AUTH's THMMY "Parallel and distributed systems" course assignments.

16 lines
388 B

  1. #! /usr/bin/env bash
  2. if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
  3. echo "Error: You must pass the directory with the scripts and partition"
  4. echo "you want to run to "
  5. echo "example $ ./hpc/Q23 batch"
  6. echo "example $ ./hpc/Q20 rome"
  7. exit 1;
  8. fi
  9. # Enqueue
  10. for file in $(ls $1); do
  11. echo "sbatch -p $2 --qos=small $file";
  12. eval "sbatch -p $2 --qos=small $file";
  13. done