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HW3: [No Compile] Init HW3 with HW2 files

10 changed files with 30433 additions and 0 deletions
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+ 23
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homework_3/.gitignore View File

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# project

# hpc

# IDEs

# eclipse


+ 205
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homework_3/Makefile View File

@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
# PDS HW3 Makefile
# Copyright (C) 2025 Christos Choutouridis <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

# ============== Project settings ==============
# Project's name
PROJECT := PDS_homework_3

# Excecutable's name
TARGET := bitonic

# Source directories list(space seperated). Makefile-relative path, UNDER current directory.
SRC_DIR_LIST := src test test/gtest

# Include directories list(space seperated). Makefile-relative path.
INC_DIR_LIST := src \
test \
test/gtest/ \

# Exclude files list(space seperated). Filenames only.
# EXC_FILE_LIST := bad.cpp old.cpp

# Build directories
BUILD_DIR := bin
DEP_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/.dep


# ========== Compiler settings ==========
# Compiler flags for debug and release
DEB_CFLAGS := -DDEBUG -g3 -Wall -Wextra -std=c11 -fopenmp
REL_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -O3 -std=c11 -fopenmp
DEB_CXXFLAGS := -DDEBUG -g3 -Wall -Wextra -std=c++17 -fopenmp
REL_CXXFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -O3 -std=c++17 -fopenmp

# Pre-defines

# ============== Linker settings ==============
# Linker flags (example: -pthread -lm)
LDFLAGS := -pthread

# Map output file
MAP_FLAG := -Xlinker -Map=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MAP_FILE)

# ============== Docker settings ==============
# We need:
# - Bind the entire project directory(the dir that icludes all the code) as volume.
# - In docker instance, change to working directory(where the makefile is).
DOCKER_VOL_DIR := $(shell pwd)
DOCKER_RUN := docker run --rm

# docker invoke mechanism (edit with care)
# note:
# Here, `DOCKER` variable is empty. Rules can assign `DOCKER := DOCKER_CMD` when docker
# functionality is needed.

# ============== Tool selection ==============
# compiler and compiler flags.
CSIZE := size
CXX := g++ #mpic++
CC := gcc #mpicc

# =========== Main body and Patterns ===========

#ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
# TARGET := $(TARGET).exe
INC := $(foreach dir,$(INC_DIR_LIST),-I$(dir))
DEF := $(foreach def,$(PRE_DEFS),-D$(def))
EXC := $(foreach fil,$(EXC_FILE_LIST), \
$(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIR_LIST),$(wildcard $(dir)/$(fil))) \
# source files. object and dependencies list
# recursive search into current and source directories
SRC := $(wildcard *.cpp)
SRC += $(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIR_LIST),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp))
SRC += $(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIR_LIST),$(wildcard $(dir)/**/*.cpp))
SRC := $(filter-out $(EXC),$(SRC))
#SRC := $(abspath $(SRC))

OBJ := $(foreach file,$(SRC:%.cpp=%.o),$(OBJ_DIR)/$(file))
DEP := $(foreach file,$(SRC:%.cpp=%.d),$(DEP_DIR)/$(file))

# Make Dependencies pattern.
# This little trick enables recompilation only when dependencies change
# and it does so for changes both in source AND header files ;)
# It is based on Tom Tromey's method.
# Invoke cpp to create makefile rules with dependencies for each source file
$(DEP_DIR)/%.d: %.c
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@$(DOCKER) $(CC) -E $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) -MM -MT $(OBJ_DIR)/$(<:.c=.o) -MF $@ $<

# c file objects depent on .c AND dependency files, which have an empty recipe
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.c $(DEP_DIR)/%.d
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@$(DOCKER) $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) -o $@ $<

$(DEP_DIR)/%.d: %.cpp
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@$(DOCKER) $(CXX) -E $(CXXFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) -MM -MT $(OBJ_DIR)/$(<:.cpp=.o) -MF $@ $<

# cpp file objects depent on .cpp AND dependency files, which have an empty recipe
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp $(DEP_DIR)/%.d
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@$(DOCKER) $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) -o $@ $<

