Преглед изворни кода

A 2nd implementation conforming to vector creation [need optimization]

Christos Choutouridis пре 3 година
11 измењених фајлова са 863 додато и 161 уклоњено
  1. +3
  2. +61
  3. +5
  4. +249
  5. +108
  6. +27
  7. +28
  8. +86
  9. +19
  10. +114
  11. +163

+ 3
- 0
.gitignore Прегледај датотеку

@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
# project

# eclipse

+ 61
- 7
Makefile Прегледај датотеку

@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ DEP_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/.dep
# ========== Compiler settings ==========
# Compiler flags for debug and release
DEB_CFLAGS := -DDEBUG -g3 -Wall -Wextra -std=c++14
REL_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -O2 -std=c++14
REL_CFLAGS := -DDEBUG -g3 -Wall -Wextra -O2 -std=c++14
# Pre-defines

# ============== Linker settings ==============
# Linker flags (example: -pthread -lm)
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ DEP := $(foreach file,$(SRC:%.cpp=%.d),$(DEP_DIR)/$(file))
# Invoke cpp to create makefile rules with dependencies for each source file
$(DEP_DIR)/%.d: %.cpp
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@$(DOCKER) $(CXX) -E $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) -MM -MT $(OBJ_DIR)/$(<:.cpp=.o) -MF $@ $<
$(DOCKER) $(CXX) -E $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) -MM -MT $(OBJ_DIR)/$(<:.cpp=.o) -MF $@ $<

# objects depent on .cpp AND dependency files, which have an empty recipe
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp $(DEP_DIR)/%.d
@@ -137,29 +138,82 @@ clean:
@rm -rf $(DEP_DIR)
@rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)

# ================ Local build rules =================
# examples:
# make debug

.PHONY: debug
debug: CFLAGS := $(DEB_CFLAGS)
debug: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

.PHONY: release
release: CFLAGS := $(REL_CFLAGS)
release: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

.PHONY: all
all: release

local_v3: TARGET := local_v3
local_v3: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

local_v4: TARGET := local_v4
local_v4: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

v3: TARGET := tcount_v3

v3_cilk: DOCKER := $(DOCKER_CMD)
v3_cilk: CXX := /usr/local/OpenCilk-9.0.1-Linux/bin/clang++
v3_cilk: CFLAGS := $(REL_CFLAGS) -fcilkplus -DCODE_VERSION=V3 -DCILK
v3_cilk: LDFLAGS += -fcilkplus
v3_cilk: TARGET := tcount_cilkv3
v3_cilk: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

v3_omp: DOCKER := $(DOCKER_CMD)
v3_omp: CFLAGS := $(REL_CFLAGS) -fopenmp -DCODE_VERSION=V3 -DOMP
v3_omp: LDFLAGS += -fopenmp
v3_omp: TARGET := tcount_ompv3
v3_omp: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

v4: TARGET := tcount_v4

v4_cilk: DOCKER := $(DOCKER_CMD)
v4_cilk: CXX := /usr/local/OpenCilk-9.0.1-Linux/bin/clang++
v4_cilk: CFLAGS := $(REL_CFLAGS) -fcilkplus -DCODE_VERSION=V4 -DCILK
v4_cilk: LDFLAGS += -fcilkplus
v4_cilk: TARGET := tcount_cilkv4
v4_cilk: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

v4_omp: DOCKER := $(DOCKER_CMD)
v4_omp: CFLAGS := $(REL_CFLAGS) -fopenmp -DCODE_VERSION=V4 -DOMP
v4_omp: LDFLAGS += -fopenmp
v4_omp: TARGET := tcount_ompv4
v4_omp: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

v4_pthreads: DOCKER := $(DOCKER_CMD)
v4_pthreads: TARGET := tcount_pthv4
v4_pthreads: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

# ================ Docker based rules ================
# examples:
# make IMAGE="gcc:8.3" dock
.PHONY: dock
dock: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

+ 5
- 0
inc/config.h Прегледај датотеку

@@ -14,14 +14,19 @@
#include <v3.h>
#include <v4.h>

* Defines for different version of the exercise
#define V12 2
#define V3 3
#define V4 4

// Fail-safe verision selection
#if !defined CODE_VERSION

// matrix alias template dispatcher based on pre-define flag from compiler (see Makefile)
using namespace v12;
using matrix = v12::matrix;

+ 249
- 66
inc/impl.hpp Прегледај датотеку

@@ -168,25 +168,42 @@ Matrix<DataType, IndexType, Type> make_Matrix(IndexType s) {
return Matrix<DataType, IndexType, Type>(new DataType[Matrix<DataType, IndexType, Type>::capacity(s)], s);

template<typename DataType, typename IndexType>
using CooVal = std::tuple<DataType, IndexType, IndexType>;

* A simple sparse matrix implementation.
* We use CSC format and provide get/set functionalities for each (i,j) item
* on the matrix. We also provide a () overload using a proxy SpMatVal object.
* This way the user can:
* \code
* auto v = A(3,4);
* A(3, 4) = 7;
* \endcode
* We also provide getCol() and getRow() functions witch return a viwer/iterator to rows and
* columns of the matrix. In the case of a symmetric matrix instead of a row we return the
* equivalent column. This way we gain speed due to CSC format nature.
* @tparam DataType The type for values
* @tparam IndexType The type for indexes
* @tparam Type The Matrix type (FULL or SYMMETRIC)
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType, MatrixType Type>
struct SpMat {
using dataType = DataType; //!< meta:export of underling data type
using indexType = IndexType; //!< meta:export of underling index type
static constexpr MatrixType matrixType = Type; //!< export of array type

friend class SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>;
friend class SpMatRow<DataType, IndexType>;
friend class SpMatVal<DataType, IndexType>;
friend struct SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>;
friend struct SpMatRow<DataType, IndexType>;
friend struct SpMatVal<DataType, IndexType>;

