Kaynağa Gözat

Init commit: a bare implementation before parallelism

13 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 1283 ekleme ve 0 silme
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+ 9
- 0
.gitignore Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# project

# eclipse

+ 167
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Makefile Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
# PDS excercise 1 Makefile
# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Christos Choutouridis <christos@choutouridis.net>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# ============== Project settings ==============
# Project's name
PROJECT := exercise_1
# Excecutable's name
TARGET := triangCounting
# Source directories list(space seperated). Makefile-relative path, UNDER current directory.
# Include directories list(space seperated). Makefile-relative path.
INC_DIR_LIST := src inc
# Exclude files list(space seperated). Filenames only.
# EXC_FILE_LIST := bad.cpp old.cpp

# Build directories
BUILD_DIR := bin
DEP_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/.dep

# ========== Compiler settings ==========
# Compiler flags for debug and release
DEB_CFLAGS := -DDEBUG -g3 -Wall -Wextra -std=c++14
REL_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -O2 -std=c++14
# Pre-defines

# ============== Linker settings ==============
# Linker flags (example: -pthread -lm)
LDFLAGS := -pthread
# Map output file
MAP_FILE := output.map
MAP_FLAG := -Xlinker -Map=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MAP_FILE)

# ============== Docker settings ==============
# We need:
# - Bind the entire project directory(the dir that icludes all the code) as volume.
# - In docker instance, change to working directory(where the makefile is).
DOCKER_RUN := docker run --rm

# docker invoke mechanism (edit with care)
# note:
# Here, `DOCKER` variable is empty. Rules can assign `DOCKER := DOCKER_CMD` when docker
# functionality is needed.

# ============== Tool selection ==============
# compiler and compiler flags.
CSIZE := size
CXX := g++

# =========== Main body and Patterns ===========

#ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
# TARGET := $(TARGET).exe
INC := $(foreach dir,$(INC_DIR_LIST),-I$(dir))
DEF := $(foreach def,$(PRE_DEFS),-D$(def))
EXC := $(foreach fil,$(EXC_FILE_LIST), \
$(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIR_LIST),$(wildcard $(dir)/$(fil))) \
# source files. object and dependencies list
# recursive search into current and source directories
SRC := $(wildcard *.cpp)
SRC += $(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIR_LIST),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp))
SRC += $(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIR_LIST),$(wildcard $(dir)/**/*.cpp))
SRC := $(filter-out $(EXC),$(SRC))
#SRC := $(abspath $(SRC))

OBJ := $(foreach file,$(SRC:%.cpp=%.o),$(OBJ_DIR)/$(file))
DEP := $(foreach file,$(SRC:%.cpp=%.d),$(DEP_DIR)/$(file))

# Make Dependencies pattern.
# This little trick enables recompilation only when dependencies change
# and it does so for changes both in source AND header files ;)
# It is based on Tom Tromey's method.
# Invoke cpp to create makefile rules with dependencies for each source file
$(DEP_DIR)/%.d: %.cpp
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@$(DOCKER) $(CXX) -E $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) -MM -MT $(OBJ_DIR)/$(<:.cpp=.o) -MF $@ $<

# objects depent on .cpp AND dependency files, which have an empty recipe
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp $(DEP_DIR)/%.d
@mkdir -p $(@D)
$(DOCKER) $(CXX) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) -o $@ $<

# empty recipe for dependency files. This prevents make errors

# now include all dependencies
# After all they are makefile dependency rules ;)
include $(wildcard $(DEP))

# main target rule
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@echo Linking to target: $(TARGET)
@echo $(DOCKER) $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(MAP_FLAG) -o $(@D)/$(TARGET) '$$(OBJ)'
@$(DOCKER) $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(MAP_FLAG) -o $(@D)/$(TARGET) $(OBJ)
@echo Print size information
@$(CSIZE) $(@D)/$(TARGET)
@echo Done

.PHONY: clean
@echo Cleaning build directories
@rm -rf $(OBJ_DIR)
@rm -rf $(DEP_DIR)
@rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)

# ================ Local build rules =================
# examples:
# make debug

.PHONY: debug
debug: CFLAGS := $(DEB_CFLAGS)
debug: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

