% Plot measurements threads = [1 2 4 6 8 10 12]; ser_sift_threads = [ 4418 4418 4418 4418 4418 4418 4418 ]; ser_mnist_ser_threads = [ 7924 7924 7924 7924 7924 7924 7924 ]; omp_sift_th = [ 4469 4283 4096 3822 4060 4241 5193 ]; omp_mnist_th = [ 8053 7806 7465 6828 7662 8013 8123 ]; cilk_sift_th = [ 4225 4090 3696 3122 3860 4141 5103 ]; cilk_mnist_th = [ 7744 7206 6965 6628 7362 7813 8123 ]; pth_sift_th = [ 4254 2155 1133 877 724 640 682 ]; pth_mnist_th = [ 7889 3963 2058 1445 1496 1379 1352 ]; % 1ο Διάγραμμα: OMP figure; set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1280, 720]); % Set the figure size to HD plot(threads, ser_sift_threads, '-o', 'DisplayName', 'Serial SIFT'); hold on; plot(threads, ser_mnist_ser_threads, '-s', 'DisplayName', 'Serial MNIST'); plot(threads, omp_sift_th, '-^', 'DisplayName', 'OMP SIFT'); plot(threads, omp_mnist_th, '-d', 'DisplayName', 'OMP MNIST'); hold off; title('OMP'); xlabel('Threads'); ylabel('Execution Time [msec]'); legend('Location', 'northeast'); grid on; print(gcf, 'OMP_over_threads.png', '-dpng', '-r300'); % 2ο Διάγραμμα: CILK figure; set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1280, 720]); % Set the figure size to HD plot(threads, ser_sift_threads, '-o', 'DisplayName', 'Serial SIFT'); hold on; plot(threads, ser_mnist_ser_threads, '-s', 'DisplayName', 'Serial MNIST'); plot(threads, cilk_sift_th, '-^', 'DisplayName', 'CILK SIFT'); plot(threads, cilk_mnist_th, '-d', 'DisplayName', 'CILK MNIST'); hold off; title('CILK'); xlabel('Threads'); ylabel('Execution Time [msec]'); legend('Location', 'northeast'); grid on; print(gcf, 'CILK_over_threads.png', '-dpng', '-r300'); % 3ο Διάγραμμα: Pthreads figure; set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1280, 720]); % Set the figure size to HD plot(threads, ser_sift_threads, '-o', 'DisplayName', 'Serial SIFT'); hold on; plot(threads, ser_mnist_ser_threads, '-s', 'DisplayName', 'Serial MNIST'); plot(threads, pth_sift_th, '-^', 'DisplayName', 'Pthreads SIFT'); plot(threads, pth_mnist_th, '-d', 'DisplayName', 'Pthreads MNIST'); hold off; title('Pthreads'); xlabel('Threads'); ylabel('Execution Time [msec]'); legend('Location', 'northeast'); grid on; print(gcf, 'Pthreads_over_threads.png', '-dpng', '-r300');