* \name Obj lifetime
//! @{

//! allocation with init value ctor
//! Default ctor with optional memory allocations
SpMat(IndexType n=IndexType{}, IndexType nnz=IndexType{}) :
values(nnz, DataType{}),
rows(nnz, IndexType{}),
@@ -194,6 +211,7 @@ struct SpMat {
NNZ(nnz) { }

//! A ctor using csc array data
SpMat(IndexType n, IndexType nnz, const IndexType* row, const IndexType* col) :
values(nnz, 1),
rows(row, row+nnz),
@@ -201,6 +219,7 @@ struct SpMat {
NNZ(nnz) { }

//! ctor using csc array data with value array
SpMat(IndexType n, IndexType nnz, const DataType* v, const IndexType* row, const IndexType* col) :
values(v, v+nnz),
rows(row, row+nnz),
@@ -208,6 +227,7 @@ struct SpMat {
NNZ(nnz) { }

//! ctor vectors of row/col and default value for values array
SpMat(IndexType n, IndexType nnz, const DataType v, const std::vector<IndexType>& row, const std::vector<IndexType>& col) :
values(nnz, v),
rows (row),
@@ -219,38 +239,72 @@ struct SpMat {
SpMat(SpMat&& a) noexcept { moves(std::move(a)); }
//! move
SpMat& operator=(SpMat&& a) noexcept { moves(std::move(a)); return *this; }
SpMat(const SpMat& a) = delete; //!< No copy ctor
SpMat& operator=(const SpMat& a) = delete; //!< No copy assignment
SpMat(const SpMat& a) = delete; //!< make sure there are no copies
SpMat& operator=(const SpMat& a) = delete; //!< make sure there are no copies
//! @}

//! \name Data exposure
//! @{

//! \return the dimension of the matrix
IndexType size() noexcept { return N; }
//! After construction size configuration tool
IndexType size(IndexType n) {
return N = n;
//! \return the NNZ of the matrix
IndexType capacity() noexcept { return NNZ; }
//! After construction NNZ size configuration tool
IndexType capacity(IndexType nnz) {
return NNZ;
// getters for row arrays of the struct (unused)
std::vector<DataType>& getValues() noexcept { return values; }
std::vector<IndexType>& getRows() noexcept { return rows; }
std::vector<IndexType>& getCols() noexcept { return col_ptr; }

* Return a proxy SpMatVal object with read and write capabilities.
* @param i The row number
* @param j The column number
* @return tHE SpMatVal object
SpMatVal<DataType, IndexType> operator()(IndexType i, IndexType j) {
return SpMatVal<DataType, IndexType>(this, get(i, j), i, j);

* A read item functionality using binary search to find the correct row
* @param i The row number
* @param j The column number
* @return The value of the item or DataType{} if is not present.
DataType get(IndexType i, IndexType j) {
IndexType idx;
bool found;
std::tie(idx, found) =find_idx(rows, col_ptr[j], col_ptr[j+1], i);
return (found) ? values[idx] : 0;
IndexType end, idx =find_idx(rows, col_ptr[j], end=col_ptr[j+1], i);
return (idx != end) ? values[idx] : 0;

* A write item functionality.
* First we search if the matrix has already a value in (i, j) position.
* If so we just change it to a new value. If not we add the item on the matrix.
* @note
* We don't increase the NNZ value of the struct. We expect the user has already
* change the NNZ value to the right one using @see capacity() function.
* @param i The row number
* @param j The column number
* @return The new value of the item .
DataType set(DataType v, IndexType i, IndexType j) {
IndexType idx; bool found;
std::tie(idx, found) = find_idx(rows, col_ptr[j], col_ptr[j+1], i);
std::tie(idx, found) = find2_idx(rows, col_ptr[j], col_ptr[j+1], i);
if (found)
return values[idx] = v; // we don't change NNZ even if we write "0"
else {
@@ -264,34 +318,47 @@ struct SpMat {

* Get a view of a CSC column
* @param j The column to get
* @return The SpMatCol object @see SpMatCol
SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType> getCol(IndexType j) {
return SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>(this, col_ptr[j], col_ptr[j+1]);

* Get a view of a CSC row
* In case of a SYMMETRIC matrix we can return a column instead.
* @param j The row to get
* @return The SpMatCol object @see SpMatCol
template<MatrixType AT= Type>
std::enable_if_t<AT==MatrixType::SYMMETRIC, SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>>
getRow(IndexType i) {
return getCol(i);

* Get a view of a CSC row
* @param j The row to get
* @return The SpMatRow object @see SpMatRow
template<MatrixType AT= Type>
std::enable_if_t<AT==MatrixType::FULL, SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>>
getRow(IndexType i) {
return SpMatRow<DataType, IndexType>(this, i);

// iterator support
// values only iterator support
DataType* begin() noexcept { return values.begin(); }
DataType* end() noexcept { return values.end(); }
//! @}

* \name Safe iteration API
* This api automates the iteration over the array based on
* MatrixType
//! @{

//! A small iteration helper
template<typename F, typename... Args>
void for_each_in (IndexType begin, IndexType end, F&& lambda, Args&&... args) {
for (IndexType it=begin ; it<end ; ++it) {
@@ -299,15 +366,45 @@ struct SpMat {

//! @}

// operations
// friend operations for printing
template<typename D, typename I, MatrixType T> friend void print(SpMat<D, I, T>& mat);
template<typename D, typename I, MatrixType T> friend void print_dense(SpMat<D, I, T>& mat);

