% Plot measurements

threads = [1 2 4 6 8 10 12];
ser_sift_threads = [ 4418 4418 4418 4418 4418 4418 4418 ];
ser_mnist_ser_threads = [ 7924 7924 7924 7924 7924 7924 7924 ];

omp_sift_th = [
    4374 2194 1148 751 724 637 596
omp_mnist_th = [
    7918 3941 2031 1395 1415 1330 1292
cilk_sift_th = [
    4183 2076 1114 886 706 742 636
cilk_mnist_th = [
    7745 3883 2020 1454 1436 1342 1292

pth_sift_th = [
    4254 2155 1133 877 724 640 682
pth_mnist_th = [
    7889 3963 2058 1445 1496 1379 1352

% 1ο Διάγραμμα: OMP
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1280, 720]); % Set the figure size to HD
plot(threads, ser_sift_threads, '-o', 'DisplayName', 'Serial SIFT');
hold on;
plot(threads, ser_mnist_ser_threads, '-s', 'DisplayName', 'Serial MNIST');
plot(threads, omp_sift_th, '-^', 'DisplayName', 'OMP SIFT');
plot(threads, omp_mnist_th, '-d', 'DisplayName', 'OMP MNIST');
hold off;
ylabel('Execution Time [msec]');
legend('Location', 'northeast');
grid on;
print(gcf, 'OMP_over_threads.png', '-dpng', '-r300');

% 2ο Διάγραμμα: CILK
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1280, 720]); % Set the figure size to HD
plot(threads, ser_sift_threads, '-o', 'DisplayName', 'Serial SIFT');
hold on;
plot(threads, ser_mnist_ser_threads, '-s', 'DisplayName', 'Serial MNIST');
plot(threads, cilk_sift_th, '-^', 'DisplayName', 'CILK SIFT');
plot(threads, cilk_mnist_th, '-d', 'DisplayName', 'CILK MNIST');
hold off;
ylabel('Execution Time [msec]');
legend('Location', 'northeast');
grid on;
print(gcf, 'CILK_over_threads.png', '-dpng', '-r300');

% 3ο Διάγραμμα: Pthreads
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1280, 720]); % Set the figure size to HD
plot(threads, ser_sift_threads, '-o', 'DisplayName', 'Serial SIFT');
hold on;
plot(threads, ser_mnist_ser_threads, '-s', 'DisplayName', 'Serial MNIST');
plot(threads, pth_sift_th, '-^', 'DisplayName', 'Pthreads SIFT');
plot(threads, pth_mnist_th, '-d', 'DisplayName', 'Pthreads MNIST');
hold off;
ylabel('Execution Time [msec]');
legend('Location', 'northeast');
grid on;
print(gcf, 'Pthreads_over_threads.png', '-dpng', '-r300');