# empty recipe for dependency files. This prevents make errors

# now include all dependencies
# After all they are makefile dependency rules ;)
include $(wildcard $(DEP))

# main target rule
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@echo Linking to target: $(TARGET)
@echo $(DOCKER) $(CXX) '$$(OBJ)' $(LDFLAGS) $(MAP_FLAG) -o $(@D)/$(TARGET)
@$(DOCKER) $(CXX) $(OBJ) $(LDFLAGS) $(MAP_FLAG) -o $(@D)/$(TARGET)
@echo Print size information
@$(CSIZE) $(@D)/$(TARGET)
@echo Done

# ================ Default local build rules =================
# example:
# make debug


.PHONY: clean
@echo Cleaning build directories
@rm -rf $(OBJ_DIR)
@rm -rf $(DEP_DIR)
@rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)

debug: CFLAGS := $(DEB_CFLAGS)
debug: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

release: CFLAGS := $(REL_CFLAGS)
release: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)

# ================ Build rules =================

bitonic_v0: CC := nvcc
bitonic_v0: CXX := nvcc
bitonic_v0: TARGET := bitonic_v0
bitonic_v0: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET)
@mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR)

make clean
make distbubbletonic
make clean
make distbitonic
make clean
make tests

all: debug bitonic_v0
# Note:
# Add a gcc based make rule here in order for clangd to successfully scan the project files.
# Otherwise we do not need the gcc build.

+ 74
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homework_3/src/config.h View File

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* \file
* \brief Build configuration file.
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <>

#ifndef CONFIG_H_
#define CONFIG_H_

#include <cstdint>

* Versioning:
* - RC1:
static constexpr char version[] = "0.0";

* Defines for different version of the exercise
#define V0 (0)
#define V1 (1)
#define V2 (2)

// Fail-safe version selection
#if !defined CODE_VERSION

// Default Data size (in case -q <N> is not present)
static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_DATA_SIZE = 1 << 16;

* Value type selection
* We support the following compiler types or the <cstdint> that translate to them:
* char - unsigned char
* short - unsigned short
* int - unsigned int
* long - unsigned long
* long long - unsigned long long
* float
* double
using distValue_t = uint32_t;

* Session option for each invocation of the executable.
* @note
* The values of the members are set from the command line.
struct config_t {
size_t arraySize{DEFAULT_DATA_SIZE}; //!< The array size of the local data to sort.
bool exchangeOpt{false}; //!< Flag to request the exchange optimization
size_t pipeline{1UL}; //!< Pipeline stages (1 to disable)
bool validation{false}; //!< Request a full validation at the end, performed by process rank 0.
bool ndebug{false}; //!< Skips debug trap on DEBUG builds.
size_t perf{1}; //!< Enable performance timing measurements and prints and repeat
//!< the sorting <perf> times.
bool verbose{false}; //!< Flag to enable verbose output to stdout.

* Exported data types
extern config_t config;

#endif /* CONFIG_H_ */

+ 33
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homework_3/src/distsort.cpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* \file
* \brief Distributed sort implementation
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <>
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "distsort.hpp"

bool isActive(mpi_id_t node, size_t nodes) {
if (!((nodes > 0) &&
(nodes <= static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<mpi_id_t>::max())) ))
throw std::runtime_error("(isActive) Non-acceptable value of MPI Nodes\n");
// ^ Assert that mpi_id_t can hold nodes, and thus we can cast without data loss!

return (node >= 0) && (node < static_cast<mpi_id_t>(nodes));

size_t tagGenerator(size_t depth, size_t step, size_t stage) {
auto stage_bits = static_cast<uint32_t>(std::log2(MAX_PIPELINE_SIZE));
auto step_bits = static_cast<uint32_t>(std::log2(MAX_MPI_SIZE));
uint32_t stat_bit = 1UL;
// ^ We use MPI_SIZE room for steps to fit the bubbletonic version

// [ depth | step | stage+stats ]
size_t tag = stage
| (step << (stage_bits + stat_bit))
| (depth << (stage_bits + step_bits + stat_bit));
return tag;

+ 454
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homework_3/src/distsort.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
* \file
* \brief Distributed sort implementation header
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <>


#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <parallel/algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#if !defined DEBUG
#define NDEBUG
#include <cassert>

#include "utils.hpp"

