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DEV: A first semi-working version with tree

Christos Houtouridis 7 years ago
15 changed files with 251 additions and 268 deletions
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@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
* @class Globals
* @brief
@@ -69,5 +71,5 @@ public class Globals {
public static final int[] FALSE_POS = {-1, -1};
public static final int MAX_DISTANCE = 100;
public static final int MAX_DISTANCE = PacmanUtilities.numberOfRows + PacmanUtilities.numberOfColumns - 1;

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src/gr/auth/ee/dsproject/node/ View File

@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
* @file
* @brief
* File containing the Pacman Min-Max Tree class.
* @author Christos Choutouridis 8997
* @author Konstantina Tsechelidou 8445
* @brief
* A tree-like data structure containing move nodes to apply the min-max
* algorithm.
* @note
* This is NOT a real tree. We do not insert node based on a key etc...
public class MinMaxTree
private Node89978445 root;
* ============ Constructors ==============
* @brief
* The simple constructor. Just initialize the root to null
public MinMaxTree () {
root = null; // No root yet
* @brief
* A constructor with root
public MinMaxTree (Node89978445 root) {
setRoot (root);
* ========= setter ============
/** Set root */
public Node89978445 setRoot (Node89978445 root) {
return this.root = root;
* ========== Tree-like methods =============
* @brief
* Insert a node to a parent directly.
* This is NOT a real tree. We do not insert node based on a key
* @param node Node to insert
* @param parent The parent in witch to insert
* @return Reference to inserted node
* If insert fail, returns null
public static Node89978445 insert (Node89978445 node, Node89978445 parent) {
if (parent.children.add (node)) {
node.parent = parent;
return node;
return null;
* @brief
* Find the child with the minimum evaluation value of a
* specific parent and return a reference to it
* @param parent The parent of children we scan
* @return Reference to the child with the minimum evaluation value
* If parent has no children null.
public static Node89978445 minChild (Node89978445 parent)
Node89978445 node = null;
double ev, min = Globals.EVAL_MAX+1;
for (int i=0 ; i<parent.children.size() ; ++i) {
if ((ev = parent.children.get(i).getEvaluation()) < min) {
min = ev;
node = parent.children.get (i);
return node;
* @brief
* Find the child with the maximum evaluation value of a
* specific parent and return a reference to it
* @param parent The parent of children we scan
* @return Reference to the child with the maximum evaluation value
* If parent has no children null.
public static Node89978445 maxChild (Node89978445 parent)
Node89978445 node = null;
double ev, max = Globals.EVAL_MIN-1;
for (int i=0 ; i<parent.children.size() ; ++i) {
if ((ev = parent.children.get(i).getEvaluation()) > max) {
max = ev;
node = parent.children.get (i);
return node;

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src/gr/auth/ee/dsproject/node/ View File

@@ -25,18 +25,16 @@ import;
public class Node89978445
double nodeEvaluation; /**<
* Pacman's current move evaluation
* This is used also as the "return status" of the object
int[] nodeXY; // Pacman's current x,y coordinate
int[][] currentGhostPos; // Array holding the Ghost (x,y) pairs
double nodeEvaluation; /*<
* Pacman's current move evaluation
* This is used also as the "return status" of the object
int[] nodeXY; // Pacman's current x,y coordinate
int[][] curGhostPos; // Array holding the Ghost (x,y) pairs
int[][] flagPos; // Array holding the flag (x,y) pairs
boolean[] currentFlagStatus; // Array holding the flag capture status
