEXT, 0}, 0},
// /* 2 */{BG95::control_t::EXPECT, {{
// {"OK\r\n", BG95::match_t::ENDS_WITH, nullptr, BG95::action_t::NEXT, 0},
// {"ERROR", BG95::match_t::CONTAINS, nullptr, BG95::action_t::EXIT_ERROR, 0} }},
// 1000
// },
// /* 3 */{BG95::control_t::SEND, {"AT+CSQ\r\n", BG95::match_t::NO, nullptr, BG95::action_t::NEXT, 0}, 0},
// /* 4 */{BG95::control_t::EXPECT, {{
// {"OK\r\n", BG95::match_t::ENDS_WITH, nullptr, BG95::action_t::EXIT_OK, 0},
// {"ERROR", BG95::match_t::CONTAINS, nullptr, BG95::action_t::EXIT_ERROR, 0} }},
// 1000
// },
// }};
// std::atomic<bool> lock(true);
// std::thread th1 ([&](){
// do
// modem.inetd(async, false);
// while (lock.load(std::memory_order_acquire));
// });
// EXPECT_EQ (, true);
//, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
// th1.join();
//catch (std::exception& e) {
// std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
GTEST_API_ int main(int argc, char **argv) try {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

+ 36
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test/tests/BG95_base.cpp Bestand weergeven

@@ -46,11 +46,14 @@
namespace test_bg95_base {
using namespace tbx;
using Q = equeue<char, 512, true>;
// BG95 implementer mock
class BG95 : public BG95_base<BG95, Q, 256> {
using base_type = BG95_base<BG95, Q, 256>;
template<size_t N>
class BG95 : public BG95_base<BG95<N>, equeue<char, N, true>, N> {
using Q = equeue<char, N, true>;
using base_type = BG95_base<BG95<N>, Q, N>;
enum class event {
@@ -172,18 +175,18 @@ namespace test_bg95_base {
* Test inetd in non blocking mode
TEST(TBG95_base, inetd_non_blocking) {
BG95 modem;
BG95<256> modem;
char buffer[256];
const BG95::async_handlers<2> async = {{
{"+QMTOPEN:", BG95::match_t::STARTS_WITH, handler, BG95::action_t::NO, 0},
{"+QMT", BG95::match_t::STARTS_WITH, handler, BG95::action_t::NO, 0},
const BG95<256>::async_handlers<2> async = {{
{"+QMTOPEN:", BG95<256>::match_t::STARTS_WITH, handler, BG95<256>::action_t::NO, 0},
{"+QMT", BG95<256>::match_t::STARTS_WITH, handler, BG95<256>::action_t::NO, 0},
modem.inetd(false, &async);
EXPECT_EQ (handler_flag, false);
modem.inetd(false, &async); // parse "\r\n"
EXPECT_EQ (handler_flag, false);
modem.inetd(false, &async); // parse "+QMT*\r\n" and dispatch to handler()
@@ -220,47 +223,51 @@ namespace test_bg95_base {
TEST(TBG95_base, run) {
BG95 modem;
BG95<256> modem;
const BG95::async_handlers<2> async = {{
{"+QMTOPEN:", BG95::match_t::STARTS_WITH, handler, BG95::action_t::NO, 0},
{"+QMT", BG95::match_t::STARTS_WITH, handler, BG95::action_t::NO, 0},
const BG95<256>::async_handlers<2> async = {{
{"+QMTOPEN:", BG95<256>::match_t::STARTS_WITH, handler, BG95<256>::action_t::NO, 0},
{"+QMT", BG95<256>::match_t::STARTS_WITH, handler, BG95<256>::action_t::NO, 0},
const BG95::script_t<5> script = {{
/* 0 */{BG95::control_t::NOP, {"", BG95::match_t::NO, nullptr, BG95::action_t::GOTO, 1}, 1000},
/* 1 */{BG95::control_t::SEND, {"ATE0\r\n", BG95::match_t::NO, nullptr, BG95::action_t::NEXT, 0}, 0},
/* 2 */{BG95::control_t::EXPECT, {{
{"OK\r\n", BG95::match_t::ENDS_WITH, nullptr, BG95::action_t::NEXT, 0},
{"ERROR", BG95::match_t::CONTAINS, nullptr, BG95::action_t::EXIT_ERROR, 0} }},
const BG95<256>::script_t<5> script = {{
/* 0 */{BG95<256>::control_t::NOP, {"", BG95<256>::match_t::NO, nullptr, BG95<256>::action_t::GOTO, 1}, 1000},
/* 1 */{BG95<256>::control_t::SEND, {"ATE0\r\n", BG95<256>::match_t::NO, nullptr, BG95<256>::action_t::NEXT, 0}, 0},
/* 2 */{BG95<256>::control_t::EXPECT, {{
{"OK\r\n", BG95<256>::match_t::ENDS_WITH, nullptr, BG95<256>::action_t::NEXT, 0},
{"ERROR", BG95<256>::match_t::CONTAINS, nullptr, BG95<256>::action_t::EXIT_ERROR, 0} }},
/* 3 */{BG95::control_t::SEND, {"AT+CSQ\r\n", BG95::match_t::NO, nullptr, BG95::action_t::NEXT, 0}, 0},
/* 4 */{BG95::control_t::EXPECT, {{
{"OK\r\n", BG95::match_t::ENDS_WITH, nullptr, BG95::action_t::EXIT_OK, 0},
{"ERROR", BG95::match_t::CONTAINS, nullptr, BG95::action_t::EXIT_ERROR, 0} }},
/* 3 */{BG95<256>::control_t::SEND, {"AT+CSQ\r\n", BG95<256>::match_t::NO, nullptr, BG95<256>::action_t::NEXT, 0}, 0},
/* 4 */{BG95<256>::control_t::EXPECT, {{
{"OK\r\n", BG95<256>::match_t::ENDS_WITH, nullptr, BG95<256>::action_t::EXIT_OK, 0},
{"ERROR", BG95<256>::match_t::CONTAINS, nullptr, BG95<256>::action_t::EXIT_ERROR, 0} }},
std::atomic<bool> lock(true);
std::mutex m;
std::thread th1 ([&](){
modem.inetd(false, &async);
while (lock.load(std::memory_order_acquire));
while (!m.try_lock());
EXPECT_EQ (, true);, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
m.unlock(); // stop and join inetd
TEST(TBG95_base, command) {
BG95 modem;
BG95<256> modem;
std::atomic<bool> lock(true);
std::mutex m;
std::thread th1 ([&](){
while (lock.load(std::memory_order_acquire));
while (!m.try_lock());
int status;
EXPECT_EQ (modem.command("AT+CREG?\r\n", "\r\n+CREG: 0,%\r\n\r\nOK\r\n", status), true);
@@ -270,7 +277,7 @@ namespace test_bg95_base {
EXPECT_EQ (modem.command("AT+CREG?\r\n", "\r\n%\r\n\r\nOK\r\n", substr), true);
EXPECT_EQ (strcmp("+CREG: 0,5", substr), 0);, std::memory_order_acq_rel); // stop and join inetd
m.unlock(); // stop and join inetd
