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Some comments added

Christos Houtouridis 5 years ago
4 changed files with 159 additions and 43 deletions
  1. +0
  2. +43
  3. +68
  4. +48

+ 0
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src/net/hoo2/auth/dsproject/snake/ View File

@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package net.hoo2.auth.dsproject.snake;
import java.lang.Math;
* @class Apple
* @brief Represent an Apple in the Board.

+ 43
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src/net/hoo2/auth/dsproject/snake/ View File

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package net.hoo2.auth.dsproject.snake;
* @mainpage
* @title Snake game project. -- Part 1 --
* @title Snake game project. -- Part 2 --
* This is the code documentation page of the Snake game project.
* Listed are:
@@ -37,28 +37,41 @@ public class Game {
/** @{ */
private int round; /**< The current round of the game */
private Board board; /**< A reference to board */
private ArrayList<Player> players; /**< A reference to players */
private Map<Integer, Integer> playingOrder;
private ArrayList<Player> players; /**< A reference to players */
private Map<Integer, Integer> playingOrder; /**< A Map with {PlayerID, Dice-roll} pairs
This way of storing the playing order is unnecessary.
The old style was far more better. We had a turn variable
in each Player and we used to sort the players vector based on
that value. This made the rest of the program simpler, faster, easer.
We have adopt the above approach just because it is one of the
homework requirements.
/** @} */
/** @name private api */
/** @{ */
* Search the players already in the players vector and compare their turn to play
* Search the players already in the pairs vector and compare their turn to play
* with the result of a dice. If there is another one with the same dice result return true.
* @param turn The dice result to check in order to find player's turn to play
* @param players Reference to already register players
* @param roll The dice result to check in order to find player's turn to play
* @param pairs Reference to already register players and their dice result
* @return True if there is another player with the same dice result
private boolean _search (int die, ArrayList<Integer[]> pairs) {
private boolean _search (int roll, ArrayList<Integer[]> pairs) {
for (int i =0; i<pairs.size() ; ++i)
if (pairs.get(i)[1] == die)
if (pairs.get(i)[1] == roll)
return true;
return false;
* Sort the pairs vector using second parameter witch represent the
* dice roll. We use bubblesort for the implementation.
* @param pairs A vector with {PlayerId, dice-roll} pairs to sort
private void _sort (ArrayList<Integer[]> pairs) {
Integer[] temp;
for (int i=pairs.size()-1 ; i>0 ; --i) {
@@ -71,7 +84,12 @@ public class Game {
* Helper function to get a player from players vector using it's ID
* @param playerId The player's ID to seek
* @return Reference to Player or null
private Player _getPlayer(int playerId) {
for (Player p : players) {
if (p.getPlayerId() == playerId)
@@ -136,8 +154,9 @@ public class Game {
void setPlayers(ArrayList<Player> players) {
this.players = players;
/** Get reference to playingOrder Map */
Map<Integer, Integer> getPlayingOrder () { return playingOrder; }
/** Set the playingOrder Map */
void setPlayingOrder (Map<Integer, Integer> playingOrder) {
this.playingOrder = playingOrder;
@@ -159,7 +178,7 @@ public class Game {
* Register a player to the game
* Register a heuristic player to the game
* @param playerId The player ID to use
* @param name The player name to use
* @return The status of the operation
@@ -177,19 +196,23 @@ public class Game {
* plays first which second and so on.
Map<Integer, Integer> setTurns (ArrayList<Player> players) {
int[] pairData = new int[2];
Integer[] PairData;
int[] pairData = new int[2]; // We use plain int[] to create an Integer[]
Integer[] PairData; // The Integer[] to push to ArrayList<>
pairList = new ArrayList<>();
pairList = new ArrayList<>(); // Use use ArrayList before Map in order to sort
for (int d, i =0 ; i<players.size() ; ++i) {
// Keep rolling the dice until we get a unique value
d = players.get(i).dice ();
while (_search (d, pairList));
// Make Integer[] pair
pairData[0] = players.get(i).getPlayerId();
pairData[1] = d;
PairData = Integer[]::new );
PairData =
pairList.add(PairData); // Add to vector
// Sort playeingOrger
_sort (pairList);
@@ -212,6 +235,7 @@ public class Game {
* A game round. In each round every player plays when is his turn
* @param verbose Flag to indicate how much we print to console
* @return The winner if we have one, or null
Player round (boolean verbose) {
@@ -301,6 +325,8 @@ public class Game {
System.out.println(" " +p.getName() + ": " + p.getScore() +" points");
// Print the extra statistics for the heuristic player only
// We use a little reflection for that
for (Player p : game.getPlayers()) {
if (p.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("HeuristicPlayer"))
p.statistics(verbose, true);