.PHONY: release
release: CFLAGS := $(REL_CFLAGS)
release: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

.PHONY: all
all: release

# ================ Docker based rules ================
# examples:
# make IMAGE="gcc:8.3" dock
.PHONY: dock
dock: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

+ 36
- 0
inc/config.h Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* \file config,h
* \brief Build configuration file.
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>

#ifndef CONFIG_H_
#define CONFIG_H_

#include <v12.h>
#include <v3.h>
#include <v4.h>

#define V12 2
#define V3 3
#define V4 4

#if !defined CODE_VERSION

using namespace v12;
using matrix = v12::matrix;
#elif CODE_VERSION == V3
using namespace v3;
using matrix = v3::matrix;
#elif CODE_VERSION == V4
using namespace v4;
using matrix = v4::matrix;

#endif /* CONFIG_H_ */

+ 519
- 0
inc/impl.hpp Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
* \file impl.hpp
* \brief Implementation common header file
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>
#ifndef IMPL_HPP_
#define IMPL_HPP_

#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using std::size_t;

* Small helper to strip types
template<typename T>
struct remove_cvref {
typedef std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>> type;
template<typename T>
using remove_cvref_t = typename remove_cvref<T>::type;

* Enumerator to denote the storage type of the array to use.
enum class MatrixType {
FULL, /*!< Matrix is asymmetric */
SYMMETRIC, /*!< Matrix is symmetric */

* Forward type declerations
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType, MatrixType Type = MatrixType::SYMMETRIC> struct Matrix;
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType, MatrixType Type = MatrixType::SYMMETRIC> struct SpMat;
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType> struct SpMatCol;
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType> struct SpMatRow;
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType> struct SpMatVal;

* 2D-array wrapper for v1 and v2 part of the exercise t use as RAII
* and copy-prevention.
* This is a very thin abstraction layer over a native array.
* This is tested using compiler explorer and our template produce
* almost identical assembly.
* The penalty hit we have is due to the fact that we use a one dimension array
* and we have to calculate the actual position from an (i,j) pair.
* The use of 1D array was our intention from the beginning, so the penalty
* was pretty much unavoidable.
* \tparam DataType The underling data type of the array
* \tparam Type The storage type of the array
* \arg FULL For full matrix
* \arg SYMMETRIC For symmetric matrix (we use only the lower part)
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType, MatrixType Type>
struct Matrix {

using dataType = DataType; //!< meta:export of underling data type
using indexType = IndexType; //!< meta:export of underling index type
static constexpr MatrixType matrixType = Type; //!< export of array type

* \name Obj lifetime
//! @{

//! Constructor using data type and size
Matrix(DataType* t, IndexType s) noexcept : m_(t), size_(s) { }

//! RAII deleter
~Matrix() { delete m_; }
//! move ctor
Matrix(Matrix&& a) noexcept { a.swap(*this); }
//! move
Matrix& operator=(Matrix&& a) noexcept { a.swap(*this); return *this; }
Matrix(const Matrix& a) = delete; //!< No copy ctor
Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& a) = delete; //!< No copy
//! @}

//! \name Data exposure
//! @{

//! memory capacity of the matrix with diagonal data
template<MatrixType AT=Type> std::enable_if_t<AT==MatrixType::SYMMETRIC, IndexType>
static constexpr capacity(IndexType N) noexcept { return (N+1)*N/2; }
//! memory capacity for full matrix
template<MatrixType AT=Type> std::enable_if_t<AT==MatrixType::FULL, IndexType>
static constexpr capacity(IndexType N) noexcept { return N*N; }

