@@ -232,46 +232,40 @@ __global__ void interBlockStep(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t step, size_t stage |
template <typename ValueT> |
template <typename ValueT> |
__global__ void inBlockStep(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t nthreads, size_t innerSteps, size_t stage) { |
__global__ void inBlockStep(ValueT* data, size_t n, size_t nthreads, size_t innerSteps, size_t stage, int *mutex) { |
extern __shared__ ValueT shared_data[]; |
extern __shared__ ValueT shared_data[]; |
ValueT* lowerHalf = (ValueT*) shared_data; |
ValueT* upperHalf = (ValueT*) &shared_data[nthreads]; |
// Global memory thread and partner ids |
threadId_t thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; |
for (size_t step = innerSteps + 1; step > 0; ) { |
--step; |
// Shared memory thread and partner ids |
threadId_t local_tid = threadIdx.x; |
// Global memory thread and partner ids |
threadId_t Tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; |
threadId_t Pid = partner(Tid, step); |
if (Tid > Pid) { |
Tid += n >> 1; |
Pid += n >> 1; |
} |
if ( thread_id < (n >> 1) ) { |
// Fetch to local memory for both half |
lowerHalf[local_tid] = data[thread_id]; |
upperHalf[local_tid] = data[thread_id + (n >> 1)]; |
__syncthreads(); |
if ((Tid < n) && (Pid < n)) { // Boundary check |
// Global to local index resolution |
threadId_t tid = (Tid<Pid) ? ((Tid*nthreads)%(2*nthreads)) : (((Tid - (n >> 1))*nthreads)%(2*nthreads)); |
threadId_t pid = tid + 1; |
// Fetch to local memory |
shared_data[tid] = data[Tid]; |
shared_data[pid] = data[Pid]; |
__syncthreads(); |
bool keep = keepSmall(Tid, Pid, stage); |
exchange(shared_data, tid, pid, keep); |
__syncthreads(); |
for (size_t step = innerSteps + 1; step > 0; ) { |
--step; |
// Find partner and localize it |
threadId_t partner_id = partner(thread_id, step); |
threadId_t local_pid = partner_id % nthreads; |
if (local_tid < local_pid) { |
// exchange on low site buffer (half of the threads) |
bool keep = keepSmall(thread_id, partner_id, stage); |
exchange(lowerHalf, local_tid, local_pid, keep); |
} |
else { |
// exchange on high site buffer (other half of the threads) |
bool keep = keepSmall(thread_id, partner_id, stage); |
exchange(upperHalf, local_tid, local_pid, keep); |
} |
// Write back to global memory |
data[Tid] = shared_data[tid]; |
data[Pid] = shared_data[pid]; |
__syncthreads(); |
__syncthreads(); |
} |
} |
// Write back to global memory |
data[thread_id] = lowerHalf[local_tid]; |
data[thread_id + (n >> 1)] = upperHalf[local_tid]; |
__syncthreads(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/*! |
/*! |
@@ -297,6 +291,10 @@ void bitonicSort(DataT& data) { |
cudaMalloc(&dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t)); |
cudaMalloc(&dev_data, size * sizeof(value_t)); |
cudaMemcpy(dev_data, data.data(), size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
cudaMemcpy(dev_data, data.data(), size * sizeof(value_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
int* d_mutex; |
cudaMalloc(&d_mutex, sizeof(int)); |
cudaMemset(d_mutex, 0, sizeof(int)); // init mutex |
int Nthreads = THREADS_PER_BLOCK; |
int Nthreads = THREADS_PER_BLOCK; |
int Nblocks = ((size + Nthreads - 1) / Nthreads) >> 1; |
int Nblocks = ((size + Nthreads - 1) / Nthreads) >> 1; |
@@ -308,7 +306,7 @@ void bitonicSort(DataT& data) { |
interBlockStep<<<Nblocks, Nthreads>>>(dev_data, size, step, stage); |
interBlockStep<<<Nblocks, Nthreads>>>(dev_data, size, step, stage); |
cudaDeviceSynchronize(); |
cudaDeviceSynchronize(); |
} |
} |
inBlockStep<<<Nblocks, Nthreads, 2*Nthreads*sizeof(value_t)>>>(dev_data, size, Nthreads, step, stage); |
inBlockStep<<<Nblocks, Nthreads, 2*Nthreads*sizeof(value_t)>>>(dev_data, size, Nthreads, step, stage, d_mutex); |
cudaDeviceSynchronize(); |
cudaDeviceSynchronize(); |
} |
} |