Browse Source

HW3: RC1 First version to test on HPC

5 changed files with 364 additions and 170 deletions
  1. +37
  2. +233
  3. +22
  4. +67
  5. +5

+ 37
- 30
homework_3/Makefile View File

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
PROJECT := PDS_homework_3

# Excecutable's name
TARGET := bitonic
TARGET := bitonicCUDA

# Source directories list(space seperated). Makefile-relative path, UNDER current directory.
SRC_DIR_LIST := src #test test/gtest
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ REL_CXXFLAGS := -O3 -std=c++17 -Xcompiler "-Wall -Wextra"

# Pre-defines

# ============== Linker settings ==============
# Linker flags (example: -pthread -lm)
@@ -83,17 +83,14 @@ DOCKER :=
CSIZE := size
CXX := g++ #mpic++
CC := gcc #mpicc
CXX := g++
CC := gcc
LINKER := g++

# =========== Main body and Patterns ===========

#ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
# TARGET := $(TARGET).exe
INC := $(foreach dir,$(INC_DIR_LIST),-I$(dir))
DEF := $(foreach def,$(PRE_DEFS),-D$(def))
EXC := $(foreach fil,$(EXC_FILE_LIST), \
@@ -111,38 +108,16 @@ OBJ := $(foreach file,$(SRC:%.cpp=%.o),$(OBJ_DIR)/$(file))
DEP := $(foreach file,$(SRC:%.cpp=%.d),$(DEP_DIR)/$(file))

# Make Dependencies pattern.
# This little trick enables recompilation only when dependencies change
# and it does so for changes both in source AND header files ;)
# It is based on Tom Tromey's method.
# Invoke cpp to create makefile rules with dependencies for each source file
#$(DEP_DIR)/%.d: %.c
# @mkdir -p $(@D)
# @$(DOCKER) $(CC) -E $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) -MM -MT $(OBJ_DIR)/$(<:.c=.o) -MF $@ $<

# c file objects depent on .c AND dependency files, which have an empty recipe
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.c
@mkdir -p $(@D)
$(DOCKER) $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) -o $@ $<

#$(DEP_DIR)/%.d: %.cpp
# @mkdir -p $(@D)
# @$(DOCKER) $(CXX) -E $(CXXFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) -MM -MT $(OBJ_DIR)/$(<:.cpp=.o) -MF $@ $<

# cpp file objects depend on .cpp AND dependency files, which have an empty recipe
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp
@mkdir -p $(@D)
$(DOCKER) $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) -o $@ $<

# empty recipe for dependency files. This prevents make errors

# now include all dependencies
# After all they are makefile dependency rules ;)
#include $(wildcard $(DEP))

# main target rule
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@@ -179,6 +154,39 @@ release: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)
# ================ Build rules =================

bitonic_v0deb: CC := nvcc -G -g -x cu
bitonic_v0deb: CXX := nvcc -G -g -x cu
bitonic_v0deb: LINKER := nvcc
bitonic_v0deb: CFLAGS := $(DEB_CFLAGS) -DCODE_VERSION=V0
bitonic_v0deb: OUTPUT_DIR := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/v0
bitonic_v0deb: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)
@mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR)

bitonic_v1deb: CC := nvcc -G -g -x cu
bitonic_v1deb: CXX := nvcc -G -g -x cu
bitonic_v1deb: LINKER := nvcc
bitonic_v1deb: CFLAGS := $(DEB_CFLAGS) -DCODE_VERSION=V1
bitonic_v1deb: OUTPUT_DIR := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/v1
bitonic_v1deb: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)
@mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR)

bitonic_v2deb: CC := nvcc -G -g -x cu
bitonic_v2deb: CXX := nvcc -G -g -x cu
bitonic_v2deb: LINKER := nvcc
bitonic_v2deb: CFLAGS := $(DEB_CFLAGS) -DCODE_VERSION=V2
bitonic_v2deb: OUTPUT_DIR := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/v2
bitonic_v2deb: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)
@mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR)

bitonic_v0: CC := nvcc -x cu
bitonic_v0: CXX := nvcc -x cu
@@ -201,7 +209,6 @@ bitonic_v1: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)
@mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR)

bitonic_v2: CC := nvcc -x cu
bitonic_v2: CXX := nvcc -x cu
bitonic_v2: LINKER := nvcc