//! Get the size of each dimension
IndexType size() noexcept { return size_; }

* virtual 2D accessors
template<MatrixType AT=Type>
std::enable_if_t <AT==MatrixType::SYMMETRIC, DataType>
get (IndexType i, IndexType j) {
if (i<j) return m_[j*(j+1)/2 + i]; // Upper, use opposite index
else return m_[i*(i+1)/2 + j]; // Lower, use our notation
template<MatrixType AT=Type>
std::enable_if_t <AT==MatrixType::FULL, DataType>
get(IndexType i, IndexType j) {
return m_[i*size_ + j];
template<MatrixType AT=Type>
std::enable_if_t <AT==MatrixType::SYMMETRIC, DataType>
set(DataType v, IndexType i, IndexType j) {
if (i<j) return m_[j*(j+1)/2 + i] =v; // Upper, use opposite index
else return m_[i*(i+1)/2 + j] =v; // Lower, use our notation
template<MatrixType AT=Type>
std::enable_if_t <AT==MatrixType::FULL, DataType>
set(DataType v, IndexType i, IndexType j) {
return m_[i*size_ + j] =v;
DataType operator()(IndexType i, IndexType j) { return get(i, j); }

// a basic serial iterator support
DataType* begin() noexcept { return m_; }
DataType* end() noexcept { return m_ + Matrix::capacity(size_); }
//! @}

* \name Safe iteration API
* This api automates the iteration over the array based on
* MatrixType
//! @{
template<typename F, typename... Args>
void for_each_in (IndexType begin, IndexType end, F&& lambda, Args&&... args) {
for (IndexType it=begin ; it<end ; ++it) {
std::forward<F>(lambda)(std::forward<Args>(args)..., it);
//! @}

// move helper
void swap(Matrix& src) noexcept {
std::swap(m_, src.m_);
std::swap(size_, src.size_);
DataType* m_; //!< Pointer to actual data.
IndexType size_; //!< the virtual size of each dimension.

* RAII allocation helper, the smart_ptr way.
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType, MatrixType Type = MatrixType::SYMMETRIC>
Matrix<DataType, IndexType, Type> make_Matrix(IndexType s) {
return Matrix<DataType, IndexType, Type>(new DataType[Matrix<DataType, IndexType, Type>::capacity(s)], s);

template<typename DataType, typename IndexType>
using CooVal = std::tuple<DataType, IndexType, IndexType>;

template<typename DataType, typename IndexType, MatrixType Type>
struct SpMat {
using dataType = DataType; //!< meta:export of underling data type
using indexType = IndexType; //!< meta:export of underling index type
static constexpr MatrixType matrixType = Type; //!< export of array type

friend class SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>;
friend class SpMatRow<DataType, IndexType>;
friend class SpMatVal<DataType, IndexType>;

* \name Obj lifetime
//! @{

//! allocation with init value ctor
SpMat(IndexType n=IndexType{}, IndexType nnz=IndexType{}) :
values(nnz, DataType{}),
rows(nnz, IndexType{}),
col_ptr((n)? n+1:2, IndexType{}),
NNZ(nnz) { }

SpMat(IndexType n, IndexType nnz, const IndexType* row, const IndexType* col) :
values(nnz, 1),
rows(row, row+nnz),
col_ptr(col, col+n+1),
NNZ(nnz) { }

SpMat(IndexType n, IndexType nnz, const DataType* v, const IndexType* row, const IndexType* col) :
values(v, v+nnz),
rows(row, row+nnz),
col_ptr(col, col+n+1),
NNZ(nnz) { }

SpMat(IndexType n, IndexType nnz, const DataType v, const std::vector<IndexType>& row, const std::vector<IndexType>& col) :
values(nnz, v),
rows (row),
NNZ(nnz) { }

//! move ctor
SpMat(SpMat&& a) noexcept { moves(std::move(a)); }
//! move
SpMat& operator=(SpMat&& a) noexcept { moves(std::move(a)); return *this; }
SpMat(const SpMat& a) = delete; //!< No copy ctor
SpMat& operator=(const SpMat& a) = delete; //!< No copy assignment
//! @}

//! \name Data exposure
//! @{
IndexType size() noexcept { return N; }
IndexType size(IndexType n) {
return N = n;
IndexType capacity() noexcept { return NNZ; }
IndexType capacity(IndexType nnz) {
return NNZ;
std::vector<IndexType>& getRows() noexcept { return rows; }
std::vector<IndexType>& getCols() noexcept { return col_ptr; }