// index-find helper
std::pair<IndexType, bool> find_idx(const std::vector<IndexType>& v, IndexType begin, IndexType end, IndexType match) {
* A small binary search implementation using index for begin-end instead of iterators.
* \param v Reference to vector to search
* \param begin The vector's index to begin
* \param end The vector's index to end
* \param match What to search
* @return The index of the item or end on failure.
IndexType find_idx(const std::vector<IndexType>& v, IndexType begin, IndexType end, IndexType match) {
IndexType b = begin, e = end-1;
while (true) {
IndexType m = (b+e)/2;
if (v[m] == match) return m;
else if (b >= e) return end;
else {
if (v[m] < match) b = m +1;
else e = m -1;
return end;
* find helper for set using index for begin-end instead of iterators.
* We search for the item or a place to add the item.
* So we return the index if we find it. Otherwise we return the place to add it.
* \param v Reference to vector to search
* \param begin The vector's index to begin
* \param end The vector's index to end
* \param match What to search
std::pair<IndexType, bool> find2_idx(const std::vector<IndexType>& v, IndexType begin, IndexType end, IndexType match) {
for ( ; begin < end ; ++begin) {
if (match == v[begin]) return std::make_pair(begin, true);
else if (match < v[begin]) return std::make_pair(begin, false);
@@ -324,38 +421,58 @@ private:
//! \name Data
//! @{
std::vector<DataType> values {};
std::vector<IndexType> rows{};
std::vector<IndexType> col_ptr{1,0};
IndexType N{0};
IndexType NNZ{0};
std::vector<DataType> values {}; //!< vector to store the values of the matrix
std::vector<IndexType> rows{}; //!< vector to store the row information
std::vector<IndexType> col_ptr{1,0}; //!< vector to stor the column pointers
IndexType N{0}; //!< The dimension of the matrix (square)
IndexType NNZ{0}; //!< The NNZ (capacity of the matrix)
//! @}

* A view/iterator hybrid object for SpMat columns.
* This object provides access to a column of a SpMat. The public functionalities
* allow data access using indexes instead of iterators. We prefer indexes over iterators
* because we can apply the same index to different inner vector of SpMat without conversion.
* @tparam DataType
* @tparam IndexType
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType>
struct SpMatCol {
using owner_t = SpMat<DataType, IndexType>;

* ctor using column pointers for begin-end. own is pointer to SpMat.
SpMatCol(owner_t* own, const IndexType begin, const IndexType end) noexcept :
owner_(own), index_(begin), begin_(begin), end_(end) {
vindex_ = vIndexCalc(index_);
SpMatCol() = default;
SpMatCol(const SpMatCol&) = delete;
SpMatCol& operator=(const SpMatCol&)= delete;
SpMatCol(const SpMatCol&) = delete; //!< make sure there are no copies
SpMatCol& operator=(const SpMatCol&)= delete; //!< make sure there are no copies
SpMatCol(SpMatCol&&) = default;
SpMatCol& operator=(SpMatCol&&) = default;

//! a simple dereference operator, like an iterator
DataType operator* () {
return get();
//! Increment operator acts on index(), like an iterator
SpMatCol& operator++ () { advance(); return *this; }
SpMatCol& operator++ (int) { SpMatCol& p = *this; advance(); return p; }

//! () operator acts as member access (like a view)
DataType operator()(IndexType x) {
return (x == index())? get() : DataType{};
//! = operator acts as member assignment (like a view)
DataType operator= (DataType v) { return owner_->values[index_] = v; }
// iterator like handlers
// these return a virtual index value based on the items position on the full matrix
// but the move of the index is just a ++ away.
IndexType index() noexcept { return vindex_; }
const IndexType index() const noexcept { return vindex_; }
IndexType begin() noexcept { return vIndexCalc(begin_); }
@@ -363,6 +480,13 @@ struct SpMatCol {
IndexType end() noexcept { return owner_->N; }
const IndexType end() const noexcept { return owner_->N; }

* Multiplication operator
* @tparam C Universal reference for the type right half site column
* @param c The right hand site matrix
* @return The value of the inner product of two vectors
template <typename C>
DataType operator* (C&& c) {
static_assert(std::is_same<remove_cvref_t<C>, SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>>(), "");
@@ -380,25 +504,42 @@ struct SpMatCol {

//! small tool to increase the index pointers to SpMat matrix
void advance() noexcept {
vindex_ = vIndexCalc(index_);
//! tool to translate between col_ptr indexes and SpMat "virtual" full matrix indexes
IndexType vIndexCalc(IndexType idx) {
return (idx < end_) ? owner_->rows[idx] : end();
//! small get tool
DataType get() { return owner_->values[index_]; }
owner_t* owner_{nullptr};
IndexType vindex_ {IndexType{}};
IndexType index_{IndexType{}};
IndexType begin_{IndexType{}};
IndexType end_{IndexType{}};

owner_t* owner_ {nullptr}; //!< Pointer to owner SpMat. SpMatCol is just a view
IndexType vindex_ {IndexType{}}; //!< Virtual index of full matrix
IndexType index_ {IndexType{}}; //!< index to SpMat::rows
IndexType begin_ {IndexType{}}; //!< beginning index of the column in SpMat::rows
IndexType end_ {IndexType{}}; //!< ending index of the column in SpMat::rows

* A view/iterator hybrid object for SpMat rows.
* This object provides access to a column of a SpMat. The public functionalities
* allow data access using indexes instead of iterators. We prefer indexes over iterators
* because we can apply the same index to different inner vector of SpMat without conversion.
* @tparam DataType
* @tparam IndexType
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType>
struct SpMatRow {
using owner_t = SpMat<DataType, IndexType>;

* ctor using virtual full matrix row index. own is pointer to SpMat.
SpMatRow(owner_t* own, const IndexType row) noexcept :
owner_(own), vindex_(IndexType{}), row_(row), index_(IndexType{}),
begin_(IndexType{}), end_(owner_->NNZ) {
@@ -410,20 +551,29 @@ struct SpMatRow {
SpMatRow() = default;
SpMatRow(const SpMatRow&) = delete;
SpMatRow& operator=(const SpMatRow&)= delete;
SpMatRow(const SpMatRow&) = delete; //!< make sure there are no copies
SpMatRow& operator=(const SpMatRow&)= delete; //!< make sure there are no copies
SpMatRow(SpMatRow&&) = default;
SpMatRow& operator=(SpMatRow&&) = default;

