A messenger application for Raspberry Pi Zerofor A.U.TH (Real time Embedded systems).
Вы не можете выбрать более 25 тем Темы должны начинаться с буквы или цифры, могут содержать дефисы(-) и должны содержать не более 35 символов.

  1. new message: from=8997, to=8941, timestamp=1570198382, text=The ships hung in the sk
  2. new message: from=8997, to=8880, timestamp=1570198392, text=The ships hung in the sk
  3. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8844, timestamp=1570198391, text=kotsarelos#0
  4. new message: from=8997, to=8877, timestamp=1570198404, text=The ships hung in the sk
  5. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8877, timestamp=1570198391, text=This is a random message
  6. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=6969, timestamp=1570198404, text=kotsarelos#1
  7. new message: from=8997, to=8844, timestamp=1570198414, text=The ships hung in the sk
  8. new message: from=8997, to=8880, timestamp=1570198425, text=The ships hung in the sk
  9. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8997, timestamp=1570198417, text=kotsarelos#2
  10. new message: from=8997, to=7700, timestamp=1570198436, text=The ships hung in the sk
  11. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570198390, text=I am message #1 of GKyri
  12. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570198397, text=I am message #2 of GKyri
  13. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8880, timestamp=1570198404, text=I am message #3 of GKyri
  14. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8880, timestamp=1570198432, text=I am message #7 of GKyri
  15. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8261, timestamp=1570198439, text=I am message #8 of GKyri
  16. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8844, timestamp=1570198431, text=kotsarelos#3
  17. new message: from=8997, to=8877, timestamp=1570198446, text=The ships hung in the sk
  18. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=6666, timestamp=1570198444, text=kotsarelos#4
  19. new message: from=8997, to=8844, timestamp=1570198457, text=The ships hung in the sk
  20. new message: from=8997, to=8880, timestamp=1570198467, text=The ships hung in the sk
  21. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8844, timestamp=1570198458, text=kotsarelos#5
  22. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8844, timestamp=1570198407, text=This is a random message
  23. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8844, timestamp=1570198423, text=This is a random message
  24. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570198383, text=I am message #0 of GKyri
  25. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570198425, text=I am message #6 of GKyri
  26. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8844, timestamp=1570198439, text=This is a random message
  27. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8877, timestamp=1570198455, text=This is a random message
  28. new message: from=8997, to=8941, timestamp=1570198478, text=The ships hung in the sk
  29. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=6969, timestamp=1570198471, text=kotsarelos#6
  30. new message: from=8997, to=8000, timestamp=1570198489, text=The ships hung in the sk
  31. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570198474, text=Message from toliz with
  32. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198479, text=Message from toliz with
  33. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198484, text=Message from toliz with
  34. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8861, timestamp=1570198484, text=kotsarelos#7
  35. new message: from=8997, to=8941, timestamp=1570198500, text=The ships hung in the sk
  36. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570198447, text=I am message #9 of GKyri
  37. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570198453, text=I am message #10 of GKyr
  38. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8261, timestamp=1570198467, text=I am message #12 of GKyr
  39. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8261, timestamp=1570198474, text=I am message #13 of GKyr
  40. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8261, timestamp=1570198481, text=I am message #14 of GKyr
  41. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=9001, timestamp=1570198488, text=I am message #15 of GKyr
  42. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8261, timestamp=1570198495, text=I am message #16 of GKyr
  43. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8997, timestamp=1570198498, text=kotsarelos#8
  44. new message: from=8997, to=8934, timestamp=1570198511, text=The ships hung in the sk
  45. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8844, timestamp=1570198511, text=kotsarelos#9
  46. new message: from=8997, to=8877, timestamp=1570198522, text=The ships hung in the sk
  47. new message: from=8997, to=8880, timestamp=1570198533, text=The ships hung in the sk
  48. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8941, timestamp=1570198471, text=This is a random message
  49. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8880, timestamp=1570198487, text=This is a random message
  50. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8880, timestamp=1570198460, text=I am message #11 of GKyr
  51. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8880, timestamp=1570198524, text=kotsarelos#10
  52. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8941, timestamp=1570198503, text=This is a random message
  53. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8844, timestamp=1570198519, text=This is a random message
  54. new message: from=8997, to=8934, timestamp=1570198543, text=The ships hung in the sk
  55. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8844, timestamp=1570198538, text=kotsarelos#11
  56. new message: from=8997, to=7700, timestamp=1570198554, text=The ships hung in the sk
  57. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8880, timestamp=1570198551, text=kotsarelos#12
  58. new message: from=8997, to=8877, timestamp=1570198580, text=The ships hung in the sk
  59. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8880, timestamp=1570198535, text=This is a random message
  60. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8934, timestamp=1570198551, text=This is a random message
  61. dev=8861, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198489, text=Message from toliz with
  62. dev=8861, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198494, text=Message from toliz with
  63. dev=8861, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570198504, text=Message from toliz with
  64. dev=8861, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570198509, text=Message from toliz with