+ 68
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src/net/hoo2/auth/dsproject/snake/ View File

@@ -2,26 +2,64 @@ package net.hoo2.auth.dsproject.snake;
import java.util.*;
* @class HeuristicPlayer
* @brief Represent a Heuristic Player in the Game
* The players are playing in a round-robin sequence and we keep track
* for each one of them their playing order, score and place on the board.
* This kind of player, is a cheater. He can control the dice. Not fair dude.
* @author Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* @email
public class HeuristicPlayer
extends Player {
private ArrayList<Integer[]> path;
/** @name Constructors */
/** @{ */
/** Default doing nothing constructor */
public HeuristicPlayer() {
super ();
path = new ArrayList<Integer[]>();
* @brief The main constructor
* This creates a player for the game
* @param playerId The player's to create
* @param name The name of the player
* @param board Reference to the board the player will play on.
HeuristicPlayer (int playerId, String name, Board board) {
super (playerId, name, board);
path = new ArrayList<Integer[]>();
/* @} */
/** @name Get/Set interface */
/** @{ */
ArrayList<Integer[]> getPath() { return path; }
void setPath (ArrayList<Integer[]> path) {
this.path = path;
/** @} */
* Override dice functionality for the player
* @return As this is called from the game only to select playing order
* we cheat and return 1
int dice () {
return 1;
* Override get the next tile after the user's move
* @param tile The initial tile
* @return The tile after the move
int getNextMove (int tile) {
Map<Integer, Double> moves = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
@@ -29,6 +67,7 @@ public class HeuristicPlayer
double ev = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
int roll = 0;
// Evaluate each possible dice result and find the better one
for (int r=1 ; r<=6 ; ++r) {
moves.put (new Integer(r), evaluate (tile, r));
if ((ev = moves.get(r)) > max) {
@@ -36,27 +75,37 @@ public class HeuristicPlayer
roll = r;
// Do the move and get the move data
Integer[] move_data = (tile, roll, true))
// Store the move data
return tile + roll;
return tile + roll; // return the new tile position
* The Heuristic statistics version
* @param verbose Flag to select the verbosity
* @param sum Flag to select if we need to print a summarize of the user hystory
void statistics (boolean verbose, boolean sum) {
if (sum) {
// If we run the summarize
int nSnakes =0;
int nLadders =0;
int nRedApples =0;
int nBlackApples =0;
// Calculate frequencies
for (int i=0 ; i<path.size() ; ++i) {
nSnakes += path.get(i)[MOVE_SNAKES_IDX];
nLadders+= path.get(i)[MOVE_LADDERS_IDX];
nRedApples += path.get(i)[MOVE_RED_APPLES_IDX];
nBlackApples += path.get(i)[MOVE_BLACK_APPLES_IDX];
// Print the results
System.out.println("*** Statistics for " + name + " ***");
System.out.println(" Number of Snake bites : " + nSnakes);
@@ -66,15 +115,26 @@ public class HeuristicPlayer
// Call the base version
super.statistics(verbose, sum);
* The main evaluation function
* @param tile The current tile of the player
* @param roll the roll to check
* @return The evaluation of the roll
private double evaluate (int tile, int roll) {
int[] check = new int[MOVE_DATA_SIZE];
check = move(tile, roll, false);
return 0.65*check[MOVE_STEPS_IDX] + 0.35*check[MOVE_POINTS_IDX];
/** @name Data members package access only */
/** @{ */
private ArrayList<Integer[]> path; /**< Players history as required */
/** @} */

+ 48
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src/net/hoo2/auth/dsproject/snake/ View File