Room[][] Maze; // copy of the current Maze
int[][] flagPos; // Array holding the flag (x,y) pairs
boolean[] curFlagStatus; // Array holding the flag capture status
Room[][] Maze; // copy of the current Maze
* Tree navigation references. These variables are handled by
@@ -65,10 +63,10 @@ public class Node89978445
parent = null;
// allocate objects
currentGhostPos = new int [PacmanUtilities.numberOfGhosts][2];
flagPos = new int [PacmanUtilities.numberOfFlags][2];
currentFlagStatus = new boolean[PacmanUtilities.numberOfFlags];
children = new ArrayList<Node89978445> ();
curGhostPos = new int [PacmanUtilities.numberOfGhosts][2];
flagPos = new int [PacmanUtilities.numberOfFlags][2];
curFlagStatus = new boolean[PacmanUtilities.numberOfFlags];
children = new ArrayList<Node89978445> ();
@@ -85,10 +83,18 @@ public class Node89978445
parent = null;
// allocate objects
currentGhostPos = new int [PacmanUtilities.numberOfGhosts][2];
flagPos = new int [PacmanUtilities.numberOfFlags][2];
currentFlagStatus = new boolean[PacmanUtilities.numberOfFlags];
children = new ArrayList<Node89978445> ();
curGhostPos = new int [PacmanUtilities.numberOfGhosts][2];
flagPos = new int [PacmanUtilities.numberOfFlags][2];
curFlagStatus = new boolean[PacmanUtilities.numberOfFlags];
children = new ArrayList<Node89978445> ();
// calculate helper arrays
curGhostPos = findGhosts ();
flagPos = findFlags ();
curFlagStatus = checkFlags ();
//Evaluate the position
nodeEvaluation = evaluate ();
@@ -123,10 +129,15 @@ public class Node89978445
// If already evaluated do not re-evaluate the move
if (nodeEvaluation == Globals.NO_EVAL) {
// Safety filters
if (Maze == null)
return Globals.NO_EVAL;
if (nodeXY == Globals.FALSE_POS)
return Globals.NO_EVAL;
// calculate helper arrays
currentGhostPos = findGhosts ();
curGhostPos = findGhosts ();
flagPos = findFlags ();
currentFlagStatus = checkFlags ();
curFlagStatus = checkFlags ();
return nodeEvaluation = evaluate ();
@@ -134,16 +145,30 @@ public class Node89978445
return nodeEvaluation;
public int[] getCurentPacmanPos () {
public int[] getCurrentPacmanPos () {
return nodeXY;
public int[][] getCurrentGhostPos () {
return currentGhostPos;
return curGhostPos;
public int getDepth () {
return depth;
* ============= Helper API ============
public static int moveConv (int[] nextPos, int[] curPos)
int dx = nextPos[0] - curPos[0];
int dy = nextPos[1] - curPos[1];
if (dx < 0) return Room.NORTH;
else if (dx > 0) return Room.SOUTH;
else if (dy < 0) return Room.WEST;
else return Room.EAST;
* @param creature creature's (x,y)
* @return
@@ -273,9 +298,17 @@ public class Node89978445
* ============ evaluation helper methods ==============
* ============ private evaluation helper methods ==============
private enum Creature {
* @brief
* Check if the requested ghost move is valid
private int[] ghostValidMove (int[] ghost, int move)
int[] newPos = new int[2];
@@ -299,7 +332,7 @@ public class Node89978445
* @brief
* Check if the requested move is valid
* Check if the requested pacman move is valid
private int[] pacmanValidMove (int[] pacman, int move)
@@ -328,12 +361,14 @@ public class Node89978445
* @brief
* A Breadth-first search to find the shortest path distance
* from a ghost to a point in the maze
* @param ghost Ghost (x, y)
* @param xy The x, y coordinate in Maze
* @return
* from an origin point to another point in the maze as if a
* a creature could walk through
* @param origin origin (x, y)
* @param xy The x, y coordinate in Maze
* @param creature The type of creature for whom the path is for
* @return The number of steps from origin to xy
private int ghostMoveDist (int[] ghost, int[] xy)
private int moveDist (int[] origin, int[] xy, Creature creature)
int move;