+ 233
- 96
homework_3/src/bitonicsort.hpp View File

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
* Exported timers
extern Timing Timer_total;
extern Timing Timer_total, Timer_memory, Timer_sorting;

using threadId_t = size_t;

@@ -74,9 +74,41 @@ __device__ inline bool keepSmall(threadId_t tid, threadId_t partner, size_t stag
* ============================== Sort algorithms ==============================

* Each thread can handle 2 points in the array. For each of these 2 points it may
* - compare and exchange if needed
* - copy data to local and back if needed
static constexpr size_t SizeToThreadsRatio = 2;

* Calculates the blocks needed for the entire sorting process
* @note
* This "redundant" little trick makes sure blocks are allocated for arraySizes that are not exact
* multipliers of config.blockSize.
* Even if we don't need it, we keep it in case we experiment with weird sizes in the future!
* @param arraySize [ArraySize_t] The size of the entire array (in points)
* @return [size_t] The number of blocks
inline size_t NBlocks(ArraySize_t arraySize) {
return (((arraySize + config.blockSize - 1) / config.blockSize) / SizeToThreadsRatio);

* Exchange utility
* @tparam ValueT The underlying data type of the array items
* @param data [ValueT*] Pointer to data array
* @param tid [threadId_t] Current thread's index to data
* @param pid [threadId_t] Parents's index to data
* @param keepSmall [bool] Flag to indicate if current threads is keeping the small
template <typename ValueT>
__device__ void exchange(ValueT* data, int tid, int partner, bool keepSmall) {
__device__ void exchange(ValueT* data, threadId_t tid, threadId_t partner, bool keepSmall) {
if (( keepSmall && (data[tid] > data[partner])) ||
(!keepSmall && (data[tid] < data[partner])) ) {
ValueT temp = data[tid];
@@ -86,13 +118,24 @@ __device__ void exchange(ValueT* data, int tid, int partner, bool keepSmall) {


* This is the body of each thread. This function compare and exchange data
* @tparam ValueT The underlying data type of the array items
* @param data [ValueT*] Pointer to data array
* @param n [size_t] The total size of the array
* @param step [size_t] The current step of the current stage of bitonic sort
* @param stage [size_t] The current stage of bitonic sort
template <typename ValueT>
__global__ void bitonicStep(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t step, size_t stage) {
threadId_t tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; // Compute global thread ID
threadId_t tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; // Keep contiguous addressing to the first half of the array
threadId_t pid = partner(tid, step);
if (tid > pid) {
tid += n >> 1;
pid += n >> 1;
// Shift to the other half of the array for global data
tid += n / SizeToThreadsRatio;
pid += n / SizeToThreadsRatio;
if ((tid < n) && (pid < n)) { // Boundary check
bool keep = keepSmall(tid, pid, stage);
@@ -102,18 +145,11 @@ __global__ void bitonicStep(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t step, size_t stage) {

* A distributed version of the Bitonic sort algorithm.
* A CUDA version of the Bitonic sort algorithm.
* @note
* Each MPI process should run an instance of this function.
* @tparam ShadowedDataT A Shadowed buffer type with random access iterator.
* @param data [ShadowedDataT] The local to MPI process data to sort
* @param Processes [mpi_id_t] The total number of MPI processes
* @param rank [mpi_id_t] The current process id
* @tparam DataT A container type to hold data array. Should have .data() and .size() methods
* @param data [DataT&] Reference to the container to sort