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package net.hoo2.auth.dsproject.snake;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.lang.Math;
* @class Player
@@ -13,16 +14,17 @@ import java.util.Arrays;
* @email
public class Player {
static final int MOVE_DATA_SIZE = 9;
static final int MOVE_TILE_IDX = 0;
static final int MOVE_INITTILE_IDX = 1;
static final int MOVE_STEPS_IDX = 2;
static final int MOVE_ROLL_IDX = 3;
static final int MOVE_POINTS_IDX = 4;
static final int MOVE_SNAKES_IDX = 5; // Always <= 1
static final int MOVE_LADDERS_IDX = 6; // Always <= 1
static final int MOVE_RED_APPLES_IDX = 7; // Always <= 1
static final int MOVE_BLACK_APPLES_IDX = 8; // Always <= 1
/** Helper variables to keep track of the move() return values @see move() */
static final int MOVE_DATA_SIZE = 9; /**< The move return data array size */
static final int MOVE_TILE_IDX = 0; /**< The index of tile */
static final int MOVE_INITTILE_IDX = 1; /**< The index of init tile */
static final int MOVE_STEPS_IDX = 2; /**< The index of steps */
static final int MOVE_ROLL_IDX = 3; /**< The index of roll */
static final int MOVE_POINTS_IDX = 4; /**< The index of points */
static final int MOVE_SNAKES_IDX = 5; /**< The index for number of snakes (Always <= 1) */
static final int MOVE_LADDERS_IDX = 6; /**< The index for number of ladders (Always <= 1) */
static final int MOVE_RED_APPLES_IDX = 7; /**< The index for number of red apples (Always <= 1) */
static final int MOVE_BLACK_APPLES_IDX = 8; /**< The index for number of black apples (Always <= 1) */
/** @name Constructors */
/** @{ */
@@ -97,17 +99,26 @@ public class Player {
return (int)(1 + Math.random()*5);
// Liskov substitution principle
* Get the next tile after the user's move
* @param tile The initial tile
* @return The tile after the move
* @note
* We add this move() wrapper in order to provide polymorphism to
* Player class hierarchy and to be sure that we are not braking the
* Liskov substitution principle
* @see
int getNextMove (int tile) {
return move (tile, dice(), true)[MOVE_TILE_IDX];
* @brief Move functionality
* This function prints to stdout various logs about user interaction with elements
* @param tile The initial tile of the player
* @param die The die to play
* @param roll The dice roll to play
* @param run Flag to indicate if we fake the move(dry run) or we do make the move.
* @return
* int[MOVE_TILE_IDX (0)] tile after move
* int[MOVE_INITTILE_IDX (1)] tile before move
@@ -118,6 +129,17 @@ public class Player {
* int[MOVE_LADDERS_IDX (6)] number of ladders used
* int[MOVE_RED_APPLES_IDX (7)] number of red apples eaten
* int[MOVE_BLACK_APPLES_IDX (8)] number of black apples eaten
* @note
* Probably a mutable class like: <pre>
* class MoveData {
* int tile;
* int initTile;
* ...
* }
* </pre>
* for returning value would be better, less error prone, cleaner, etc...
* We could also had members like: <pre> MoveData previous; </pre> to help us further.
* We kept this representation just because it was a requirement.
int [] move (int tile, int roll, boolean run) {
int t;
@@ -154,6 +176,7 @@ public class Player {
dryMove[MOVE_TILE_IDX] = tile;
dryMove[MOVE_STEPS_IDX]= tile - dryMove[MOVE_INITTILE_IDX];
// Check if we do run the move
if (run) {
lastMove = dryMove.clone();
this.tile = lastMove[MOVE_TILE_IDX];
@@ -162,7 +185,16 @@ public class Player {
return dryMove;
//Liskov substitution principle
* The base statistics version
* @param verbose Flag to select the verbosity
* @param sum Flag to select if we need to print a summarize (not used here)
* @note
* We added this function because:
* 1) we need to keep the "Is a" relationship (Liskov substitution principle)
* 2) It help us get rid of the move() console output code
* 3) makes the code smaller
void statistics (boolean verbose, boolean sum) {
int begin = lastMove[MOVE_INITTILE_IDX];
int roll = lastMove[MOVE_ROLL_IDX];
@@ -188,8 +220,8 @@ public class Player {
int score; /**< Player's score */
Board board; /**< Reference to current board */
int tile; /**< Player's tile location */
int[] lastMove;
private int [] dryMove;
int[] lastMove; /**< move() return data for statistics. These are only valid after a true move */
private int [] dryMove; /**< Fake (dry run) move return buffer */
/** @} */