int steps, qStepItems; // distance and group counters
@@ -342,10 +377,10 @@ public class Node89978445
int c = PacmanUtilities.numberOfColumns; // helper for shorting names
int[] xyItem = new int [2]; // Coordinates of the current position of the algo
int[] xyNext = new int [2]; // Coordinates of the next valid position of the algo
Queue2D q = new Queue2D (r+c - 1); // Queue to feed with possible position
Queue2D q = new Queue2D (Globals.MAX_DISTANCE - 1); // Queue to feed with possible position
int [][] dist = new int [r][c];
* 2D array holding all the distances from the ghost to each square of the maze
* 2D array holding all the distances from the origin to each square of the maze
// If target square is inside a box abort with max distance
@@ -362,8 +397,8 @@ public class Node89978445
// loop data
dist [ghost[0]][ghost[1]] = 0; //starting point is the ghost position
q.insert (ghost); // feed first loop data
dist [origin[0]][origin[1]] = 0; //starting point is the origin position
q.insert (origin); // feed first loop data
qStepItems = 1; // init counters
steps = 1;
@@ -380,94 +415,12 @@ public class Node89978445
--qStepItems; // mark the removal of the item
for (move=0 ; move<4 ; ++move) {
// loop every valid next position for the current position
if ((xyNext = ghostValidMove (xyItem, move)) != Globals.FALSE_POS) {
if (dist[xyNext[0]][xyNext[1]] == -1) {
// If we haven't been there
dist[xyNext[0]][xyNext[1]] = steps; // mark the distance
if ((xyNext[0] == xy[0]) && (xyNext[1] == xy[1])) {
* first match:
* The first time we reach destination we have count the
* distance. No need any other try
done = true;
else {
// If we are not there yet, feed queue with another position
q.insert (xyNext);
switch (creature) {
case GHOST: xyNext = ghostValidMove (xyItem, move); break;
case PACMAN: xyNext = pacmanValidMove (xyItem, move); break;
default: xyNext = Globals.FALSE_POS;
else {
// We are done with group, mark how many are for the next one
if ((qStepItems = q.size()) <= 0)
return dist[xy[0]][xy[1]]; // fail safe return
++steps; // Update distance counter
return dist[xy[0]][xy[1]];
* @brief
* A Breadth-first search to find the shortest path distance
* from the pacman to a point in the maze. The point will normaly
* represent a flag
* @param pacman Pacman's (x, y)
* @param xy The x, y coordinate in Maze
* @return
private int pacmanMoveDist (int[] pacman, int[] xy)
int move;
int steps, qStepItems; // distance and group counters
boolean done = false; // algo ending flag
int r = PacmanUtilities.numberOfRows; // helper for shorting names
int c = PacmanUtilities.numberOfColumns; // helper for shorting names
int[] xyItem = new int [2]; // Coordinates of the current position of the algo
int[] xyNext = new int [2]; // Coordinates of the next valid position of the algo
Queue2D q = new Queue2D (r+c - 1); // Queue to feed with possible position
int [][] dist = new int [r][c];
* 2D array holding all the distances from pacman to each square of the maze
// If target square is inside a box abort with max distance
if (isInsideBox (xy))
return Globals.MAX_DISTANCE;
* init data for algorithm
for (int i=0 ; i<r ; ++i) {
for (int j=0 ; j<c ; ++j) {
dist[i][j] = -1;
// dist array starts with -1
// loop data
dist [pacman[0]][pacman[1]] = 0; //starting point is the pacman position
q.insert (pacman); // feed first loop data
qStepItems = 1; // init counters
steps = 1;
* Main loop of the algorithm
* For every position we check the valid moves, we apply to them
* the step number and we push them to queue. We group the items in
* queue with their step number by measuring how many we push them for
* the current steps variable value.
while (done == false) {
if (qStepItems>0) { // Have we any item on the current group?