//! a simple dereference operator, like an iterator
DataType operator* () {
return get();
//! Increment operator acts on index(), like an iterator
//! here the increment is a O(N) process.
SpMatRow& operator++ () { advance(); return *this; }
SpMatRow& operator++ (int) { SpMatRow& p = *this; advance(); return p; }

//! () operator acts as member access (like a view)
DataType operator()(IndexType x) {
return (x == index())? get() : DataType{};
//! = operator acts as member assignment (like a view)
DataType operator= (DataType v) { return owner_->values[index_] = v; }
// iterator like handlers
// these return a virtual index value based on the items position on the full matrix
// but the move of the index is just a ++ away.
IndexType index() noexcept { return vindex_; }
const IndexType index() const noexcept { return vindex_; }
IndexType begin() noexcept { return vIndexCalc(begin_); }
@@ -431,6 +581,13 @@ struct SpMatRow {
IndexType end() noexcept { return owner_->N; }
const IndexType end() const noexcept { return owner_->N; }

* Multiplication operator
* @tparam C Universal reference for the type right half site column
* @param c The right hand site matrix
* @return The value of the inner product of two vectors
template <typename C>
DataType operator* (C&& c) {
static_assert(std::is_same<remove_cvref_t<C>, SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>>(), "");
@@ -447,70 +604,96 @@ struct SpMatRow {
return v;
//! small tool to increase the index pointers to SpMat matrix
//! We have to search the entire rows vector in SpMat to find the next
//! virtual row position.
//! time complexity O(N)
void advance() noexcept {
while(index_ != end_ && owner_->rows[index_] != row_);
vindex_ = vIndexCalc(index_);
//! tool to translate between col_ptr indexes and SpMat "virtual" full matrix indexes
IndexType vIndexCalc(IndexType idx) {
for(IndexType i =0 ; i<(owner_->N+1) ; ++i)
if (idx < owner_->col_ptr[i])
return i-1;
return end();
//! small get tool
DataType get() { return owner_->values[index_]; }
owner_t* owner_ {nullptr};
IndexType vindex_ {IndexType{}};
IndexType row_ {IndexType{}};
IndexType index_ {IndexType{}};
IndexType begin_ {IndexType{}};
IndexType end_ {IndexType{}};

owner_t* owner_ {nullptr}; //!< Pointer to owner SpMat. SpMatCol is just a view
IndexType vindex_ {IndexType{}}; //!< Virtual index of full matrix
IndexType row_ {IndexType{}}; //!< The virtual full matrix row of the object
IndexType index_ {IndexType{}}; //!< index to SpMat::rows
IndexType begin_ {IndexType{}}; //!< beginning index of the column in SpMat::rows
IndexType end_ {IndexType{}}; //!< ending index of the column in SpMat::rows

* A proxy SpMat value object/view.
* This object acts as proxy to provide read/write access to an SpMat item.
* @tparam DataType The type of the values of the SpMat matrix
* @tparam IndexType The type of the indexes of the SpMat matrix
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType>
struct SpMatVal {
using owner_t = SpMat<DataType, IndexType>;

//!< ctor using all value-row-column data, plus a pointer to owner SpMat object
SpMatVal(owner_t* own, DataType v, IndexType i, IndexType j) :
owner_(own), v_(v), i_(i), j_(j) { }
SpMatVal() = default;
SpMatVal(const SpMatVal&) = delete;
SpMatVal& operator=(const SpMatVal&) = delete;
SpMatVal(const SpMatVal&) = delete; //!< make sure there are no copies
SpMatVal& operator=(const SpMatVal&) = delete; //!< make sure there are no copies
SpMatVal(SpMatVal&&) = default;
SpMatVal& operator=(SpMatVal&&) = default;

//! Operator to return the DataType value implicitly
operator DataType() { return v_; }
//! Operator to write back to owner the assigned value
//! for ex: A(2,3) = 5;
SpMatVal& operator=(DataType v) {
v_ = v;
owner_->set(v_, i_, j_);
return *this;
owner_t* owner_{nullptr};;
DataType v_{DataType{}};
IndexType i_{IndexType{}};
IndexType j_{IndexType{}};
owner_t* owner_{nullptr}; //!< Pointer to owner SpMat. SpMatVal is just a view.
DataType v_{DataType{}}; //!< The value of the row-column pair (for speed)
IndexType i_{IndexType{}}; //!< The row
IndexType j_{IndexType{}}; //!< the column

enum class InputMatrix{
//! enumerator for input matrix type.
enum class InputMatrix{ UNSPECIFIED, GENERATE, MTX };
//! enumerator for output handling
enum class OutputMode{ STD, FILE };

* Session option for each invocation of the executable
struct session_t {
std::size_t size {0};
double probability {0};
InputMatrix inputMatrix {InputMatrix::GENERATE};
std::ifstream mtxFile {};
std::size_t print_size {80};
bool timing {false};
bool print {false};
bool makeSymmetric {false};
InputMatrix inputMatrix {InputMatrix::UNSPECIFIED}; //!< Source of the matrix
std::ifstream mtxFile {}; //!< matrix file in MatrixMarket format
std::size_t gen_size {}; //!< size of the matrix if we select to generate a random one
double gen_prob {}; //!< probability of the binomial distribution for the matrix
//!< if we generate one
OutputMode outputMode {OutputMode::STD}; //!< Type of the output file
std::ofstream outFile {}; //!< File to use for output
std::size_t max_threads {}; //!< Maximum threads to use
bool timing {false}; //!< Enable timing prints of the program
bool verbose {false}; //!< Flag to enable verbose output to stdout
bool makeSymmetric {true}; //!< symmetric matrix creation flag (true by default)
bool validate_mtx {false}; //!< Flag to request mtx input data triangular validation.
bool print_count {false}; //!< Flag to request total count printing
bool mtx_print {false}; //!< matrix print flag
std::size_t mtx_print_size {}; //!< matrix print size

extern session_t session;

