Kenotom beamer presentation style and template
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demo.tex 9.7 KiB

  1. %
  2. % demo.tex
  3. %
  4. % A presentation for the “Kenotom presentation theme”
  5. %
  6. % note: Requires compilation with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
  7. %
  8. % note: You can reduce the pdf file size using something like:
  9. % $ gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.5 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress \
  10. % -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=sdemo.pdf demo.pdf
  11. %
  12. % author: Christos Choutouridis <>
  13. % date: 2023-03-26
  14. %
  15. \documentclass[11pt,aspectratio=169]{beamer}
  16. % key-value
  17. % -----------
  18. %theme: [light, classic(default), dark]
  19. %background: [none(default), ribbon]
  20. %title: [normal(default), small, large]
  21. % options
  22. % -----------
  23. %nonavigation: Disables the navigation bar
  24. %fancy : Creates fancy presentation
  25. \usetheme[theme=classic, fancy]{Kenotom}
  26. %
  27. % note: For a presentation “close” to the official use
  28. %--------------------------------------------------------
  29. % \documentclass[13pt,aspectratio=169]{beamer}
  30. % \usetheme[theme=light,fancy,nonavigation]{Kenotom}
  31. % Presentation information
  32. % =======================================================
  33. \title{\Large”Kenotom” theme demonstration}
  34. \subtitle{}
  35. \author{Christos Choutouridis}
  36. \institute{Kenotom}
  37. \date{\today}
  38. \newcommand{\AuthorEmail}{}
  39. \newcommand{\Address}{Eth. Antistasis 16 GR-55133, Thessaloniki - Greece}
  40. \newcommand{\Telephone}{+30 2310 315470}
  41. % Local command and configurations
  42. % =======================================================
  43. \usepackage{listings,hyperref}
  44. %\usepackage{pgfpages}
  45. %\setbeameroption{second mode text on second screen=<location>}
  46. %\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=<location>}
  47. %\setbeameroption{previous slide on second screen=<location>}
  48. \newcommand{\bs}{\textbackslash}
  49. % Document
  50. % =======================================================
  51. \begin{document}
  52. \maketitle
  53. \BeginCountingFrames % Exclude first frames from frame counting
  54. % Uncomment the following lines for an automatically generated outline.
  55. \OutlineFrame[subsections]{Presentation}{Outline}
  56. \section{Introduction}
  57. % -------------------------------------------------------
  58. \begin{frame}{Introduction}
  59. This theme contains:
  60. \begin{tickmarks}
  61. \item beamer style configurations to match kenotom presentation styles
  62. \item extra kenotom environments \texttt{\bs{}tickmarks, \bs{}bullets}
  63. \item extra kenotom commands like \texttt{\bs{}BeginCountingFrames, \bs{}OutlineFrame, \bs{}BackFrame}
  64. \end{tickmarks}
  65. \begin{block}{Examples}
  66. Beside kenotom specific, some basic \LaTeX{} examples of commonly used commands and features are included, to help you get started.
  67. \end{block}
  68. \end{frame}
  69. \section{Theme options}
  70. % -------------------------------------------------------
  71. \begin{frame}{theme option}
  72. There are 3 variation to select.\\
  73. \begin{itemize}
  74. \item \texttt{[theme=light]} - the official theme
  75. \item \texttt{[theme=classic]}\textit{(default)} - A darker font theme, for technical content.
  76. \item \texttt{[theme=dark]} - A dark background theme.
  77. \end{itemize}
  78. Bellow you can see samples of the variations.
  79. \begin{columns}[onlytextwidth]
  80. \column{0.33\textwidth}
  81. \begin{figure}
  82. \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{images/theme_light.png}
  83. \caption{\label{img:theme_light}\texttt{[theme=light]}}
  84. \end{figure}
  85. \column{0.33\textwidth}
  86. \begin{figure}
  87. \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{images/theme_classic.png}
  88. \caption{\label{img:theme_classic}\texttt{[theme=classic]}}
  89. \end{figure}
  90. \column{0.33\textwidth}
  91. \begin{figure}
  92. \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{images/theme_dark.png}
  93. \caption{\label{img:theme_dark}\texttt{[theme=dark]}}
  94. \end{figure}
  95. \end{columns}
  96. \end{frame}
  97. % -------------------------------------------------------
  98. \begin{frame}{background option}
  99. There are 2 variation to select.
  100. \begin{itemize}
  101. \item \texttt{[background=none]}\textit{(default)} - the official theme
  102. \item \texttt{[background=ribbon]} - A fade ribbon as background for all slides
  103. \end{itemize}
  104. Bellow you can see samples of the variations.
  105. \begin{columns}[onlytextwidth]
  106. \column{0.48\textwidth}
  107. \begin{figure}
  108. \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{images/background_none.png}
  109. \caption{\label{img:background_none}\texttt{[background=none]}}
  110. \end{figure}
  111. \column{0.48\textwidth}
  112. \begin{figure}
  113. \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{images/background_ribbon.png}
  114. \caption{\label{img:background_ribbon}\texttt{[background=ribbon]}}
  115. \end{figure}
  116. \end{columns}
  117. \end{frame}
  118. % -------------------------------------------------------
  119. \begin{frame}{Other options}
  120. \begin{columns}
  121. \column{0.45\textwidth}
  122. \begin{enumerate}
  123. \item There are 3 variation for frame title size:
  124. \begin{itemize}
  125. \item \texttt{[title=normal]}\textit{(default)}
  126. \item \texttt{[title=small]}
  127. \item \texttt{[title=large]}
  128. \end{itemize}
  129. \item \texttt{[nonavigation]} can disable the navigation bar.