SpMatVal<DataType, IndexType> operator()(IndexType i, IndexType j) {
return SpMatVal<DataType, IndexType>(this, get(i, j), i, j);
DataType get(IndexType i, IndexType j) {
IndexType idx;
bool found;
std::tie(idx, found) =find_idx(rows, col_ptr[j], col_ptr[j+1], i);
return (found) ? values[idx] : 0;
DataType set(DataType v, IndexType i, IndexType j) {
IndexType idx; bool found;
std::tie(idx, found) = find_idx(rows, col_ptr[j], col_ptr[j+1], i);
if (found)
return values[idx] = v; // we don't change NNZ even if we write "0"
else {
values.insert(values.begin()+idx, v);
rows.insert(rows.begin()+idx, i);
std::transform(col_ptr.begin()+j+1, col_ptr.end(), col_ptr.begin()+j+1, [](IndexType it) {
return ++it;
++NNZ; // we increase the NNZ even if we write "0"
return v;

SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType> getCol(IndexType j) {
return SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>(this, col_ptr[j], col_ptr[j+1]);
template<MatrixType AT= Type>
std::enable_if_t<AT==MatrixType::SYMMETRIC, SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>>
getRow(IndexType i) {
return getCol(i);
template<MatrixType AT= Type>
std::enable_if_t<AT==MatrixType::FULL, SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>>
getRow(IndexType i) {
return SpMatRow<DataType, IndexType>(this, i);

// iterator support
DataType* begin() noexcept { return values.begin(); }
DataType* end() noexcept { return values.end(); }
//! @}

* \name Safe iteration API
* This api automates the iteration over the array based on
* MatrixType
//! @{

template<typename F, typename... Args>
void for_each_in (IndexType begin, IndexType end, F&& lambda, Args&&... args) {
for (IndexType it=begin ; it<end ; ++it) {
std::forward<F>(lambda)(std::forward<Args>(args)..., it);

//! @}

// operations
template<typename D, typename I, MatrixType T> friend void print(SpMat<D, I, T>& mat);
template<typename D, typename I, MatrixType T> friend void print_dense(SpMat<D, I, T>& mat);

// index-find helper
std::pair<IndexType, bool> find_idx(const std::vector<IndexType>& v, IndexType begin, IndexType end, IndexType match) {
for ( ; begin < end ; ++begin) {
if (match == v[begin]) return std::make_pair(begin, true);
else if (match < v[begin]) return std::make_pair(begin, false);
return std::make_pair(end, false);
// move helper
void moves(SpMat&& src) noexcept {
values = std::move(src.values);
rows = std::move(src.rows);
col_ptr = std::move(src.col_ptr);
N = std::move(src.N); // redundant for primitives
NNZ = std::move(src.NNZ); //
//! \name Data
//! @{
std::vector<DataType> values {};
std::vector<IndexType> rows{};
std::vector<IndexType> col_ptr{1,0};
IndexType N{0};
IndexType NNZ{0};
//! @}

template<typename DataType, typename IndexType>
struct SpMatCol {
using owner_t = SpMat<DataType, IndexType>;

SpMatCol(owner_t* own, const IndexType begin, const IndexType end) noexcept :
owner_(own), index_(begin), begin_(begin), end_(end) {
vindex_ = vIndexCalc(index_);
SpMatCol() = default;
SpMatCol(const SpMatCol&) = delete;
SpMatCol& operator=(const SpMatCol&)= delete;
SpMatCol(SpMatCol&&) = default;
SpMatCol& operator=(SpMatCol&&) = default;

DataType operator* () {
return get();
SpMatCol& operator++ () { advance(); return *this; }
SpMatCol& operator++ (int) { SpMatCol& p = *this; advance(); return p; }