+ 108
- 25
inc/utils.h Прегледај датотеку

@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
#include <impl.hpp>
#include <config.h>

* A small RAII utility to memory allocation arrays.
* @tparam T The type of pointer for the memory
template <typename T>
struct buffer_t {
buffer_t(size_t s) { p = new T[s]; }
@@ -34,8 +38,14 @@ private:
T* p{nullptr};

* A toolbox for MatrixMarket format handling
struct Mtx {

* A template version of the coo2csc function provided by PDS lab stuff.
template<typename I>
static void coo2csc(I *row, I *col, I const* row_coo, I const* col_coo, I nnz, I n, I isOneBased) {
// ----- cannot assume that input is already 0!
@@ -70,6 +80,12 @@ struct Mtx {

* Utility to check if a matrix input is strictly triangular or not.
* @tparam I Index type
* @param file Reference to input file stream
* @return The status of the operation
template<typename I>
static bool is_triangular (std::ifstream& file) {
std::string line, token;
@@ -105,6 +121,14 @@ struct Mtx {
return true;

* A utility to load an MatrixMarket file to memory
* @tparam DataT The data type
* @tparam IndexT The indexes type
* @param M Reference to matrix for output
* @param file Reference to input file stream to read from
* @return The status of the operation
template<typename DataT, typename IndexT, MatrixType MatrixT>
static bool load (SpMat<DataT, IndexT, MatrixT>& M, std::ifstream& file) {
std::string line, token;
@@ -139,60 +163,119 @@ struct Mtx {
if (line[0] == '%') continue;
IndexT i, j;
ss >> i >> j;
if (session.makeSymmetric) {
if (LU == Z) {
LU = (i<j) ? UPPER: LOWER;
if ((LU==LOWER && j<i) || (LU==UPPER && i<j)) {
coo_row[cnt] = i;
coo_col[cnt++] = j;
coo_row[cnt] = j;
coo_col[cnt++] = i;
if (LU == Z) {
LU = (i<j) ? UPPER: LOWER;
else {
// ignore all values outside the triangle area
if ((LU==LOWER && j<i) || (LU==UPPER && i<j)) {
coo_row[cnt] = i;
coo_col[cnt++] = j;
if (session.makeSymmetric) {
coo_row[cnt] = j;
coo_col[cnt++] = i;
coo2csc(&row[0], &col[0], &coo_row[0], &coo_col[0], cnt, n1, 1);
M = SpMat<DataT, IndexT, MatrixT>(n1, cnt, &row[0], &col[0]);
return true;
if (cnt) {
// convert and construct
coo2csc(&row[0], &col[0], &coo_row[0], &coo_col[0], cnt, n1, 1);
M = SpMat<DataT, IndexT, MatrixT>(n1, cnt, &row[0], &col[0]);
return true;
return false;

* A small timing utility based on chrono.
struct Timing{
using Tpoint = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point;
using microseconds = std::chrono::microseconds;
using milliseconds = std::chrono::milliseconds;
using seconds = std::chrono::seconds;

//! tool to mark the starting point
Tpoint start () noexcept { return start_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); }
//! tool to mark the ending point
Tpoint stop () noexcept { return stop_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); }

auto dt () noexcept {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(stop_ - start_).count();
void print_dt () noexcept {
auto t = stop_ - start_;
if (std::chrono::duration_cast<microseconds>(t).count() < 10000)
std::cout << "time: " << std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<microseconds>(t).count()) << " [usec]\n";
else if (std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(t).count() < 10000)
std::cout << "time: " << std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(t).count()) << " [msec]\n";
std::cout << "time: " << std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<seconds>(t).count()) << " [sec]\n";

//! tool to print the time interval
void print_dt (const char* what) noexcept {
if (session.timing) {
auto t = stop_ - start_;
if (std::chrono::duration_cast<microseconds>(t).count() < 10000)
std::cout << "[Timing]: " << what << ": " << std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<microseconds>(t).count()) << " [usec]\n";
else if (std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(t).count() < 10000)
std::cout << "[Timing]: " << what << ": " << std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(t).count()) << " [msec]\n";
std::cout << "[Timing]: " << what << ": " << std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<seconds>(t).count()) << " [sec]\n";
Tpoint start_;
Tpoint stop_;

* A Logger for entire programm.
struct Log {
struct Endl {} endl; //!< a tag objec to to use it as a new line request.

//! We provide logging via << operator
template<typename T>
Log& operator<< (T&& t) {
if (session.verbose) {
if (line_) {
std::cout << "[Log]: " << t;
line_ = false;
std::cout << t;
return *this;
// overload for special end line handling
Log& operator<< (Endl e) { (void)e;
if (session.verbose) {
std::cout << '\n';
line_ = true;
return *this;
bool line_ {true};

extern Log logger;

//! Total count result printing function
template<typename F>
void triangle_out (value_t s, F&& f) {
f << "Total triangles: " << s << '\n';

//! vector out result printing function
template<typename F>
void vector_out (std::vector<value_t>& v, F&& f) {
size_t idx{};
f << "id,c3\n";
for (auto& it : v) f << idx++ <<',' << it << '\n';
f << '\n';

* Public non-template api.
* We use matrix alias template. So it has to be defined somewhere
void init_ER_graph (matrix& A, double p);
void print_ER_graph (matrix& A);
void print_graph (matrix& A);
void threads_info ();