template <typename DataT>
void bitonicSort(DataT& data) {
using value_t = typename DataT::value_type;
@@ -121,34 +157,57 @@ void bitonicSort(DataT& data) {
value_t* dev_data;
auto size = data.size();

cudaMalloc(&dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t));
cudaMemcpy(dev_data,, size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (cudaMalloc(&dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t)) != cudaSuccess)
throw std::runtime_error("[CUDA] - Can not allocate memory\n");
if (cudaMemcpy(dev_data,, size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) != cudaSuccess)
throw std::runtime_error("[CUDA] - Can not copy memory to device\n");

int Nthreads = THREADS_PER_BLOCK;
int HalfNblocks = ((size + Nthreads - 1) / Nthreads) >> 1;
size_t Nth = config.blockSize;
size_t Nbl = NBlocks(size);

size_t Stages = static_cast<size_t>(log2(size));
for (size_t stage = 1; stage <= Stages; ++stage) {
for (size_t step = stage; step > 0; ) {
bitonicStep<<<HalfNblocks, Nthreads>>>(dev_data, size, step, stage);
bitonicStep<<<Nbl, Nth>>>(dev_data, size, step, stage);

cudaMemcpy(, dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (cudaMemcpy(, dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) != cudaSuccess)
throw std::runtime_error("[CUDA] - Can not copy memory from device\n");

#elif CODE_VERSION == V1

* This is the body of each thread. This function compare and exchange data
* @tparam ValueT The underlying data type of the array items
* @param data [ValueT*] Pointer to data array
* @param n [size_t] The total size of the array
* @param step [size_t] The current step of the current stage of bitonic sort
* @param stage [size_t] The current stage of bitonic sort
template <typename ValueT>
__device__ void interBlockStep_(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t step, size_t stage) {
threadId_t tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; // Compute global thread ID
* Here we skip blocks every time (one for SizeToThreadsRatio = 2)
* And we use the neighbor block address indices for the other half of the threads
threadId_t tid = threadIdx.x + SizeToThreadsRatio * blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
threadId_t pid = partner(tid, step);
if (tid > pid) {
tid += n >> 1;
pid += n >> 1;
// Shift to the other half of the array for global data
tid += blockDim.x;
pid += blockDim.x;
if ((tid < n) && (pid < n)) { // Boundary check
bool keep = keepSmall(tid, pid, stage);
@@ -156,12 +215,29 @@ __device__ void interBlockStep_(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t step, size_t stag

* This is the version of the body that is called outside of the loop unrolling
* @tparam ValueT The underlying data type of the array items
* @param data [ValueT*] Pointer to data array
* @param n [size_t] The total size of the array
* @param step [size_t] The current step of the current stage of bitonic sort
* @param stage [size_t] The current stage of bitonic sort
template <typename ValueT>
__global__ void interBlockStep(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t step, size_t stage) {
interBlockStep_(data, n, step, stage);

* This is unrolled part of the bitonic double loop.
* @tparam ValueT The underlying data type of the array items
* @param data [ValueT*] Pointer to data array
* @param n [size_t] The total size of the array
* @param step [size_t] The current step of the current stage of bitonic sort
* @param stage [size_t] The current stage of bitonic sort
template <typename ValueT>
__global__ void inBlockStep(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t innerSteps, size_t stage) {
for (size_t step = innerSteps + 1; step > 0; ) {
@@ -172,18 +248,11 @@ __global__ void inBlockStep(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t innerSteps, size_t st