DataType operator()(IndexType x) {
return (x == index())? get() : DataType{};
DataType operator= (DataType v) { return owner_->values[index_] = v; }
IndexType index() noexcept { return vindex_; }
const IndexType index() const noexcept { return vindex_; }
IndexType begin() noexcept { return vIndexCalc(begin_); }
const IndexType begin() const noexcept { return vIndexCalc(begin_); }
IndexType end() noexcept { return owner_->N; }
const IndexType end() const noexcept { return owner_->N; }

template <typename C>
DataType operator* (C&& c) {
static_assert(std::is_same<remove_cvref_t<C>, SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>>(), "");
DataType v{};
while (index() != end() && c.index() != c.end()) {
if (index() < c.index()) advance();
else if (index() > c.index()) ++c;
else { //index() == c.index()
v += get() * *c;
return v;

void advance() noexcept {
vindex_ = vIndexCalc(index_);
IndexType vIndexCalc(IndexType idx) {
return (idx < end_) ? owner_->rows[idx] : end();
DataType get() { return owner_->values[index_]; }
owner_t* owner_{nullptr};
IndexType vindex_ {IndexType{}};
IndexType index_{IndexType{}};
IndexType begin_{IndexType{}};
IndexType end_{IndexType{}};

template<typename DataType, typename IndexType>
struct SpMatRow {
using owner_t = SpMat<DataType, IndexType>;

SpMatRow(owner_t* own, const IndexType row) noexcept :
owner_(own), vindex_(IndexType{}), row_(row), index_(IndexType{}),
begin_(IndexType{}), end_(owner_->NNZ) {
// place begin
while(begin_ != end_ && owner_->rows[begin_] != row_)
// place index_ and vindex_
if (owner_->rows[index_] != row_)
SpMatRow() = default;
SpMatRow(const SpMatRow&) = delete;
SpMatRow& operator=(const SpMatRow&)= delete;
SpMatRow(SpMatRow&&) = default;
SpMatRow& operator=(SpMatRow&&) = default;

DataType operator* () {
return get();
SpMatRow& operator++ () { advance(); return *this; }
SpMatRow& operator++ (int) { SpMatRow& p = *this; advance(); return p; }
DataType operator()(IndexType x) {
return (x == index())? get() : DataType{};
DataType operator= (DataType v) { return owner_->values[index_] = v; }
IndexType index() noexcept { return vindex_; }
const IndexType index() const noexcept { return vindex_; }
IndexType begin() noexcept { return vIndexCalc(begin_); }
const IndexType begin() const noexcept { return vIndexCalc(begin_); }
IndexType end() noexcept { return owner_->N; }
const IndexType end() const noexcept { return owner_->N; }

template <typename C>
DataType operator* (C&& c) {
static_assert(std::is_same<remove_cvref_t<C>, SpMatCol<DataType, IndexType>>(), "");
DataType v{};
while (index() != end() && c.index() != c.end()) {
if (index() < c.index()) advance();
else if (index() > c.index()) ++c;
else { //index() == c.index()
v += get()* *c;
return v;
void advance() noexcept {
while(index_ != end_ && owner_->rows[index_] != row_);
vindex_ = vIndexCalc(index_);
IndexType vIndexCalc(IndexType idx) {
for(IndexType i =0 ; i<(owner_->N+1) ; ++i)
if (idx < owner_->col_ptr[i])
return i-1;
return end();
DataType get() { return owner_->values[index_]; }
owner_t* owner_ {nullptr};
IndexType vindex_ {IndexType{}};
IndexType row_ {IndexType{}};
IndexType index_ {IndexType{}};
IndexType begin_ {IndexType{}};
IndexType end_ {IndexType{}};

template<typename DataType, typename IndexType>
struct SpMatVal {
using owner_t = SpMat<DataType, IndexType>;

SpMatVal(owner_t* own, DataType v, IndexType i, IndexType j) :
owner_(own), v_(v), i_(i), j_(j) { }
SpMatVal() = default;
SpMatVal(const SpMatVal&) = delete;
SpMatVal& operator=(const SpMatVal&) = delete;
SpMatVal(SpMatVal&&) = default;
SpMatVal& operator=(SpMatVal&&) = default;

operator DataType() { return v_; }
SpMatVal& operator=(DataType v) {
v_ = v;
owner_->set(v_, i_, j_);
return *this;
owner_t* owner_{nullptr};;
DataType v_{DataType{}};
IndexType i_{IndexType{}};
IndexType j_{IndexType{}};

enum class InputMatrix{

* Session option for each invocation of the executable
struct session_t {
std::size_t size {0};
double probability {0};
InputMatrix inputMatrix {InputMatrix::GENERATE};
std::ifstream mtxFile {};
std::size_t print_size {80};
bool timing {false};
bool print {false};
bool makeSymmetric {false};

extern session_t session;