* Exported timers
extern Timing Timer_total;
extern Timing Timer_fullSort;
extern Timing Timer_exchange;
extern Timing Timer_minmax;
extern Timing Timer_elbowSort;

* Enumerator for the different versions of the sorting method
enum class SortMode {
Bubbletonic, //!< The v0.5 of the algorithm where we use a bubble-sort like approach
Bitonic //!< The v1.0 of the algorithm where we use the bitonic data-exchange approach

* ============================== Sort utilities ==============================

* The primary function template of ascending(). It is DISABLED since , it is explicitly specialized
* for each of the \c SortMode
template <SortMode Mode> inline bool ascending(mpi_id_t, [[maybe_unused]] size_t) noexcept = delete;

* Returns the ascending or descending configuration of the node's sequence based on
* the current node (MPI process) and the depth of the sorting network
* @param node [mpi_id_t] The current node (MPI process)
* @return [bool] True if we need ascending configuration, false otherwise
template <> inline
bool ascending<SortMode::Bubbletonic>(mpi_id_t node, [[maybe_unused]] size_t depth) noexcept {
return (node % 2) == 0;

* Returns the ascending or descending configuration of the node's sequence based on
* the current node (MPI process) and the depth of the sorting network
* @param node [mpi_id_t] The current node (MPI process)
* @param depth [size_t] The total depth of the sorting network (same for each step for a given network)
* @return [bool] True if we need ascending configuration, false otherwise
template <> inline
bool ascending<SortMode::Bitonic>(mpi_id_t node, size_t depth) noexcept {
return !(node & (1 << depth));

* The primary function template of partner(). It is DISABLED since , it is explicitly specialized
* for each of the \c SortMode
template <SortMode Mode> inline mpi_id_t partner(mpi_id_t, size_t) noexcept = delete;

* Returns the node's partner for data exchange during the sorting network iterations
* of Bubbletonic
* @param node [mpi_id_t] The current node
* @param step [size_t] The step of the sorting network
* @return [mpi_id_t] The node id of the partner for data exchange
template <> inline
mpi_id_t partner<SortMode::Bubbletonic>(mpi_id_t node, size_t step) noexcept {
//return (node % 2 == step % 2) ? node + 1 : node - 1;
return (((node+step) % 2) == 0) ? node + 1 : node - 1;

* Returns the node's partner for data exchange during the sorting network iterations
* of Bitonic
* @param node [mpi_id_t] The current node
* @param step [size_t] The step of the sorting network
* @return [mpi_id_t] The node id of the partner for data exchange
template <> inline
mpi_id_t partner<SortMode::Bitonic>(mpi_id_t node, size_t step) noexcept {
return (node ^ (1 << step));

* The primary function template of keepSmall(). It is DISABLED since , it is explicitly specialized
* for each of the \c SortMode
template<SortMode Mode> inline bool keepSmall(mpi_id_t, mpi_id_t, [[maybe_unused]] size_t) = delete;

* Predicate to check if a node keeps the small numbers during the bubbletonic sort network exchange.
* @param node [mpi_id_t] The node for which we check
* @param partner [mpi_id_t] The partner of the data exchange
* @return [bool] True if the node should keep the small values, false otherwise
template <> inline
bool keepSmall<SortMode::Bubbletonic>(mpi_id_t node, mpi_id_t partner, [[maybe_unused]] size_t depth) {
if (node == partner)
throw std::runtime_error("(keepSmall) Node and Partner can not be the same\n");
return (node < partner);

* Predicate to check if a node keeps the small numbers during the bitonic sort network exchange.
* @param node [mpi_id_t] The node for which we check
* @param partner [mpi_id_t] The partner of the data exchange
* @param depth [size_t] The total depth of the sorting network (same for each step for a given network)
* @return [bool] True if the node should keep the small values, false otherwise
template <> inline
bool keepSmall<SortMode::Bitonic>(mpi_id_t node, mpi_id_t partner, size_t depth) {
if (node == partner)
throw std::runtime_error("(keepSmall) Node and Partner can not be the same\n");
return ascending<SortMode::Bitonic>(node, depth) == (node < partner);

* Predicate to check if the node is active in the current iteration of the bubbletonic
* sort exchange.
* @param node [mpi_id_t] The node to check
* @param nodes [size_t] The total number of nodes
* @return [bool] True if the node is active, false otherwise
bool isActive(mpi_id_t node, size_t nodes);