* A distributed version of the Bitonic sort algorithm.
* @note
* Each MPI process should run an instance of this function.
* @tparam ShadowedDataT A Shadowed buffer type with random access iterator.
* A CUDA version of the Bitonic sort algorithm.
* @param data [ShadowedDataT] The local to MPI process data to sort
* @param Processes [mpi_id_t] The total number of MPI processes
* @param rank [mpi_id_t] The current process id
* @tparam DataT A container type to hold data array. Should have .data() and .size() methods
* @param data [DataT&] Reference to the container to sort

template <typename DataT>
void bitonicSort(DataT& data) {
using value_t = typename DataT::value_type;
@@ -191,38 +260,85 @@ void bitonicSort(DataT& data) {
value_t* dev_data;
auto size = data.size();

cudaMalloc(&dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t));
cudaMemcpy(dev_data,, size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (cudaMalloc(&dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t)) != cudaSuccess)
throw std::runtime_error("[CUDA] - Can not allocate memory\n");
if (cudaMemcpy(dev_data,, size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) != cudaSuccess)
throw std::runtime_error("[CUDA] - Can not copy memory to device\n");

int Nthreads = THREADS_PER_BLOCK;
int HalfNblocks = ((size + Nthreads - 1) / Nthreads) >> 1;
size_t Nth = config.blockSize;
size_t Nbl = NBlocks(size);

auto Stages = static_cast<size_t>(log2(size));
auto InnerBlockSteps = static_cast<size_t>(log2(IN_BLOCK_THRESHOLD));
auto Stages = static_cast<size_t>(log2(size));
auto InnerBlockSteps = static_cast<size_t>(log2(Nth)); //
for (size_t stage = 1; stage <= Stages; ++stage) {
size_t step = stage - 1;
for ( ; step > InnerBlockSteps; --step) {
interBlockStep<<<HalfNblocks, Nthreads>>>(dev_data, size, step, stage);
interBlockStep<<<Nbl, Nth>>>(dev_data, size, step, stage);
inBlockStep<<<HalfNblocks, Nthreads>>>(dev_data, size, step, stage);
inBlockStep<<<Nbl, Nth>>>(dev_data, size, step, stage);

cudaMemcpy(, dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (cudaMemcpy(, dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) != cudaSuccess)
throw std::runtime_error("[CUDA] - Can not copy memory from device\n");

#elif CODE_VERSION == V2

* @return The memory that each block local threads can affect.
* @note
* Each block thread collection can exchange twice the size of data points.
inline size_t effectiveBlockSize() { return SizeToThreadsRatio * config.blockSize; }

* Converts the global address of the data to the local shared memory array which is used
* as cached memory to the unrolled part of the bitonic sort loop.
* @note
* Each block's thread collection can exchange twice the size of data points.
* These points get copied (cached) in the shared memory location. We use contiguous blocks
* both in global data memory and the shared memory buffer.
* @param gIndex The global array index
* @param blockDim The block size (threads per block)
* @return The equivalent local address of the shared memory
__device__ inline size_t toLocal(size_t gIndex, size_t blockDim) {
return gIndex % (SizeToThreadsRatio * blockDim);

* This is the version of the body that is called outside of the loop unrolling
* @tparam ValueT The underlying data type of the array items
* @param data [ValueT*] Pointer to data array
* @param n [size_t] The total size of the array
* @param step [size_t] The current step of the current stage of bitonic sort
* @param stage [size_t] The current stage of bitonic sort
template <typename ValueT>
__global__ void interBlockStep(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t step, size_t stage) {
threadId_t tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; // Compute global thread ID
threadId_t tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; // Keep contiguous addressing to the first half of the array
threadId_t pid = partner(tid, step);
if (tid > pid) {
tid += n >> 1;
pid += n >> 1;
// Shift to the other half of the array for global data
tid += n / SizeToThreadsRatio;
pid += n / SizeToThreadsRatio;
if ((tid < n) && (pid < n)) { // Boundary check
bool keep = keepSmall(tid, pid, stage);
@@ -230,57 +346,72 @@ __global__ void interBlockStep(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t step, size_t stage

