# # --------------------------------------------- # Bitonic v0.5 functionality # function exchange(localid, remoteid) if verbose println("Exchange local data from $localid with partner $remoteid") end nothing # We have all data here ;) end function minmax(data, localid, remoteid, keepsmall) # Keep min-max on local data temp = copy(data[localid+1, :]) if (keepsmall) view(data, localid+1, :) .= min.(temp, data[remoteid+1, :]) view(data, remoteid+1, :) .= max.(temp, data[remoteid+1, :]) else view(data, localid+1, :) .= max.(temp, data[remoteid+1, :]) view(data, remoteid+1, :) .= min.(temp, data[remoteid+1, :]) end end function sort_network!(data, n, depth) nodes = 0:n-1 for step = depth-1:-1:0 partnerid = nodes .⊻ (1 << step) direction = (nodes .& (1 << depth)) .== 0 .& (nodes .< partnerid) keepsmall = ((nodes .< partnerid) .& direction) .| ((nodes .> partnerid) .& .!direction) if verbose println("depth: $depth | step: $step | partner: $partnerid | keepsmall: $keepsmall") end # exchange with partner and keep small or large (run all MPI nodes) for i in 0:n-1 if (i < partnerid[i+1]) exchange(i, partnerid[i+1]) minmax(data, i, partnerid[i+1], keepsmall[i+1]) end end end end """ distbitonic!(p, data) distributed bitonic sort v1 using elbow merge locally except for the first step p: The number of processes data: (p, N/p) array """ function distbitonic!(p, data) q = Int(log2(p)) # CPU order pid = 0:p-1 ascending = mod.(pid,2) .== 0 if verbose println("ascending: $ascending") end # local full sort here (run all MPI nodes) for i in 1:p sort!(view(data, i, :), rev = !ascending[i]) end for depth = 1:q sort_network!(data, p, depth) ascending = (pid .& (1 << depth)) .== 0 if verbose println("ascending: $ascending") end # local elbowmerge here (run all MPI nodes) for i in 1:p sort!(view(data, i, :), rev = !ascending[i]) end end nothing end # # Homework setup # --------------------------------------------- # p::Int8 = 3 # The order of number of "processors" q::Int8 = 8 # The data size order (power of 2) of each "processor" verbose = false; # Run Script # --------------------------------------------- P::Int = 2^p Q::Int = 2^q N::Int = 2^(q+p) println("Distributed bitonic (v1) test") println("p: $p -> Number of processors: $P") println("q: $q -> Data length for each node: $Q, Total: $(P*Q)") println("Create an $P x $Q array") Data = rand(Int8, P, Q) println("Sort array with $P (MPI) nodes") @time distbitonic!(P, Data) # Test if issorted(vec(permutedims(Data))) println("Test: Passed") else println("Test: Failed") end