* ============================== Data utilities ==============================

* Sort a range using the build-in O(Nlog(N)) algorithm
* @tparam RangeT A range type with random access iterator
* @param data [RangeT] The data to be sorted
* @param ascending [bool] Flag to indicate the sorting order
template<typename RangeT>
void fullSort(RangeT& data, bool ascending) noexcept {
// Use introsort from stdlib++ here, unless ... __gnu_parallel
if (ascending) {
__gnu_parallel::sort(data.begin(), data.end(), std::less<>());
else {
__gnu_parallel::sort(data.begin(), data.end(), std::greater<>());

if (config.exchangeOpt)
updateMinMax(localStat, data);

* Core functionality of sort for shadowed buffer types using
* the "elbow sort" algorithm.
* @note:
* This algorithm can not work "in place".
* We use the active buffer as source and the shadow as target.
* At the end we switch which buffer is active and which is the shadow.
* @note
* This is the core functionality. Use the elbowSort() function instead
* @tparam ShadowedDataT A Shadowed buffer type with random access iterator.
* @tparam CompT A Comparison type for binary operation comparisons
* @param data [ShadowedDataT] The data to sort
* @param ascending [bool] Flag to indicate the sorting order
* @param comp [CompT] The binary operator object
template<typename ShadowedDataT, typename CompT>
void elbowSortCore(ShadowedDataT& data, bool ascending, CompT comp) noexcept {
auto& active = data.getActive(); // Get the source vector (the data to sort)
auto& shadow = data.getShadow(); // Get the target vector (the sorted data)

size_t N = data.size(); // The total size is the same or both vectors
size_t left = std::distance(
(ascending) ?
std::min_element(active.begin(), active.end()) :
std::max_element(active.begin(), active.end())
); // start 'left' from elbow of the bitonic
size_t right = (left == N-1) ? 0 : left + 1;

// Walk in opposite directions from elbow and insert-sort to target vector
for (size_t i = 0 ; i<N ; ++i) {
if (comp(active[left], active[right])) {
shadow[i] = active[left];
left = (left == 0) ? N-1 : left -1; // cycle decrease
else {
shadow[i] = active[right];
right = (right + 1) % N; // cycle increase
data.switch_active(); // Switch active-shadow buffers

* Sort a shadowed buffer using the "elbow sort" algorithm.
* @tparam ShadowedDataT A Shadowed buffer type with random access iterator.
* @param data [ShadowedDataT] The data to sort
* @param ascending [bool] Flag to indicate the sorting order
template<typename ShadowedDataT>
void elbowSort(ShadowedDataT& data, bool ascending) noexcept {
if (ascending)
elbowSortCore(data, ascending, std::less<>());
elbowSortCore(data, ascending, std::greater<>());

* Predicate for exchange optimization. Returns true only if an exchange between partners is needed.
* In order to do that we exchange min and max statistics of the partner's data.
* @tparam StatT Statistics data type (for min-max)
* @param lstat [const StatT] Reference to the local statistic data
* @param rstat [StatT] Reference to the remote statistic data to fill
* @param part [mpi_id_t] The partner for the exchange
* @param tag [int] The tag to use for the exchange of stats
* @param keepSmall [bool] Flag to indicate if the local thread keeps the small ro the large values
* @return True if we need data exchange, false otherwise
template<typename StatT>
bool needsExchange(const StatT& lstat, StatT& rstat, mpi_id_t part, int tag, bool keepSmall) {
timeCall(Timer_exchange, mpi.exchange_it, lstat, rstat, part, tag);
return (keepSmall) ?
rstat.min < lstat.max // Lmin: rstat.min - Smax: lstat.max
: lstat.min < rstat.max; // Lmin: lstat.min - Smax: rstat.max

* Update stats utility
* @tparam RangeT A range type with random access iterator
* @tparam StatT Statistics data type (for min-max)
* @param stat [StatT] Reference to the statistic data to update
* @param data [const RangeT] Reference to the sequence to extract stats from
template<typename RangeT, typename StatT>
void updateMinMax(StatT& stat, const RangeT& data) noexcept {
auto [min, max] = std::minmax_element(data.begin(), data.end());
stat.min = *min;
stat.max = *max;