* This is unrolled part of the bitonic double loop.
* First each thread caches its corresponding data point from the current and the following data block.
* After that we execute the loop unrolling on the local data and then we write back to global memory.
* @tparam ValueT The underlying data type of the array items
* @param data [ValueT*] Pointer to data array
* @param n [size_t] The total size of the array
* @param step [size_t] The current step of the current stage of bitonic sort
* @param stage [size_t] The current stage of bitonic sort
template <typename ValueT>
__global__ void inBlockStep(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t nthreads, size_t innerSteps, size_t stage, int *mutex) {
__global__ void inBlockStep(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t innerSteps, size_t stage) {
extern __shared__ ValueT shared_data[];

* Global and local(shared) memory indices (calculated once)
* Here we skip blocks every time (one for SizeToThreadsRatio = 2)
* And we cache the neighbor block address indexes in local (shared) memory
threadId_t gIdx0 = threadIdx.x + SizeToThreadsRatio * blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
threadId_t lIdx0 = toLocal(gIdx0, blockDim.x);

if (gIdx0 + blockDim.x >= n) // Boundary check

// Fetch to local memory the entire effective block size (2 positions for each thread)
shared_data[lIdx0] = data[gIdx0];
shared_data[lIdx0 + blockDim.x] = data[gIdx0 + blockDim.x];

for (size_t step = innerSteps + 1; step > 0; ) {

// Global memory thread and partner ids
threadId_t Tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
threadId_t Pid = partner(Tid, step);
if (Tid > Pid) {
Tid += n >> 1;
Pid += n >> 1;
// Init thread global and local indices
threadId_t gIdx = gIdx0;
threadId_t lIdx = lIdx0;
// Find partner and keep-small configuration based on the global data positions
threadId_t pIdx = partner(gIdx, step);
if (gIdx > pIdx) {
// Shift inside effective block
gIdx += blockDim.x; // global
pIdx += blockDim.x;
lIdx += blockDim.x; // local
bool keep = keepSmall(gIdx, pIdx, stage);

if ((Tid < n) && (Pid < n)) { // Boundary check
// Global to local index resolution
threadId_t tid = (Tid<Pid) ? ((Tid*nthreads)%(2*nthreads)) : (((Tid - (n >> 1))*nthreads)%(2*nthreads));
threadId_t pid = tid + 1;
// Fetch to local memory
shared_data[tid] = data[Tid];
shared_data[pid] = data[Pid];

bool keep = keepSmall(Tid, Pid, stage);
exchange(shared_data, tid, pid, keep);

// Write back to global memory
data[Tid] = shared_data[tid];
data[Pid] = shared_data[pid];
// Exchange data on local(shared) copy
threadId_t lpIdx = toLocal(pIdx, blockDim.x);
exchange(shared_data, lIdx, lpIdx, keep);

// Write back to global memory
data[gIdx0] = shared_data[lIdx0];
data[gIdx0 + blockDim.x] = shared_data[lIdx0 + blockDim.x];

* A distributed version of the Bitonic sort algorithm.
* @note
* Each MPI process should run an instance of this function.
* @tparam dDataT A Shadowed buffer type with random access iterator.
* A CUDA version of the Bitonic sort algorithm.
* @param data [ShadowedDataT] The local to MPI process data to sort
* @param Processes [mpi_id_t] The total number of MPI processes
* @param rank [mpi_id_t] The current process id
* @tparam DataT A container type to hold data array. Should have .data() and .size() methods
* @param data [DataT&] Reference to the container to sort

template <typename DataT>
void bitonicSort(DataT& data) {
using value_t = typename DataT::value_type;
@@ -288,30 +419,36 @@ void bitonicSort(DataT& data) {
value_t* dev_data;
auto size = data.size();

cudaMalloc(&dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t));
cudaMemcpy(dev_data,, size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
int* d_mutex;
cudaMalloc(&d_mutex, sizeof(int));
cudaMemset(d_mutex, 0, sizeof(int)); // init mutex
if (cudaMalloc(&dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t)) != cudaSuccess)
throw std::runtime_error("[CUDA] - Can not allocate memory\n");
if (cudaMemcpy(dev_data,, size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) != cudaSuccess)
throw std::runtime_error("[CUDA] - Can not copy memory to device\n");