xyItem = q.remove (); //load an item of the current group
--qStepItems; // mark the removal of the item
for (move=0 ; move<4 ; ++move) {
// loop every valid next position for the current position
if ((xyNext = pacmanValidMove (xyItem, move)) != Globals.FALSE_POS) {
if (xyNext != Globals.FALSE_POS) {
if (dist[xyNext[0]][xyNext[1]] == -1) {
// If we haven't been there
dist[xyNext[0]][xyNext[1]] = steps; // mark the distance
@@ -515,7 +468,7 @@ public class Node89978445
// Find ghost distances, min and average
for (i=0, averGhostDist=0 ; i<PacmanUtilities.numberOfGhosts ; ++i) {
ghostDist [i] = ghostMoveDist (currentGhostPos[i], nodeXY);
ghostDist [i] = moveDist (curGhostPos[i], nodeXY, Creature.GHOST);
averGhostDist += ghostDist [i];
if (minGhostDist > ghostDist[i])
minGhostDist = ghostDist[i];
@@ -528,8 +481,8 @@ public class Node89978445
// Find flag distances and min
for (i=0 ; i<PacmanUtilities.numberOfFlags ; ++i) {
if (currentFlagStatus[i] == false) {
flagDist[i] = pacmanMoveDist (nodeXY, flagPos[i]);
if (curFlagStatus[i] == false) {
flagDist[i] = moveDist (nodeXY, flagPos[i], Creature.PACMAN);
if (minFlagDist > flagDist[i])
minFlagDist = flagDist[i];

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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
* @file
* @brief
* File containing the Pacman Min-Max Tree class.
* @author Christos Choutouridis 8997
* @author Konstantina Tsechelidou 8445
* @brief
* A tree-like data structure containing move nodes to apply the min-max
* algorithm.
* @note
* This is NOT a real tree. We do not insert node based on a key etc...
public class Tree
* ============ Constructor ==============
* @brief
* The simple constructor. Do nothing (this is a static class)
public Tree () { }
* ========== private helpers ==============
private static double min (double x, double y) {
return (x < y) ? x : y;
private static double max (double x, double y) {
return (x > y) ? x : y;
* ========== Tree-like public methods =============
* @brief
* Insert a node to a parent directly.
* This is NOT a real tree. We do not insert node based on a key
* @param node Node to insert
* @param parent The parent in witch to insert
* @return Reference to inserted node
* If insert fail, returns null
public static Node89978445 grow (Node89978445 node, Node89978445 parent) {
if (parent.children.add (node)) {
node.parent = parent;
node.depth = parent.depth + 1;
return node;
return null;
public static Node89978445 minmaxAB (Node89978445 node, int depth, double a, double b, boolean maxingPlayer)
double v, ev;
Node89978445 vNode = null;
if ((depth == 0) || (node.children.isEmpty()))
return node;
if (maxingPlayer) {
v = Globals.EVAL_MIN - 1;
for (int i=0 ; i<node.children.size() ; ++i) {
ev = minmaxAB (node.children.get (i), depth-1, a, b, false).getEvaluation();
if (ev > v) {
v = ev;
vNode = node.children.get (i);
a = max (v, a);
if (b <= a)
return vNode;
else {
v = Globals.EVAL_MAX + 1;
for (int i=0 ; i<node.children.size() ; ++i) {
ev = minmaxAB(node.children.get (i), depth-1, a, b, true).getEvaluation();
if (ev < v) {
v = ev;
vNode = node.children.get (i);
b = min (v, b);
if (b <= a)
return vNode;

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src/gr/auth/ee/dsproject/pacman/ View File

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@@ -38,33 +38,42 @@ public class Creature implements
private int step = 1;
private boolean amPrey;
public Creature (boolean isPrey)
public Creature (boolean isPrey) {
amPrey = isPrey;
* @brief
* Create node for each one of the possible moves (0, 1, 2, 3) and
* evaluate these moves.