#endif /* UTILS_H_ */

+ 27
- 1
inc/v3.h Прегледај датотеку

@@ -9,13 +9,39 @@
#ifndef V3_H_
#define V3_H_

#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <impl.hpp>

#if defined CILK
#include <cilk/cilk.h>
#include <cilk/cilk_api.h>
#include <cilk/reducer_opadd.h>

#elif defined OMP
#include <omp.h>

#elif defined THREADS
#include <thread>


namespace v3 {

//! Select a data representation suited for V3.
using matrix = SpMat<int, int>;

int triang_count (matrix& A);

using index_t = typename matrix::indexType; //!< syntactic sugar alias for index type
using value_t = typename matrix::dataType; //!< syntactic sugar alias for value type

* Common api for all the versions
int nworkers();
std::vector<value_t> triang_v(matrix& A);
value_t triang_count (std::vector<value_t>& c);

#endif /* V3_H_ */

+ 28
- 1
inc/v4.h Прегледај датотеку

@@ -9,13 +9,40 @@
#ifndef V4_H_
#define V4_H_

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <mutex>
#include <impl.hpp>

#if defined CILK
#include <cilk/cilk.h>
#include <cilk/cilk_api.h>
#include <cilk/reducer_opadd.h>

#elif defined OMP
#include <omp.h>

#elif defined THREADS
#include <thread>


namespace v4 {

//! Select a data representation suited for V3.
using matrix = SpMat<int, int>;

int triang_count (matrix& A);

using index_t = typename matrix::indexType; //!< syntactic sugar alias for index type
using value_t = typename matrix::dataType; //!< syntactic sugar alias for value type

* Common api for all the versions
int nworkers();
std::vector<value_t> triang_v(matrix& A);
value_t triang_count (std::vector<value_t>& c);

#endif /* V4_H_ */

+ 86
- 36
src/main.cpp Прегледај датотеку

@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@

// Global session data
session_t session;
Log logger;

* A small command line argument parser
@@ -35,74 +36,123 @@ bool get_options(int argc, char* argv[]){
status = false;
else if (arg == "-g" || arg == "--generate")
else if (arg == "-o" || arg == "--output") {
session.outputMode = OutputMode::FILE;
if (i+1 < argc)
session.outFile = std::ofstream(argv[++i]);
status = false;
else if (arg == "-g" || arg == "--generate") {
session.inputMatrix = InputMatrix::GENERATE;
else if (arg == "-s" || arg == "--size")
session.size = (i+1 < argc) ? std::atoi(argv[++i]) : session.size;
else if (arg == "-p" || arg == "--probability")
session.probability = (i+1 < argc) ? std::atof(argv[++i]) : session.probability;
else if (arg == "--print") {
session.print = true;
session.print_size = (i+1 < argc) ? std::atoi(argv[++i]) : session.print_size;
if (i+2 < argc) {
session.gen_size = std::atoi(argv[++i]);
session.gen_prob = std::atof(argv[++i]);
status = false;
else if (arg == "-n" || arg == "--max_trheads") {
session.max_threads = (i+1 < argc) ? std::atoi(argv[++i]) : session.max_threads;
else if (arg == "--make_symmetric")
session.makeSymmetric = true;
else if (arg == "-t" || arg == "--timing")
session.timing = true;
else if (arg == "-v" || arg == "--verbose")
session.verbose = true;
else if (arg == "--triangular_only")
session.makeSymmetric = false;
else if (arg == "--validate_mtx")
session.validate_mtx = true;
else if (arg == "--print_count")
session.print_count = true;
else if (arg == "--print_graph") {
session.mtx_print = true;
session.mtx_print_size = (i+1 < argc) ? std::atoi(argv[++i]) : session.mtx_print_size;
else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") {
std::cout << "Help message\n";
else {
else { // parse error
std::cout << "Error message\n";
status = false;

// Input checkers
if (session.inputMatrix == InputMatrix::UNSPECIFIED) {
std::cout << "Error message\n";
status = false;
return status;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) try {
Timing timer;
matrix A;

// try to read command line
if (!get_options(argc, argv))

// get or generate matrix
* get or generate matrix
* \param A Reference to matrix for output (move using RVO)
* \param timer Reference to timer utility to access time printing functionality
void prepare_matrix (matrix& A, Timing& timer) {
if (session.inputMatrix == InputMatrix::GENERATE) {
std::cout << "Initialize matrix with size: " << session.size << " and probability: " << session.probability << '\n';
logger << "Initialize matrix with size: " << session.gen_size << " and probability: " << session.gen_prob << logger.endl;
init_ER_graph(A, session.probability);
init_ER_graph(A, session.gen_prob);
if (session.timing) timer.print_dt();
timer.print_dt("generate matrix");
else {
std::cout << "Read matrix from file\n";
logger << "Read matrix from file" << logger.endl;
if (session.makeSymmetric && !Mtx::is_triangular<matrix::indexType> (session.mtxFile))
if (session.validate_mtx && !Mtx::is_triangular<matrix::indexType> (session.mtxFile))
throw std::runtime_error("Error: Matrix is not strictly upper or lower");
if (!Mtx::load (A, session.mtxFile)) {
throw std::runtime_error("Error: fail to load matrix");
std::cout << "Matrix size: " << A.size() << " and capacity: " << A.capacity() <<'\n';
if (session.timing) timer.print_dt();
logger << "Matrix size: " << A.size() << " and capacity: " << A.capacity() << logger.endl;
timer.print_dt("load matrix");

if (session.print) {
std::cout << "Array A:\n";
print_ER_graph (A);
if (session.verbose && session.mtx_print) {
logger << "\nMatrix:" << logger.endl;
print_graph (A);