int Nthreads = THREADS_PER_BLOCK;
int Nblocks = ((size + Nthreads - 1) / Nthreads) >> 1;
size_t Nth = config.blockSize;
size_t Nbl = NBlocks(size);
size_t kernelMemSize = effectiveBlockSize() * sizeof(value_t);

auto Stages = static_cast<size_t>(log2(size));
auto InnerBlockSteps = static_cast<size_t>(log2(IN_BLOCK_THRESHOLD));
auto Stages = static_cast<size_t>(log2(size));
auto InnerBlockSteps = static_cast<size_t>(log2(Nth));
for (size_t stage = 1; stage <= Stages; ++stage) {
size_t step = stage - 1;
for ( ; step > InnerBlockSteps; --step) {
interBlockStep<<<Nblocks, Nthreads>>>(dev_data, size, step, stage);
interBlockStep<<<Nbl, Nth>>>(dev_data, size, step, stage);
inBlockStep<<<Nblocks, Nthreads, 2*Nthreads*sizeof(value_t)>>>(dev_data, size, Nthreads, step, stage, d_mutex);
inBlockStep<<<Nbl, Nth, kernelMemSize>>>(dev_data, size, step, stage);

cudaMemcpy(, dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (cudaMemcpy(, dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) != cudaSuccess)
throw std::runtime_error("[CUDA] - Can not copy memory from device\n");


+ 22
- 17
homework_3/src/config.h View File

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* \file
* \brief Build configuration file.
* \brief Build and runtime configuration file.
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
@@ -11,19 +11,20 @@
#define CONFIG_H_

#include <cstdint>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>

* Versioning:
* - RC1:
* - RC1: First version to test on HPC
static constexpr char version[] = "0.0";
static constexpr char version[] = "0.1";

* Defines for different version of the exercise
#define V0 (0)
#define V1 (1)
#define V2 (2)
#define V0 0
#define V1 1
#define V2 2

// Fail-safe version selection
#if !defined CODE_VERSION
@@ -33,8 +34,9 @@ static constexpr char version[] = "0.0";
// Default Data size (in case -q <N> is not present)
static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_DATA_SIZE = 1 << 16;

// Placeholder default (actual default comes from device properties read at initialization)
static constexpr size_t THREADS_PER_BLOCK = 1024;
static constexpr size_t IN_BLOCK_THRESHOLD = 512;

* Value and Buffer type selection
@@ -51,6 +53,11 @@ static constexpr size_t IN_BLOCK_THRESHOLD = 512;
using Value_t = uint32_t;
using Data_t = std::vector<Value_t>;

* In theory we can support large arrays ;)
using ArraySize_t = uint64_t;

* Session option for each invocation of the executable.
@@ -58,20 +65,18 @@ using Data_t = std::vector<Value_t>;
* The values of the members are set from the command line.
struct config_t {
size_t arraySize{DEFAULT_DATA_SIZE}; //!< The array size of the local data to sort.
bool exchangeOpt{false}; //!< Flag to request the exchange optimization
size_t pipeline{1UL}; //!< Pipeline stages (1 to disable)
bool validation{false}; //!< Request a full validation at the end, performed by process rank 0.
bool ndebug{false}; //!< Skips debug trap on DEBUG builds.
size_t perf{1}; //!< Enable performance timing measurements and prints and repeat
//!< the sorting <perf> times.
bool verbose{false}; //!< Flag to enable verbose output to stdout.
ArraySize_t arraySize{DEFAULT_DATA_SIZE}; //!< The array size of the local data to sort.
size_t blockSize{THREADS_PER_BLOCK}; //!< The block size (threads per block) for the session.
bool validation{false}; //!< Request a full validation at the end, performed by process rank 0.
size_t perf{1}; //!< Enable performance timing measurements and prints. Repeat
//!< the sorting <perf> times to do so.
bool verbose{false}; //!< Flag to enable verbose output to stdout.

