A messenger application for Raspberry Pi Zerofor A.U.TH (Real time Embedded systems).
Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

  1. new message: from=8997, to=8844, timestamp=1570200083, text=The ships hung in the sk
  2. new message: from=8997, to=8941, timestamp=1570200149, text=The ships hung in the sk
  3. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=6969, timestamp=1570200180, text=kotsarelos#0
  4. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=9001, timestamp=1570200146, text=I am message #0 of GKyri
  5. new message: from=8997, to=8844, timestamp=1570200215, text=The ships hung in the sk
  6. new message: from=8997, to=8765, timestamp=1570200281, text=The ships hung in the sk
  7. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8997, timestamp=1570200258, text=This is a random message
  8. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8844, timestamp=1570200297, text=kotsarelos#1
  9. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8261, timestamp=1570200272, text=I am message #1 of GKyri
  10. new message: from=8997, to=8877, timestamp=1570200346, text=The ships hung in the sk
  11. new message: from=8997, to=8844, timestamp=1570200413, text=The ships hung in the sk
  12. dev=8941, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570200398, text=I am message #2 of GKyri
  13. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570200458, text=Message from toliz with
  14. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570200459, text=Message from toliz with
  15. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570200460, text=Message from toliz with
  16. new message: from=8997, to=8000, timestamp=1570200478, text=The ships hung in the sk
  17. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8997, timestamp=1570200469, text=This is a random message
  18. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8844, timestamp=1570200473, text=kotsarelos#2