* main program
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) try {
Timing timer;
matrix A;
std::vector<value_t> c;
index_t s;

std::cout << "count triangles\n";
// try to read command line
if (!get_options(argc, argv))

prepare_matrix(A, timer);
logger << "Create count vector" << logger.endl;
std::cout << "There are " << triang_count(A) << " triangles\n";
c = triang_v (A);
if (session.timing) timer.print_dt();

timer.print_dt("create count vector");
if (session.print_count) {
logger << "Calculate total triangles" << logger.endl;
s = triang_count(c);
logger << "There are " << s << " triangles" << logger.endl;
timer.print_dt("calculate sum");
// output results
if (session.print_count)
triangle_out (s, (session.outputMode == OutputMode::FILE) ? session.outFile : std::cout);
vector_out (c, (session.outputMode == OutputMode::FILE) ? session.outFile : std::cout);
return 0;
catch (std::exception& e) {

+ 19
- 2
src/utils.cpp Прегледај датотеку

@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ void init_ER_graph (matrix& A, double p) {
* Utility to print the graph to sdtout
void print_ER_graph (matrix& A) {
matrix::indexType N = (A.size() < (matrix::indexType)session.print_size) ? A.size() : session.print_size;
void print_graph (matrix& A) {
matrix::indexType N = (A.size() < (matrix::indexType)session.mtx_print_size) ? A.size() : session.mtx_print_size;

A.for_each_in(0, N, [&](auto i){
A.for_each_in(0, N, [&](auto j) {
@@ -51,3 +51,20 @@ void print_ER_graph (matrix& A) {

* Utility to print to logger thread information
void threads_info () {
#if defined CILK
logger << "Running with max threads: " << __cilkrts_get_nworkers() << logger.endl;
logger << "Utilizing " << __cilkrts_get_nworkers() << " threads for calculating vector." << logger.endl;
logger << "Utilizing " << nworkers() << " threads for calculating sum." << logger.endl;
#elif defined OMP
logger << "Running with max threads: " << nworkers() << logger.endl;
#elif defined THREADS
logger << "Running with max threads: " << nworkers() << logger.endl;
logger << "Running the serial version of the algorithm." << logger.endl;

+ 114
- 14
src/v3.cpp Прегледај датотеку

@@ -6,30 +6,128 @@
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>

#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <v3.h>

// for (int i=0 ; i<A.size() ; ++i) {
// for (int j = A.col_ptr[i]; j<A.col_ptr[i+1] ; ++j) {
// int j_idx = A.rows[j];
// for (int k = A.col_ptr[j_idx] ; k<A.col_ptr[j_idx+1] ; ++k) {
// int k_idx = A.rows[k];
// if (A.get(k_idx, i)) {
// ++c[i];
// }
// }
// }
// }

namespace v3 {

using index_t = typename matrix::indexType;
using value_t = typename matrix::dataType;
#if defined CILK

* A naive triangle counting algorithm
* \param A The adjacency matrix
* \return The number of triangles
// export CILK_NWORKERS=<num>
int nworkers() {
if (session.max_threads)
return (session.max_threads < __cilkrts_get_nworkers()) ?
session.max_threads : __cilkrts_get_nworkers();
return __cilkrts_get_nworkers();

std::vector<value_t> triang_v(matrix& A) {
std::vector<value_t> c(A.size());

cilk_for (int i=0 ; i<A.size() ; ++i) {
for (auto j = A.getCol(i); j.index() != j.end() ; ++j) // j list all the edges with i
for (auto k = A.getCol(j.index()); k.index() != k.end() ; ++k) // k list all the edges with j
if (A.get(k.index(), i)) // search for i-k edge
if (session.makeSymmetric)
std::transform (c.begin(), c.end(), c.begin(), [] (value_t& x) {
return x/2;
return c;

void do_sum (value_t& out_sum, std::vector<value_t>& v, index_t begin, index_t end) {
for (auto i =begin ; i != end ; ++i)
out_sum += v[i];

value_t sum (std::vector<value_t>& v) {
int n = nworkers();
std::vector<value_t> sum_v(n, 0);

for (index_t i =0 ; i < n ; ++i) {
cilk_spawn do_sum(sum_v[i], v, i*v.size()/n, (i+1)*v.size()/n);

value_t s =0;
for (auto& it : sum_v) s += it;
return s;

#elif defined OMP

// export OMP_NUM_THREADS=<num>
int nworkers() {
if (session.max_threads && session.max_threads < (size_t)omp_get_max_threads()) {
return session.max_threads;
else {
return omp_get_max_threads();

std::vector<value_t> triang_v(matrix& A) {
std::vector<value_t> c(A.size());

#pragma omp parallel for shared(c)
for (int i=0 ; i<A.size() ; ++i) {
for (auto j = A.getCol(i); j.index() != j.end() ; ++j) // j list all the edges with i
for (auto k = A.getCol(j.index()); k.index() != k.end() ; ++k) // k list all the edges with j
if (A.get(k.index(), i)) // search for i-k edge
if (session.makeSymmetric)
std::transform (c.begin(), c.end(), c.begin(), [] (value_t& x) {
return x/2;
return c;

value_t sum (std::vector<value_t>& v) {
value_t s =0;

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:s)
for (auto i =0u ; i<v.size() ; ++i)
s += v[i];
return s;


int nworkers() { return 1; }

std::vector<value_t> triang_v(matrix& A) {
std::vector<value_t> c(A.size());

for (int i=0 ; i<A.size() ; ++i) {
for (auto j = A.getCol(i); j.index() != j.end() ; ++j) // j list all the edges with i
for (auto k = A.getCol(j.index()); k.index() != k.end() ; ++k) // k list all the edges with j
for (auto ii = A.getCol(i) ; ii.index() <= k.index() ; ++ii) // search for i-k edge (this could be binary search)
if (ii.index() == k.index()) ++c[i];
if (A.get(k.index(), i)) // search for i-k edge
if (session.makeSymmetric)
std::transform (c.begin(), c.end(), c.begin(), [] (value_t& x) {
return x/2;
return c;

