A bundled STM32F10x Std Periph and CMSIS library
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arm_cortexMx_math_Build.bat 1.2 KiB

  1. SET TMP=C:\Temp
  2. SET TEMP=C:\Temp
  3. SET UVEXE=C:\Keil\UV4\UV4.EXE
  4. @echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M0 Little Endian
  5. %UVEXE% -rb arm_cortexM0x_math.uvproj -t"DSP_Lib CM0 LE" -o"DSP_Lib CM0 LE.txt" -j0
  6. @echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M0 Big Endian
  7. %UVEXE% -rb arm_cortexM0x_math.uvproj -t"DSP_Lib CM0 BE" -o"DSP_Lib CM0 BE.txt" -j0
  8. @echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M3 Little Endian
  9. %UVEXE% -rb arm_cortexM3x_math.uvproj -t"DSP_Lib CM3 LE" -o"DSP_Lib CM3 LE.txt" -j0
  10. @echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M3 Big Endian
  11. %UVEXE% -rb arm_cortexM3x_math.uvproj -t"DSP_Lib CM3 BE" -o"DSP_Lib CM3 BE.txt" -j0
  12. @echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M4 Little Endian
  13. %UVEXE% -rb arm_cortexM4x_math.uvproj -t"DSP_Lib CM4 LE" -o"DSP_Lib CM4 LE.txt" -j0
  14. @echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M4 Big Endian
  15. %UVEXE% -rb arm_cortexM4x_math.uvproj -t"DSP_Lib CM4 BE" -o"DSP_Lib CM4 BE.txt" -j0
  16. @echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M4 with FPU Little Endian
  17. %UVEXE% -rb arm_cortexM4x_math.uvproj -t"DSP_Lib CM4 LE FPU" -o"DSP_Lib CM4 LE FPU.txt" -j0
  18. @echo Building DSP Library for Cortex-M4 with FPU Big Endian
  19. %UVEXE% -rb arm_cortexM4x_math.uvproj -t"DSP_Lib CM4 BE FPU" -o"DSP_Lib CM4 BE FPU.txt" -j0