* Takes two sequences and selects either the larger or the smaller items
* in one-to-one comparison between them. If the initial sequences are bitonic, then
* the result is a bitonic sequence too!
* @tparam ValueT The underlying type of the sequences
* @param local [ValueT*] Pointer to the local sequence
* @param remote [const ValueT*] Pointer to the remote sequence (copied locally by MPI)
* @param count [size_t] The number of items to process
* @param keepSmall [bool] Flag to indicate if we keep the small items in local sequence
template<typename ValueT>
void keepMinOrMax(ValueT* local, const ValueT* remote, size_t count, bool keepSmall) noexcept {
local, local + count,
[&keepSmall](const ValueT& a, const ValueT& b){
return (keepSmall) ? std::min(a, b) : std::max(a, b);

* ============================== Sort algorithms ==============================

* A small tag generator tool to provide consistent encoding to tag communication
* @param depth The current algorithmic depth[bitonic] of the communication, if any
* @param step The current step on the current depth
* @param stage The stage of the pipeline.
* @return The tag to use.
* @note
* In case we call this function outside of the pipeline loop, we can ommit
* @c stage argument and use the return value as starting tag for every communication
* of the pipeline loop. We need to increase the tags for each communication of
* the pipeline loop though!
size_t tagGenerator(size_t depth, size_t step, size_t stage = 0);

* An exchange functionality to support both Bubbletonic and Bitonic sort algorithms.
* @note
* In case of pipeline request it switches to non-blocking MPI communication for
* pipelining min-max process with mpi data exchange
* @tparam ShadowedDataT A Shadowed buffer type with random access iterator.
* @param data [ShadowedDataT&] Reference to the data to exchange
* @param partner [mpi_id_t] The partner for the exchange
* @param keepSmall [bool] Flag to indicate if we keep the small values
* @param tag [int] The init tag to use for the loop.
* @note
* The @c tag is increased inside the pipeline loop for each different data exchange
template<typename ShadowedDataT>
void exchange(ShadowedDataT& data, mpi_id_t partner, bool keepSmall, int tag) {
using Value_t = typename ShadowedDataT::value_type;

// Init counters and pointers
Value_t* active = data.getActive().data();
Value_t* shadow = data.getShadow().data();
size_t count = data.size() / config.pipeline;

if (config.pipeline > 1) {
// Pipeline case - use async MPI
mpi.exchange_start(active, shadow, count, partner, tag);
for (size_t stage = 0; stage < config.pipeline; active += count, shadow += count) {
// Wait previous chunk
if (++stage < config.pipeline) {
// Start next chunk if there is a next one
mpi.exchange_start(active + count, shadow + count, count, partner, ++tag);
// process the arrived data
timeCall(Timer_minmax, keepMinOrMax, active, shadow, count, keepSmall);
else {
// No pipeline - use blocking MPI
timeCall(Timer_exchange,, active, shadow, count, partner, tag);
timeCall(Timer_minmax, keepMinOrMax, active, shadow, count, keepSmall);
if (config.exchangeOpt)
updateMinMax(localStat, data);

* A distributed version of the Bubbletonic sort algorithm.
* @note
* Each MPI process should run an instance of this function.
* @tparam ShadowedDataT A Shadowed buffer type with random access iterator.
* @param data [ShadowedDataT] The local to MPI process data to sort
* @param Processes [mpi_id_t] The total number of MPI processes
* @param rank [mpi_id_t] The current process id
template<typename ShadowedDataT>
void distBubbletonic(ShadowedDataT& data, mpi_id_t Processes, mpi_id_t rank) {
// Initially sort to create a half part of a bitonic sequence
timeCall(Timer_fullSort, fullSort, data, ascending<SortMode::Bubbletonic>(rank, 0));