@@ -40,9 +138,11 @@ value_t sum (std::vector<value_t>& v) {
return s;

value_t triang_count (matrix& A) {
auto v = triang_v(A);
return sum(v);

value_t triang_count (std::vector<value_t>& c) {
return (session.makeSymmetric) ? sum(c)/3 : sum(c);


+ 163
- 9
src/v4.cpp Прегледај датотеку

@@ -6,27 +6,176 @@
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>

#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <v4.h>

namespace v4 {

using index_t = typename matrix::indexType;
using value_t = typename matrix::dataType;
#if defined CILK

// export CILK_NWORKERS=<num>
int nworkers() {
if (session.max_threads)
return (session.max_threads < __cilkrts_get_nworkers()) ?
session.max_threads : __cilkrts_get_nworkers();
return __cilkrts_get_nworkers();

std::vector<value_t> mmacc_v(matrix& A, matrix& B) {
std::vector<value_t> c(A.size());
for (int i=0 ; i<A.size() ; ++i) {

cilk_for (int i=0 ; i<A.size() ; ++i) {
for (auto j = A.getRow(i); j.index() != j.end() ; ++j){
c[i] += A.getRow(i)*B.getCol(j.index());
if (session.makeSymmetric)
std::transform (c.begin(), c.end(), c.begin(), [] (value_t& x) {
return x/2;
return c;

void do_sum (value_t& out_sum, std::vector<value_t>& v, index_t begin, index_t end) {
for (auto i =begin ; i != end ; ++i)
out_sum += v[i];

value_t sum (std::vector<value_t>& v) {
int n = nworkers();
std::vector<value_t> sum_v(n, 0);

for (index_t i =0 ; i < n ; ++i) {
cilk_spawn do_sum(sum_v[i], v, i*v.size()/n, (i+1)*v.size()/n);

value_t s =0;
for (auto& it : sum_v) s += it;
return s;

#elif defined OMP

// export OMP_NUM_THREADS=<num>
int nworkers() {
if (session.max_threads && session.max_threads < (size_t)omp_get_max_threads()) {
return session.max_threads;
else {
return omp_get_max_threads();

std::vector<value_t> mmacc_v(matrix& A, matrix& B) {
std::vector<value_t> c(A.size());

#pragma omp parallel for shared(c)
for (int i=0 ; i<A.size() ; ++i) {
for (auto j = A.getRow(i); j.index() != j.end() ; ++j) {
c[i] += A.getRow(i)*B.getCol(j.index());
if (session.makeSymmetric)
std::transform (c.begin(), c.end(), c.begin(), [] (value_t& x) {
return x/2;
return c;

value_t sum (std::vector<value_t>& v) {
value_t s =0;

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:s)
for (auto i =0u ; i<v.size() ; ++i)
s += v[i];
return s;

#elif defined THREADS

* std::thread::hardware_concurrency()
int nworkers() {
if (session.max_threads)
return (session.max_threads < std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) ?
session.max_threads : std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
return std::thread::hardware_concurrency();

std::vector<value_t> mmacc_v_rng(std::vector<value_t>& out, matrix& A, matrix& B, index_t begin, index_t end) {
for (index_t i=begin ; i<end ; ++i) {
for (auto j = A.getRow(i); j.index() != j.end() ; ++j){
out[i] += A.getRow(i)*B.getCol(j.index());
return out;

std::vector<value_t> mmacc_v(matrix& A, matrix& B) {
std::vector<std::thread> workers;
std::vector<value_t> c(A.size());
int n = nworkers();

for (index_t i=0 ; i<n ; ++i)
workers.push_back (std::thread (mmacc_v_rng, std::ref(c), std::ref(A), std::ref(B), i*c.size()/n, (i+1)*c.size()/n));

std::for_each(workers.begin(), workers.end(), [](std::thread& t){
if (session.makeSymmetric)
std::transform (c.begin(), c.end(), c.begin(), [] (value_t& x) {
return x/2;
return c;

void do_sum (value_t& out_sum, std::vector<value_t>& v, index_t begin, index_t end) {
for (auto i =begin ; i != end ; ++i)
out_sum += v[i];

value_t sum (std::vector<value_t>& v) {
int n = nworkers();
std::vector<value_t> sum_v(n, 0);
std::vector<std::thread> workers;

for (index_t i =0 ; i < n ; ++i)
workers.push_back (std::thread (do_sum, std::ref(sum_v[i]), std::ref(v), i*v.size()/n, (i+1)*v.size()/n));

std::for_each(workers.begin(), workers.end(), [](std::thread& t){

value_t s =0;
for (auto& it : sum_v) s += it;
return s;


int nworkers() { return 1; }

std::vector<value_t> mmacc_v(matrix& A, matrix& B) {
std::vector<value_t> c(A.size());
for (int i=0 ; i<A.size() ; ++i) {
for (auto j = A.getRow(i); j.index() != j.end() ; ++j){
c[i] += A.getRow(i)*B.getCol(j.index());
if (session.makeSymmetric)
std::transform (c.begin(), c.end(), c.begin(), [] (value_t& x) {
return x/2;
return c;

value_t sum (std::vector<value_t>& v) {
value_t s =0;
@@ -35,9 +184,14 @@ value_t sum (std::vector<value_t>& v) {
return s;

value_t triang_count (matrix& A) {
auto v = mmacc_v(A, A);
return (session.makeSymmetric) ? sum(v)/6 : sum(v);

std::vector<value_t> triang_v(matrix& A) {
return mmacc_v(A, A);

value_t triang_count (std::vector<value_t>& c) {
return (session.makeSymmetric) ? sum(c)/3 : sum(c);

} // namespace v4