  65. dev=8861, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570198514, text=Message from toliz with
  66. dev=8861, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570198524, text=Message from toliz with
  67. dev=8861, message: from=8880, to=8997, timestamp=1570198529, text=Message from toliz with
  68. dev=8861, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570198534, text=Message from toliz with
  69. dev=8861, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570198539, text=Message from toliz with
  70. dev=8861, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198544, text=Message from toliz with
  71. dev=8861, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570198549, text=Message from toliz with
  72. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570198502, text=I am message #17 of GKyr
  73. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=9001, timestamp=1570198509, text=I am message #18 of GKyr
  74. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570198516, text=I am message #19 of GKyr
  75. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8261, timestamp=1570198523, text=I am message #20 of GKyr
  76. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570198530, text=I am message #21 of GKyr
  77. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570198537, text=I am message #22 of GKyr
  78. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570198544, text=I am message #23 of GKyr
  79. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570198551, text=I am message #24 of GKyr
  80. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=9001, timestamp=1570198558, text=I am message #25 of GKyr
  81. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8934, timestamp=1570198567, text=This is a random message
  82. dev=8861, message: from=8941, to=8844, timestamp=1570198565, text=kotsarelos#13
  83. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8880, timestamp=1570198583, text=This is a random message
  84. new message: from=8997, to=8934, timestamp=1570198626, text=The ships hung in the sk
  85. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=6666, timestamp=1570198700, text=kotsarelos#14
  86. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=6969, timestamp=1570198712, text=kotsarelos#15
  87. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8861, timestamp=1570198724, text=kotsarelos#16
  88. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8861, timestamp=1570198736, text=kotsarelos#17
  89. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=6969, timestamp=1570198749, text=kotsarelos#18
  90. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=6969, timestamp=1570198762, text=kotsarelos#19
  91. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=6666, timestamp=1570198776, text=kotsarelos#20
  92. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8880, timestamp=1570198789, text=kotsarelos#21
  93. new message: from=8997, to=8844, timestamp=1570198825, text=The ships hung in the sk
  94. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8997, timestamp=1570198802, text=kotsarelos#22
  95. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8997, timestamp=1570198816, text=kotsarelos#23
  96. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8880, timestamp=1570198829, text=kotsarelos#24
  97. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8880, timestamp=1570198842, text=kotsarelos#25
  98. dev=8941, message: from=8941, to=8880, timestamp=1570198856, text=kotsarelos#26
  99. new message: from=8997, to=8877, timestamp=1570198892, text=The ships hung in the sk
  100. new message: from=8997, to=8880, timestamp=1570198903, text=The ships hung in the sk
  101. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8880, timestamp=1570198565, text=I am message #26 of GKyr
  102. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8861, timestamp=1570198908, text=I am message #75 of GKyr
  103. dev=8844, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570198688, text=Message from toliz with
  104. dev=8844, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198693, text=Message from toliz with
  105. dev=8844, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198698, text=Message from toliz with
  106. dev=8844, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198703, text=Message from toliz with
  107. dev=8844, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570198708, text=Message from toliz with
  108. dev=8844, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198718, text=Message from toliz with
  109. dev=8844, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570198723, text=Message from toliz with
  110. dev=8844, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570198728, text=Message from toliz with
  111. new message: from=8997, to=8000, timestamp=1570198914, text=The ships hung in the sk
  112. new message: from=8997, to=8844, timestamp=1570198926, text=The ships hung in the sk
  113. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8261, timestamp=1570198915, text=I am message #76 of GKyr
  114. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570198922, text=I am message #77 of GKyr
  115. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8880, timestamp=1570198929, text=I am message #78 of GKyr
  116. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198919, text=Message from toliz with
  117. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570198924, text=Message from toliz with
  118. new message: from=8997, to=8844, timestamp=1570198938, text=The ships hung in the sk
  119. new message: from=8997, to=8861, timestamp=1570198948, text=The ships hung in the sk
  120. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8880, timestamp=1570198599, text=This is a random message
  121. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8844, timestamp=1570198903, text=This is a random message
  122. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8880, timestamp=1570198919, text=This is a random message
  123. dev=8861, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570198914, text=Message from toliz with
  124. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8877, timestamp=1570198935, text=This is a random message
  125. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8880, timestamp=1570198951, text=This is a random message
  126. new message: from=8997, to=8000, timestamp=1570198959, text=The ships hung in the sk
  127. new message: from=8997, to=8000, timestamp=1570198971, text=The ships hung in the sk
  128. new message: from=8997, to=8880, timestamp=1570198982, text=The ships hung in the sk
  129. new message: from=8997, to=8861, timestamp=1570198993, text=The ships hung in the sk