* Exported data types
extern config_t config;
extern config_t config;
extern cudaDeviceProp device;

#endif /* CONFIG_H_ */

+ 67
- 27
homework_3/src/main.cpp View File

@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>

#include "utils.hpp"
#include "config.h"
@@ -18,22 +19,25 @@

// Global session data
Data_t Data = {3, 5, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 6};
Data_t Data;
config_t config;
Log logger;
cudaDeviceProp device;

// Mersenne seeded from hw if possible. range: [type_min, type_max]
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());

//! Performance timers for each one of the "costly" functions
Timing Timer_total;
Timing Timer_total, Timer_memory, Timer_sorting;

//! Init timing objects for extra rounds
void measurements_init() {
if (config.perf > 1) {

@@ -41,6 +45,8 @@ void measurements_init() {
void measurements_next() {
if (config.perf > 1) {;;;

@@ -57,7 +63,15 @@ bool get_options(int argc, char* argv[]){

if (arg == "-q" || arg == "--array-size") {
if (i+1 < argc) {
config.arraySize = 1 << atoi(argv[++i]);
config.arraySize = (ArraySize_t)1 << atoi(argv[++i]);
else {
status = false;
else if (arg == "-b" || arg == "--block-size") {
if (i+1 < argc) {
config.blockSize = atoi(argv[++i]);
else {
status = false;
@@ -74,32 +88,34 @@ bool get_options(int argc, char* argv[]){
status = false;
else if (arg == "--ndebug") {
config.ndebug = true;
else if (arg == "-v" || arg == "--verbose") {
config.verbose = true;
else if (arg == "--version") {
std::cout << "bitonic - A GPU accelerated sort utility\n";
std::cout << STR(TARGET) << " - A GPU accelerated bitonic sort utility (V" << STR(CODE_VERSION)<< ") \n";
std::cout << "version: " << version << "\n\n";
else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") {
std::cout << "distbitonic - A distributed sort utility\n\n";
std::cout << " distbitonic -q <N> [--validation] [--perf <N>] [--ndebug] [-v]\n";
std::cout << " distbitonic -h\n";
std::cout << STR(TARGET) << " - A GPU accelerated bitonic sort utility (V" << STR(CODE_VERSION)<< ") \n\n";
std::cout << " " << STR(TARGET) << " -q <N> -b <N> [--validation] [--perf <N>] [-v]\n";
std::cout << " " << STR(TARGET) << " -h\n";
std::cout << " " << STR(TARGET) << " --version\n";
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << "Options:\n\n";
std::cout << " -q | --array-size <N>\n";
std::cout << " Selects the array size according to size = 2^N\n\n";
std::cout << " Selects the array size according to size = 2^N\n";
std::cout << " [Size must be larger than 2 * blockSize]\n";
std::cout << " [Default is 2^16]\n\n";
std::cout << " -b | --block-size <N>\n";
std::cout << " Selects the number of CUDA threads per block\n";
std::cout << " [Size has to be multiple of device's warp size (usually 32)\n";
std::cout << " [Default is the maximum device supported number. For ex: (GTX 1650) block-size=1024]\n\n";
std::cout << " --validation\n";
std::cout << " Request a full validation at the end, performed by process rank 0\n\n";
std::cout << " Request a full validation at the end\n\n";
std::cout << " --perf <N> \n";
std::cout << " Enable performance timing measurements and prints, and repeat\n";
std::cout << " the sorting <N> times.\n\n";
std::cout << " --ndebug\n";
std::cout << " Skip debug breakpoint when on debug build.\n\n";
std::cout << " -v | --verbose\n";
std::cout << " Request a more verbose output to stdout.\n\n";
std::cout << " -h | --help\n";
@@ -107,8 +123,12 @@ bool get_options(int argc, char* argv[]){
std::cout << " --version\n";
std::cout << " Prints version and exit.\n\n";
std::cout << "Examples:\n\n";
std::cout << " bitonic -q 24\n";
std::cout << " Runs bitonic with GPU acceleration with 2^24 array points\n\n";
std::cout << " " << STR(TARGET) << " -q 24\n";
std::cout << " Runs bitonic sort on an 2^24 points array, using GPU acceleration\n\n";
std::cout << " " << STR(TARGET) << " --validation --perf 5 -b 512 -q 26\n";
std::cout << " Runs bitonic sort on an 2^26 points array 5 times, using GPU acceleration with\n";
std::cout << " 512 threads per block, performs a validation check at the end and prints the time\n";
std::cout << " of the median.\n\n";