// Sort network (O(N) iterations)
for (size_t step = 0; step < static_cast<size_t>(Processes); ++step) {
// Find out exchange configuration
auto part = partner<SortMode::Bubbletonic>(rank, step);
auto ks = keepSmall<SortMode::Bubbletonic>(rank, part, Processes);
if ( isActive(rank, Processes) &&
isActive(part, Processes) ) {
// Exchange with partner, keep nim-or-max and sort - O(N)
int tag = static_cast<int>(tagGenerator(0, step));
if (!config.exchangeOpt || needsExchange(localStat, remoteStat, part, tag++, ks)) {
exchange(data, part, ks, tag);
timeCall(Timer_elbowSort, elbowSort, data, ascending<SortMode::Bubbletonic>(rank, Processes));

// Invert if the node was descending.
if (!ascending<SortMode::Bubbletonic>(rank, 0)) {
elbowSort(data, true);

* A distributed version of the Bitonic sort algorithm.
* @note
* Each MPI process should run an instance of this function.
* @tparam ShadowedDataT A Shadowed buffer type with random access iterator.
* @param data [ShadowedDataT] The local to MPI process data to sort
* @param Processes [mpi_id_t] The total number of MPI processes
* @param rank [mpi_id_t] The current process id
template<typename ShadowedDataT>
void distBitonic(ShadowedDataT& data, mpi_id_t Processes, mpi_id_t rank) {
// Initially sort to create a half part of a bitonic sequence
timeCall(Timer_fullSort, fullSort, data, ascending<SortMode::Bitonic>(rank, 0));

// Run through sort network using elbow-sort ( O(LogN * LogN) iterations )
auto p = static_cast<uint32_t>(std::log2(Processes));
for (size_t depth = 1; depth <= p; ++depth) {
for (size_t step = depth; step > 0;) {
// Find out exchange configuration
auto part = partner<SortMode::Bitonic>(rank, step);
auto ks = keepSmall<SortMode::Bitonic>(rank, part, depth);
// Exchange with partner, keep nim-or-max
int tag = static_cast<int>(tagGenerator(depth, step));
if (!config.exchangeOpt || needsExchange(localStat, remoteStat, part, tag++, ks)) {
exchange(data, part, ks, tag);
// sort - O(N)
timeCall(Timer_elbowSort, elbowSort, data, ascending<SortMode::Bitonic>(rank, depth));


+ 318
- 0
homework_3/src/main.cpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
* \file
* \brief Main application file for PDS HW3 (CUDA)
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <>

#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>

#include "utils.hpp"
#include "config.h"
#include "distsort.hpp"

// Global session data
config_t config;
MPI_t<> mpi;
distBuffer_t Data;
Log logger;
distStat_t localStat, remoteStat;

// Mersenne seeded from hw if possible. range: [type_min, type_max]
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());

//! Performance timers for each one of the "costly" functions
Timing Timer_total;
Timing Timer_fullSort;
Timing Timer_exchange;
Timing Timer_minmax;
Timing Timer_elbowSort;

//! Init timing objects for extra rounds
void measurements_init() {
if (config.perf > 1) {

//! iterate ot the next round of measurements for all measurement objects
void measurements_next() {
if (config.perf > 1) {;;;;;

* A small command line argument parser
* \return The status of the operation
bool get_options(int argc, char* argv[]){
bool status =true;

// iterate over the passed arguments
for (int i=1 ; i<argc ; ++i) {
std::string arg(argv[i]); // get current argument