#endif /* IMPL_HPP_ */

+ 198
- 0
inc/utils.h Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
* \file utils.h
* \brief Utilities to handle matrix files, chrono, etc...
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>
#ifndef UTILS_H_
#define UTILS_H_

#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <random>
#include <impl.hpp>
#include <config.h>

template <typename T>
struct buffer_t {
buffer_t(size_t s) { p = new T[s]; }
~buffer_t() { delete[] p; }
buffer_t() = default;
buffer_t(buffer_t&&) = default;
buffer_t& operator=(buffer_t&&) = default;
buffer_t(const buffer_t&) = delete;
buffer_t& operator=(const buffer_t&) = delete;

T* allocate(size_t s) { return p = new T[s]; }
T* operator() () { return p; }
T& operator[] (size_t i){ return p[i]; }
T* p{nullptr};

struct Mtx {

template<typename I>
static void coo2csc(I *row, I *col, I const* row_coo, I const* col_coo, I nnz, I n, I isOneBased) {
// ----- cannot assume that input is already 0!
for (I l = 0; l < n+1; l++) col[l] = 0;

// ----- find the correct column sizes
for (I l = 0; l < nnz; l++)
col[col_coo[l] - isOneBased]++;

// ----- cumulative sum
for (I i = 0, cumsum = 0; i < n; i++) {
I temp = col[i];
col[i] = cumsum;
cumsum += temp;
col[n] = nnz;
// ----- copy the row indices to the correct place
for (I l = 0; l < nnz; l++) {
I col_l;
col_l = col_coo[l] - isOneBased;

I dst = col[col_l];
row[dst] = row_coo[l] - isOneBased;

// ----- revert the column pointers
for (I i = 0, last = 0; i < n; i++) {
I temp = col[i];
col[i] = last;
last = temp;

template<typename I>
static bool is_triangular (std::ifstream& file) {
std::string line, token;
enum state_en {HEADER, SIZE, DATA} state = HEADER;
enum LU_t {Z, LOWER, UPPER} LU = Z;

while (std::getline (file, line, '\n')) {
std::stringstream ss(line);
switch (state) {
case HEADER:
ss >> token;
if (token != "%%MatrixMarket") return false;
else state = SIZE;
case SIZE:
if (line[0] == '%') continue;
else state = DATA;
case DATA:
if (line[0] == '%') continue;
I i, j;
ss >> i >> j;
switch (LU) {
case Z: LU = (i<j) ? UPPER: LOWER; break;
case LOWER: if (i<=j) return false; break;
case UPPER: if (j<=i) return false; break;
file.clear(); // rewind
return true;

template<typename DataT, typename IndexT, MatrixType MatrixT>
static bool load (SpMat<DataT, IndexT, MatrixT>& M, std::ifstream& file) {
std::string line, token;
enum state_en {HEADER, SIZE, DATA} state = HEADER;
enum LU_t {Z, LOWER, UPPER} LU = Z;
IndexT n1, n2, nnz;
buffer_t<IndexT> col{}, row{}, coo_col{}, coo_row{};

IndexT cnt{};
while (std::getline (file, line, '\n')) {
std::stringstream ss(line);
switch (state) {
case HEADER:
ss >> token;
if (token != "%%MatrixMarket") return false;
else state = SIZE;
case SIZE:
if (line[0] == '%') continue;
else {
ss >> n1 >> n2 >> nnz;
if (session.makeSymmetric)
nnz *= 2;
state = DATA;
case DATA:
if (line[0] == '%') continue;
IndexT i, j;
ss >> i >> j;
if (session.makeSymmetric) {
if (LU == Z) {
LU = (i<j) ? UPPER: LOWER;
if ((LU==LOWER && j<i) || (LU==UPPER && i<j)) {
coo_row[cnt] = i;
coo_col[cnt++] = j;
coo_row[cnt] = j;
coo_col[cnt++] = i;
else {
coo_row[cnt] = i;
coo_col[cnt++] = j;
coo2csc(&row[0], &col[0], &coo_row[0], &coo_col[0], cnt, n1, 1);
M = SpMat<DataT, IndexT, MatrixT>(n1, cnt, &row[0], &col[0]);
return true;

struct Timing{
using Tpoint = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point;
using microseconds = std::chrono::microseconds;
using milliseconds = std::chrono::milliseconds;
using seconds = std::chrono::seconds;