  130. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570198929, text=Message from toliz with
  131. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570198934, text=Message from toliz with
  132. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570198939, text=Message from toliz with
  133. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570198944, text=Message from toliz with
  134. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198949, text=Message from toliz with
  135. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570198954, text=Message from toliz with
  136. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570198959, text=Message from toliz with
  137. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570198964, text=Message from toliz with
  138. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198969, text=Message from toliz with
  139. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570198974, text=Message from toliz with
  140. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570198979, text=Message from toliz with
  141. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198984, text=Message from toliz with
  142. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8997, timestamp=1570198989, text=Message from toliz with
  143. new message: from=8997, to=8941, timestamp=1570199005, text=The ships hung in the sk
  144. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8934, timestamp=1570198967, text=This is a random message
  145. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8844, timestamp=1570198983, text=This is a random message
  146. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570198936, text=I am message #79 of GKyr
  147. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8880, timestamp=1570198943, text=I am message #80 of GKyr
  148. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570198950, text=I am message #81 of GKyr
  149. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570198957, text=I am message #82 of GKyr
  150. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8880, timestamp=1570198964, text=I am message #83 of GKyr
  151. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=9001, timestamp=1570198971, text=I am message #84 of GKyr
  152. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570198978, text=I am message #85 of GKyr
  153. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570198985, text=I am message #86 of GKyr
  154. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8877, timestamp=1570198999, text=This is a random message
  155. new message: from=8997, to=8844, timestamp=1570199051, text=The ships hung in the sk
  156. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570198994, text=Message from toliz with
  157. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570198999, text=Message from toliz with
  158. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570199004, text=Message from toliz with
  159. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199009, text=Message from toliz with
  160. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570199014, text=Message from toliz with
  161. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570199020, text=Message from toliz with
  162. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199025, text=Message from toliz with
  163. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199030, text=Message from toliz with
  164. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570199035, text=Message from toliz with
  165. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8997, timestamp=1570199040, text=Message from toliz with
  166. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199045, text=Message from toliz with
  167. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199050, text=Message from toliz with
  168. new message: from=8997, to=8765, timestamp=1570199091, text=The ships hung in the sk
  169. new message: from=8997, to=8861, timestamp=1570199107, text=The ships hung in the sk
  170. new message: from=8997, to=8765, timestamp=1570199118, text=The ships hung in the sk
  171. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=9001, timestamp=1570198992, text=I am message #87 of GKyr
  172. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570199125, text=I am message #106 of GKy
  173. new message: from=8997, to=8000, timestamp=1570199129, text=The ships hung in the sk
  174. new message: from=8997, to=8877, timestamp=1570199141, text=The ships hung in the sk
  175. new message: from=8997, to=8000, timestamp=1570199152, text=The ships hung in the sk
  176. new message: from=8997, to=8941, timestamp=1570199163, text=The ships hung in the sk
  177. new message: from=8997, to=8934, timestamp=1570199174, text=The ships hung in the sk
  178. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8261, timestamp=1570199174, text=I am message #113 of GKy
  179. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8877, timestamp=1570199015, text=This is a random message
  180. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8877, timestamp=1570199031, text=This is a random message
  181. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8941, timestamp=1570199127, text=This is a random message
  182. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8877, timestamp=1570199143, text=This is a random message
  183. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8997, timestamp=1570199159, text=This is a random message
  184. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570199146, text=I am message #109 of GKy
  185. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8934, timestamp=1570199175, text=This is a random message
  186. new message: from=8997, to=8861, timestamp=1570199185, text=The ships hung in the sk
  187. new message: from=8997, to=8861, timestamp=1570199196, text=The ships hung in the sk
  188. new message: from=8997, to=8934, timestamp=1570199207, text=The ships hung in the sk
  189. new message: from=8997, to=8880, timestamp=1570199217, text=The ships hung in the sk
  190. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570199193, text=Message from toliz with
  191. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570199198, text=Message from toliz with
  192. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8997, timestamp=1570199203, text=Message from toliz with
  193. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570199208, text=Message from toliz with
  194. new message: from=8997, to=8861, timestamp=1570199228, text=The ships hung in the sk
  195. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570199188, text=I am message #115 of GKy
  196. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570199216, text=I am message #119 of GKy