public int calculateNextPacmanPosition (Room[][] Maze, int[] currPosition)
Node89978445 cur = new Node89978445 (Maze, currPosition);
MinMaxTree mmTree = new MinMaxTree (cur); /*<
* Plant a tree with dummy root
* Null parent and no evaluation
createSubTreePacman (0, cur, Maze, currPosition); //make the tree
// min-max
return 0;
int [] bestPos = {-1, -1}; // Best position in maze to play
Node89978445 bestNode; // The node with the best evaluation
Node89978445 cur = new Node89978445 (Maze, currPosition); // The node with the current position
//make the tree
createSubTreePacman (cur.getDepth (), cur, Maze, currPosition);
// min-max to find best node and consequently the best position
bestNode = Tree.minmaxAB (cur, Globals.MINMAXTREE_MAX_DEPTH-1, Globals.EVAL_MIN - 1, Globals.EVAL_MAX + 1, true);
bestPos = bestNode.getCurrentPacmanPos();
// convert back to move encoding
return Node89978445.moveConv (bestPos, currPosition);
void createSubTreePacman (int depth, Node89978445 parent, Room[][] Maze, int[] curPacmanPosition)
if (++depth > Globals.MINMAXTREE_MAX_DEPTH)
if (depth >= Globals.MINMAXTREE_MAX_DEPTH-1)
* As the depth starts from 0 and MINMAXTREE_MAX_DEPTH
* is strictly even, with this comparison we accept that there
* is no need for a max-depth layer of ghosts-evaluation based nodes.
* As soon as we accept the depth-1 layers max evaluated node.
else {
Node89978445 newNode;
@@ -76,23 +85,31 @@ public class Creature implements
if ((nextPosition = Node89978445.pacmanValidMove (parent, move)) != Globals.FALSE_POS) {
// Make a copy of the maze in order to simulate next move and move Pacman
newMaze = PacmanUtilities.copy (Maze);
PacmanUtilities.movePacman (newMaze, parent.getCurentPacmanPos(), nextPosition);
PacmanUtilities.movePacman (newMaze, parent.getCurrentPacmanPos(), nextPosition);
// Create a node for the move in the new stated game maze
newNode = new Node89978445 (newMaze, nextPosition);
MinMaxTree.insert (newNode, parent); // add node to the min-max tree
Tree.grow (newNode, parent); // add node to the min-max tree
// call the recursive ranch creator
createSubTreeGhosts (depth, newNode, newMaze, newNode.getCurrentGhostPos());
createSubTreeGhosts (newNode.getDepth (), newNode, newMaze, newNode.getCurrentGhostPos());
void createSubTreeGhosts (int depth, Node89978445 parent, Room[][] Maze, int[][] currGhostsPosition)
if (++depth > Globals.MINMAXTREE_MAX_DEPTH)
if (depth >= Globals.MINMAXTREE_MAX_DEPTH-1)
* As the depth starts from 0 and MINMAXTREE_MAX_DEPTH
* is strictly even, with this comparison we accept that there
* is no need for a max-depth layer of ghosts-evaluation based nodes.
* As soon as we accept the depth-1 layers max evaluated node.
else {
Node89978445 newNode;
@@ -103,19 +120,17 @@ public class Creature implements
ghostMoves = PacmanUtilities.allGhostMoves(Maze, currGhostsPosition);
// loop all ghost moves
int s = ghostMoves.size();
for (int i=0 ; i<s ; ++i) {
for (int i=0 ; i<ghostMoves.size() ; ++i) {
// Make a copy of the maze in order to simulate next move and move ghosts
newMaze = PacmanUtilities.copy (Maze);
PacmanUtilities.moveGhosts(newMaze, currGhostsPosition, ghostMoves.get(i));
// Create a node for the move in the new stated game maze
newNode = new Node89978445 (newMaze, parent.getCurentPacmanPos());
MinMaxTree.insert (newNode, parent); // add node to the min-max tree
newNode = new Node89978445 (newMaze, parent.getCurrentPacmanPos());
Tree.grow (newNode, parent); // add node to the min-max tree
//recursive call for the rest of the tree
//createSubTreePacman (depth, newNode, newMaze, parent.getCurentPacmanPos());
createSubTreePacman (newNode.getDepth (), newNode, newMaze, parent.getCurrentPacmanPos());