Tpoint start () noexcept { return start_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); }
Tpoint stop () noexcept { return stop_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); }

auto dt () noexcept {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(stop_ - start_).count();
void print_dt () noexcept {
auto t = stop_ - start_;
if (std::chrono::duration_cast<microseconds>(t).count() < 10000)
std::cout << "time: " << std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<microseconds>(t).count()) << " [usec]\n";
else if (std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(t).count() < 10000)
std::cout << "time: " << std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(t).count()) << " [msec]\n";
std::cout << "time: " << std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<seconds>(t).count()) << " [sec]\n";

Tpoint start_;
Tpoint stop_;

void init_ER_graph (matrix& A, double p);
void print_ER_graph (matrix& A);

#endif /* UTILS_H_ */

+ 21
- 0
inc/v12.h Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* \file v12.h
* \brief v1 and v2 part of the exercise header file.
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>
#ifndef V12_H_
#define V12_H_

#include <impl.hpp>

namespace v12 {

using matrix = Matrix<int, int>;

int triang_count (matrix& A) ;

#endif /* V12_H_ */

+ 21
- 0
inc/v3.h Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* \file v3.h
* \brief v3 part of the exercise header file.
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>
#ifndef V3_H_
#define V3_H_

#include <impl.hpp>

namespace v3 {

using matrix = SpMat<int, int>;

int triang_count (matrix& A);

#endif /* V3_H_ */

+ 21
- 0
inc/v4.h Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* \file v4.h
* \brief v4 part of the exercise header file.
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>
#ifndef V4_H_
#define V4_H_

#include <impl.hpp>

namespace v4 {

using matrix = SpMat<int, int>;

int triang_count (matrix& A);

#endif /* V4_H_ */

+ 112
- 0
src/main.cpp Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
* \file main.cpp
* \brief Main application file
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <exception>

#include <utils.h>
#include <config.h>

// Global session data
session_t session;

* A small command line argument parser
* \return The status of the operation
bool get_options(int argc, char* argv[]){
bool status =true;

// iterate over the passed arguments
for (int i=1 ; i<argc ; ++i) {
std::string arg(argv[i]); // get current argument

if (arg == "-i" || arg == "--input") {
session.inputMatrix = InputMatrix::MTX;
if (i+1 < argc)
session.mtxFile = std::ifstream(argv[++i]);
status = false;
else if (arg == "-g" || arg == "--generate")
session.inputMatrix = InputMatrix::GENERATE;
else if (arg == "-s" || arg == "--size")
session.size = (i+1 < argc) ? std::atoi(argv[++i]) : session.size;
else if (arg == "-p" || arg == "--probability")
session.probability = (i+1 < argc) ? std::atof(argv[++i]) : session.probability;
else if (arg == "--print") {
session.print = true;
session.print_size = (i+1 < argc) ? std::atoi(argv[++i]) : session.print_size;
else if (arg == "--make_symmetric")
session.makeSymmetric = true;
else if (arg == "-t" || arg == "--timing")
session.timing = true;
else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") {
std::cout << "Help message\n";
else {
std::cout << "Error message\n";
status = false;
return status;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) try {
Timing timer;
matrix A;

// try to read command line
if (!get_options(argc, argv))

// get or generate matrix
if (session.inputMatrix == InputMatrix::GENERATE) {
std::cout << "Initialize matrix with size: " << session.size << " and probability: " << session.probability << '\n';
init_ER_graph(A, session.probability);
if (session.timing) timer.print_dt();
else {
std::cout << "Read matrix from file\n";
if (session.makeSymmetric && !Mtx::is_triangular<matrix::indexType> (session.mtxFile))
throw std::runtime_error("Error: Matrix is not strictly upper or lower");
if (!Mtx::load (A, session.mtxFile)) {
throw std::runtime_error("Error: fail to load matrix");
std::cout << "Matrix size: " << A.size() << " and capacity: " << A.capacity() <<'\n';
if (session.timing) timer.print_dt();

if (session.print) {
std::cout << "Array A:\n";
print_ER_graph (A);

std::cout << "count triangles\n";
std::cout << "There are " << triang_count(A) << " triangles\n";
if (session.timing) timer.print_dt();

return 0;
catch (std::exception& e) {
//we probably pollute the user's screen. Comment `cerr << ...` if you don't like it.
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';