@@ -118,6 +138,17 @@ bool get_options(int argc, char* argv[]){

// Check configuration requirements
if (config.blockSize % device.warpSize)
throw std::runtime_error("[Config] - Number of threads per block is not an exact multiple of warp size\n");
if (config.arraySize < 2*config.blockSize)
throw std::runtime_error("[Config] - Unsupported array size (smaller than "
+ std::to_string(SizeToThreadsRatio*config.blockSize) + ")\n");
if (device.totalGlobalMem < config.arraySize * sizeof(Value_t))
throw std::runtime_error("[CUDA] - Unsupported array size: "
+ std::to_string(config.arraySize * sizeof(Value_t))
+ " (larger than GPU's: " + std::to_string(device.totalGlobalMem) + ")\n");

return status;

@@ -141,6 +172,13 @@ bool validator(DataT& data) {
* @param argv [char***] POINTER to main's argv argument
void init(int* argc, char*** argv) {

// Get device configuration
if (cudaGetDeviceProperties(&device, 0) != cudaSuccess)
throw std::runtime_error("[CUDA] - Can not read GPU");

config.blockSize = static_cast<size_t>(device.maxThreadsPerBlock);

// try to read command line
if (!get_options(*argc, *argv))
@@ -159,16 +197,23 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) try {
// Init everything
init(&argc, &argv);

logger << "Array size: " << config.arraySize << " (Q=" << static_cast<size_t>(log2(config.arraySize))<< ")" << logger.endl;
logger << "Repeated sorts: " << config.perf << logger.endl;
logger << "GPU: " << << logger.endl;
logger << "Block size: " << config.blockSize << logger.endl;

for (size_t it = 0 ; it < config.perf ; ++it) {
// Initialize local data
logger << "Initialize local array of " << config.arraySize << " elements" << logger.endl;
logger << "Initialize array ... ";
std::uniform_int_distribution<Value_t > dis(
std::generate(Data.begin(), Data.end(), [&]() { return dis(gen); });
logger << " Done." << logger.endl;

// Run distributed sort
logger << "Starting distributed sorting ... ";
logger << "Start sorting ... ";
@@ -178,20 +223,15 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) try {

// Print-outs and validation
if (config.perf > 1) {
Timing::print_duration(Timer_total.median(), "Total");
Timing::print_duration(Timer_total.median(), "Total ");
Timing::print_duration(Timer_memory.median(), "Mem-xch ");
Timing::print_duration(Timer_sorting.median(),"Sorting ");
if (config.validation) {
// If requested, we have the chance to fail!
std::cout << "[Validation] Results validation ...";
bool val = validator(Data);
std::cout << ((val) ? "\x1B[32m [PASSED] \x1B[0m\n" : " \x1B[32m [FAILED] \x1B[0m\n");
if (Data.size() < 128) {
std::cout << "Data: ";
for (auto& v : Data) {
std::cout << (int)v << ", ";
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << ((val) ? "\x1B[32m [PASSED] \x1B[0m\n" : " \x1B[31m [FAILED] \x1B[0m\n");
return 0;

+ 5
- 0
homework_3/src/utils.hpp View File

@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@

#include "config.h"

* Stringify preprocessor util
#define STR(s) STR_(s)
#define STR_(s) #s

* A Logger for entire program.