if (arg == "-q" || arg == "--array-size") {
if (i+1 < argc) {
config.arraySize = 1 << atoi(argv[++i]);
else {
status = false;
else if (arg == "-e" || arg == "--exchange-opt") {
config.exchangeOpt = true;
else if (arg == "--pipeline") {
if (i+1 < argc) {
auto stages = atoi(argv[++i]);
if (isPowerOfTwo(stages) && stages <= static_cast<int>(MAX_PIPELINE_SIZE))
config.pipeline = stages;
status = false;
else {
status = false;
else if (arg == "--validation") {
config.validation = true;
else if (arg == "--perf") {
if (i+1 < argc) {
config.perf = atoi(argv[++i]);
else {
status = false;
else if (arg == "--ndebug") {
config.ndebug = true;
else if (arg == "-v" || arg == "--verbose") {
config.verbose = true;
else if (arg == "--version") {
std::cout << "distbitonic/distbubbletonic - A distributed sort utility\n";
std::cout << "version: " << version << "\n\n";
else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") {
std::cout << "distbitonic/distbubbletonic - A distributed sort utility\n\n";
std::cout << " distbitonic -q <N> [-e] [-p | --pipeline <N>] [--validation] [--perf <N>] [--ndebug] [-v]\n";
std::cout << " distbitonic -h\n";
std::cout << " distbubbletonic -q <N> [-e] [-p | --pipeline <N>] [--validation] [--perf <N> ] [--ndebug] [-v]\n";
std::cout << " distbubbletonic -h\n";
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << "Options:\n\n";
std::cout << " -q | --array-size <N>\n";
std::cout << " Selects the array size according to size = 2^N\n\n";
std::cout << " -e | --exchange-opt\n";
std::cout << " Request an MPI data exchange optimization \n\n";
std::cout << " -p <N> | --pipeline <N>\n";
std::cout << " Request a pipeline of <N> stages for exchange-minmax\n";
std::cout << " N must be power of 2 up to " << MAX_PIPELINE_SIZE << "\n\n";
std::cout << " --validation\n";
std::cout << " Request a full validation at the end, performed by process rank 0\n\n";
std::cout << " --perf <N> \n";
std::cout << " Enable performance timing measurements and prints, and repeat\n";
std::cout << " the sorting <N> times.\n\n";
std::cout << " --ndebug\n";
std::cout << " Skip debug breakpoint when on debug build.\n\n";
std::cout << " -v | --verbose\n";
std::cout << " Request a more verbose output to stdout.\n\n";
std::cout << " -h | --help\n";
std::cout << " Prints this and exit.\n\n";
std::cout << " --version\n";
std::cout << " Prints version and exit.\n\n";
std::cout << "Examples:\n\n";
std::cout << " mpirun -np 4 distbitonic -q 24\n";
std::cout << " Runs distbitonic in 4 MPI processes with 2^24 array points each\n\n";
std::cout << " mpirun -np 16 distbubbletonic -q 20\n";
std::cout << " Runs distbubbletonic in 16 MPI processes with 2^20 array points each\n\n";

else { // parse error
std::cout << "Invocation error. Try -h for details.\n";
status = false;

return status;

* A simple validator for the entire distributed process
* @tparam ShadowedDataT A Shadowed buffer type with random access iterator.
* @param data [ShadowedDataT] The local to MPI process
* @param Processes [mpi_id_t] The total number of MPI processes
* @param rank [mpi_id_t] The current process id
* @return [bool] True if all are sorted and in total ascending order
template<typename ShadowedDataT>
bool validator(ShadowedDataT& data, mpi_id_t Processes, mpi_id_t rank) {
using value_t = typename ShadowedDataT::value_type;
bool ret = true; // Have faith!

// Local results
value_t lmin = data.front();
value_t lmax = data.back();
value_t lsort = static_cast<value_t>(std::is_sorted(data.begin(), data.end()));

// Gather min/max/sort to rank 0
std::vector<value_t> mins(Processes);
std::vector<value_t> maxes(Processes);
std::vector<value_t> sorts(Processes);

MPI_Datatype datatype = MPI_TypeMapper<value_t>::getType();
MPI_Gather(&lmin, 1, datatype,, 1, datatype, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Gather(&lmax, 1, datatype,, 1, datatype, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Gather(&lsort, 1, datatype,, 1, datatype, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

// Check all results
if (rank == 0) {
for (mpi_id_t r = 1; r < Processes; ++r) {
if (sorts[r] == 0)
ret = false;
if (maxes[r - 1] > mins[r])
ret = false;
return ret;

* Initializes the environment, must called from each process
* @param argc [int*] POINTER to main's argc argument
* @param argv [char***] POINTER to main's argv argument
void init(int* argc, char*** argv) {
// try to read command line
if (!get_options(*argc, *argv))

// Initialize MPI environment
mpi.init(argc, argv);

logger << "MPI environment initialized." << " Rank: " << mpi.rank() << " Size: " << mpi.size()
<< logger.endl;

#if defined DEBUG
#if defined TESTING
* In case of a debug build we will wait here until sleep_wait
* will reset via debugger. In order to do that the user must attach
* debugger to all processes. For example:
* $> mpirun -np 2 ./<program path>
* $> ps aux | grep <program>
* $> gdb <program> <PID1>
* $> gdb <program> <PID2>
volatile bool sleep_wait = false;
volatile bool sleep_wait = true;
while (sleep_wait && !config.ndebug)