+ 53
- 0
src/utils.cpp Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* \file utils.cpp
* \brief Utilities to handle matrix files, chrono, etc...
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>

#include <utils.h>
#include <algorithm>

* Initialize the matrix as Erdős-Rényi graph
* \param A The matrix to initialize
* \param p The probability of each edge
void init_ER_graph (matrix& A, double p) {
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::binomial_distribution<> d(1, p);

std::transform (A.begin(), A.end(), A.begin(),
[&] (int x) { std::ignore =x; return d(gen); }
A.for_each_in(0, A.size(), [&](auto i) {
A.for_each_in(i+1, A.size(), [&](auto j){
matrix::dataType edge = d(gen);
if (edge) {
A.set(edge, i, j);
A.set(edge, j, i);


* Utility to print the graph to sdtout
void print_ER_graph (matrix& A) {
matrix::indexType N = (A.size() < (matrix::indexType)session.print_size) ? A.size() : session.print_size;

A.for_each_in(0, N, [&](auto i){
A.for_each_in(0, N, [&](auto j) {
std::cout << A(i, j) << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';

+ 35
- 0
src/v12.cpp Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* \file v12.cpp
* \brief v1 and v2 part of the exercise.
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>

#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <v12.h>

namespace v12 {

* A naive triangle counting algorithm
* \param A The adjacency matrix
* \return The number of triangles
int triang_count (matrix& A) {
int count =0;

// We use a symmetric matrix so we iterate using the constrain i<j<k
A.for_each_in(0, A.size(), [&](auto i) {
A.for_each_in(i+1, A.size(), [&](auto j) {
A.for_each_in(j+1, A.size(), [&](auto k){
count += (A(i,j) && A(i,k) && A(j,k)) ? 1:0;
return count;


+ 48
- 0
src/v3.cpp Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
* \file v3.cpp
* \brief vv3 part of the exercise.
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>

#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <v3.h>

namespace v3 {

using index_t = typename matrix::indexType;
using value_t = typename matrix::dataType;

* A naive triangle counting algorithm
* \param A The adjacency matrix
* \return The number of triangles
std::vector<value_t> triang_v(matrix& A) {
std::vector<value_t> c(A.size());

for (int i=0 ; i<A.size() ; ++i) {
for (auto j = A.getCol(i); j.index() != j.end() ; ++j) // j list all the edges with i
for (auto k = A.getCol(j.index()); k.index() != k.end() ; ++k) // k list all the edges with j
for (auto ii = A.getCol(i) ; ii.index() <= k.index() ; ++ii) // search for i-k edge (this could be binary search)
if (ii.index() == k.index()) ++c[i];
return c;

value_t sum (std::vector<value_t>& v) {
value_t s =0;
for (auto& it : v)
s += it;
return s;

value_t triang_count (matrix& A) {
auto v = triang_v(A);
return sum(v);


+ 43
- 0
src/v4.cpp Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
* \file v4.cpp
* \brief vv3 part of the exercise.
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>

#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <v4.h>

namespace v4 {

using index_t = typename matrix::indexType;
using value_t = typename matrix::dataType;

std::vector<value_t> mmacc_v(matrix& A, matrix& B) {
std::vector<value_t> c(A.size());
for (int i=0 ; i<A.size() ; ++i) {
for (auto j = A.getRow(i); j.index() != j.end() ; ++j){
c[i] += A.getRow(i)*B.getCol(j.index());
return c;

value_t sum (std::vector<value_t>& v) {
value_t s =0;
for (auto& it : v)
s += it;
return s;

value_t triang_count (matrix& A) {
auto v = mmacc_v(A, A);
return (session.makeSymmetric) ? sum(v)/6 : sum(v);