  197. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=9001, timestamp=1570199223, text=I am message #120 of GKy
  198. dev=8844, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570199230, text=I am message #121 of GKy
  199. new message: from=8997, to=8844, timestamp=1570199239, text=The ships hung in the sk
  200. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8997, timestamp=1570199191, text=This is a random message
  201. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8934, timestamp=1570199207, text=This is a random message
  202. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8997, timestamp=1570199223, text=This is a random message
  203. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570199181, text=I am message #114 of GKy
  204. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570199195, text=I am message #116 of GKy
  205. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8934, timestamp=1570199239, text=This is a random message
  206. new message: from=8997, to=7700, timestamp=1570199250, text=The ships hung in the sk
  207. new message: from=8997, to=7700, timestamp=1570199260, text=The ships hung in the sk
  208. new message: from=8997, to=8941, timestamp=1570199271, text=The ships hung in the sk
  209. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199213, text=Message from toliz with
  210. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570199218, text=Message from toliz with
  211. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570199223, text=Message from toliz with
  212. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570199228, text=Message from toliz with
  213. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8997, timestamp=1570199233, text=Message from toliz with
  214. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570199238, text=Message from toliz with
  215. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570199243, text=Message from toliz with
  216. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199248, text=Message from toliz with
  217. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199253, text=Message from toliz with
  218. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570199258, text=Message from toliz with
  219. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570199263, text=Message from toliz with
  220. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199268, text=Message from toliz with
  221. new message: from=8997, to=8861, timestamp=1570199281, text=The ships hung in the sk
  222. new message: from=8997, to=8861, timestamp=1570199292, text=The ships hung in the sk
  223. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8844, timestamp=1570199255, text=This is a random message
  224. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8880, timestamp=1570199271, text=This is a random message
  225. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8941, timestamp=1570199287, text=This is a random message
  226. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570199237, text=I am message #122 of GKy
  227. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=9001, timestamp=1570199244, text=I am message #123 of GKy
  228. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570199251, text=I am message #124 of GKy
  229. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8880, timestamp=1570199259, text=I am message #125 of GKy
  230. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570199265, text=I am message #126 of GKy
  231. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8941, timestamp=1570199272, text=I am message #127 of GKy
  232. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=9001, timestamp=1570199279, text=I am message #128 of GKy
  233. dev=8861, message: from=8844, to=8997, timestamp=1570199286, text=I am message #129 of GKy
  234. dev=8861, message: from=8861, to=8880, timestamp=1570199303, text=This is a random message
  235. new message: from=8997, to=8934, timestamp=1570199308, text=The ships hung in the sk
  236. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570199274, text=Message from toliz with
  237. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199279, text=Message from toliz with
  238. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8997, timestamp=1570199284, text=Message from toliz with
  239. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570199289, text=Message from toliz with
  240. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570199294, text=Message from toliz with
  241. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570199299, text=Message from toliz with
  242. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570199304, text=Message from toliz with
  243. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570199309, text=Message from toliz with
  244. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570199314, text=Message from toliz with
  245. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570199319, text=Message from toliz with
  246. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570199324, text=Message from toliz with
  247. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8997, timestamp=1570199329, text=Message from toliz with
  248. new message: from=8997, to=8765, timestamp=1570199356, text=The ships hung in the sk
  249. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199335, text=Message from toliz with
  250. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8844, timestamp=1570199340, text=Message from toliz with
  251. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199345, text=Message from toliz with
  252. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570199350, text=Message from toliz with
  253. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570199355, text=Message from toliz with
  254. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570199360, text=Message from toliz with
  255. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570199365, text=Message from toliz with
  256. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8261, timestamp=1570199370, text=Message from toliz with
  257. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199375, text=Message from toliz with
  258. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570199380, text=Message from toliz with
  259. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8941, timestamp=1570199385, text=Message from toliz with
  260. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199390, text=Message from toliz with
  261. dev=8880, message: from=8880, to=8861, timestamp=1570199395, text=Message from toliz with
  262. new message: from=8997, to=8877, timestamp=1570199437, text=The ships hung in the sk