  130. \item \texttt{[fancy]} can enable the extra “fancy” slides.
  131. \begin{itemize}
  132. \item Car title frame
  133. \item Fancier outline frame
  134. \item Section starting frames
  135. \end{itemize}
  136. \textit{\textbf{note}: This can slow down compilation.}
  137. \end{enumerate}
  138. \column{0.55\textwidth}
  139. \begin{figure}
  140. \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{images/fancy_look.jpg}
  141. \caption{\label{img:fancy_look}Fancy slides}
  142. \end{figure}
  143. \end{columns}
  144. \end{frame}
  145. \section{Kenotom environments}
  146. % -------------------------------------------------------
  147. \begin{frame}[fragile]{Environments}
  148. This theme provides two Kenotom specific commands and environments.\\[2ex]
  149. \begin{columns}[onlytextwidth]
  150. % tickmarks
  151. \column{0.5\textwidth}
  152. There is the \texttt{\bs{}tickmarks} environment.
  153. \begin{verbatim}
  154. \begin{tickmarks}
  155. \item Item 1
  156. \item Item 2
  157. \end{tickmarks}
  158. \end{verbatim}
  159. \begin{tickmarks}
  160. \item Item 1
  161. \item Item 2
  162. \end{tickmarks}
  163. % bullets
  164. \column{0.5\textwidth}
  165. And the \texttt{\bs{}bullets} environment.
  166. \begin{verbatim}
  167. \begin{bullets}
  168. \item Item 1
  169. \item Item 2
  170. \end{bullets}
  171. \end{verbatim}
  172. \begin{bullets}
  173. \item Item 1
  174. \item Item 2
  175. \end{bullets}
  176. \end{columns}
  177. \end{frame}
  178. \section[Some \LaTeX examples]{\LaTeX{} Examples}
  179. \subsection{Mathematics}
  180. % -------------------------------------------------------
  181. \begin{frame}{Readable Mathematics}
  182. Let $X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n$ be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables with $\text{E}[X_i] = \mu$ and $\text{Var}[X_i] = \sigma^2 < \infty$, and let
  183. $$S_n = \frac{X_1 + X_2 + \cdots + X_n}{n}
  184. = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i}^{n} X_i$$
  185. denote their mean. Then as $n$ approaches infinity, the random variables $\sqrt{n}(S_n - \mu)$ converge in distribution to a normal $\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)$.
  186. \end{frame}
  187. \subsection{Code}
  188. % -------------------------------------------------------
  189. \begin{frame}[fragile]{Code}
  190. Inserted code fits naturally to frame. See the \texttt{\bs{}lstlisting}\, example bellow.
  191. \lstset{
  192. language=C++,
  193. basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily,
  194. keywordstyle=\footnotesize\color{KenotomGreen}\ttfamily,
  195. morecomment=[l][\color{red!60!black}]{//!}
  196. }
  197. \begin{lstlisting}
  198. #include <concepts>
  199. template<std::integral T>
  200. T gcd(T a, T b) {
  201. //! Unchecked precondition: (a != 0 || b != 0)
  202. while (true) {
  203. if (b == T(0))
  204. return a;
  205. a = remainder(a, b); // Floyd and Knuth remainder
  206. if (a == T(0))
  207. return b;
  208. b = remainder(b, a); // Floyd and Knuth remainder
  209. }
  210. }
  211. \end{lstlisting}
  212. \end{frame}
  213. \subsection{Tables}
  214. % -------------------------------------------------------
  215. \begin{frame}{Tables}
  216. Use \texttt{\bs{}tabular} for basic tables --- see Table~\ref{tab:benford_freq}, for example.
  217. \begin{table}
  218. \centering
  219. \begin{tabular}{r c}
  220. Leading digit & Frequency \\ \hline
  221. 1 & 0.301 \\
  222. 2 & 0.176 \\
  223. 3 & 0.125 \\
  224. 4 & 0.097 \\
  225. 5 & 0.079 \\
  226. 6 & 0.067 \\
  227. 7 & 0.058 \\
  228. 8 & 0.051 \\
  229. 9 & 0.046 \\
  230. \end{tabular}
  231. \caption{\label{tab:benford_freq}Benford's law frequencies.}
  232. \end{table}
  233. \end{frame}
  234. \subsection{Figures}
  235. % -------------------------------------------------------
  236. \begin{frame}
  237. \frametitle{Figure Example}
  238. To include figures in your document, use the \texttt{\bs{}includegraphics} command (see the comment below in the source code).
  239. \begin{figure}
  240. \includegraphics[height=0.55\textheight]{images/SincFunction.png}
  241. \caption{\label{fig:your-figure}Filter kernel}
  242. \end{figure}
  243. \end{frame}
  244. \subsection{Overlays}
  245. % -------------------------------------------------------
  246. \begin{frame}{Overlays}
  247. \begin{block}{}
  248. Off-course you can use overlays to create multi-slide frames\\ and reveal information on the slides gradually!
  249. \end{block}
  250. \begin{tickmarks}
  251. \item<2-> First point.
  252. \item<3-> Second point.
  253. \item<4-> Third point.
  254. \end{tickmarks}
  255. \vspace{2ex}
  256. \only<2>{Now we see the $1^{st}$ point!}
  257. \only<3>{Now we see the $2^{nd}$ point!}
  258. \only<4>{Now we see the $3^{rd}$ point!}
  259. \onslide<5->{
  260. And so much more. For details see \href{}{here}
  261. }
  262. \end{frame}
  263. % -------------------------------------------------------
  264. \BackFrame
  265. \end{document}