// Prepare vector and timing data

#if !defined TESTING
* @return Returns 0, but.... we may throw or exit(0) / exit(1)
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) try {

// Init everything
init(&argc, &argv);

for (size_t it = 0 ; it < config.perf ; ++it) {
// Initialize local data
logger << "Initialize local array of " << config.arraySize << " elements" << logger.endl;
std::uniform_int_distribution<distValue_t > dis(
std::generate(Data.begin(), Data.end(), [&]() { return dis(gen); });
// Run distributed sort
if (mpi.rank() == 0)
logger << "Starting distributed sorting ... ";
distBubbletonic(Data, mpi.size(), mpi.rank());
distBitonic(Data, mpi.size(), mpi.rank());
if (mpi.rank() == 0)
logger << " Done." << logger.endl;

// Print-outs and validation
if (config.perf > 1) {
Timing::print_duration(Timer_total.median(), "Total ", mpi.rank());
Timing::print_duration(Timer_fullSort.median(), "Full-Sort ", mpi.rank());
Timing::print_duration(Timer_exchange.median(), "Exchange ", mpi.rank());
Timing::print_duration(Timer_minmax.median(), "Min-Max ", mpi.rank());
Timing::print_duration(Timer_elbowSort.median(),"Elbow-Sort", mpi.rank());
if (config.validation) {
// If requested, we have the chance to fail!
if (mpi.rank() == 0)
std::cout << "[Validation] Results validation ...";
bool val = validator(Data, mpi.size(), mpi.rank());
if (mpi.rank() == 0)
std::cout << ((val) ? "\x1B[32m [PASSED] \x1B[0m\n" : " \x1B[32m [FAILED] \x1B[0m\n");
return 0;
catch (std::exception& e) {
//we probably pollute the user's screen. Comment `cerr << ...` if you don't like it.
std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << '\n';


#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <exception>

* The testing version of our program
GTEST_API_ int main(int argc, char **argv) try {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << '\n';


+ 516
- 0
homework_3/src/utils.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
* \file
* \brief Utilities header
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <>
#ifndef UTILS_HPP_
#define UTILS_HPP_

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mpi.h>

#include "config.h"

* Min-Max statistics data for exchange optimization
* @tparam Value_t The underlying data type of the sequence data
template <typename Value_t>
struct Stat_t {
using value_type = Value_t; //!< meta-export the type

Value_t min{}; //!< The minimum value of the sequence
Value_t max{}; //!< The maximum value of the sequence

//! Application data selection alias
using distStat_t = Stat_t<distValue_t>;
extern distStat_t localStat, remoteStat; // Make stats public

* MPI_<type> dispatcher mechanism
template <typename T> struct MPI_TypeMapper { };

template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<char> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_CHAR; } };
template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<short> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_SHORT; } };
template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<int> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_INT; } };
template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<long> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_LONG; } };
template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<long long> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_LONG_LONG; } };
template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<unsigned char> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR; } };
template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<unsigned short>{ static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT; } };
template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<unsigned int> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_UNSIGNED; } };
template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<unsigned long> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG; } };
template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<unsigned long long> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG; } };
template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<float> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_FLOAT; } };
template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<double> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_DOUBLE; } };

* MPI wrapper type to provide MPI functionality and RAII to MPI as a resource
* @tparam TID The MPI type for process id [default: int]
template<typename TID = int>
struct MPI_t {
using ID_t = TID; // Export TID type (currently int defined by the standard)

* Initializes the MPI environment, must called from each process
* @param argc [int*] POINTER to main's argc argument
* @param argv [char***] POINTER to main's argv argument
void init(int* argc, char*** argv) {
// Initialize the MPI environment
int err;
if ((err = MPI_Init(argc, argv)) != MPI_SUCCESS)
mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Init() - ");
initialized_ = true;

// Get the number of processes
int size_value, rank_value;
if ((err = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size_value)) != MPI_SUCCESS)
mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Comm_size() - ");
if ((err = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank_value)) != MPI_SUCCESS)
mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Comm_rank() - ");
size_ = static_cast<ID_t>(size_value);
rank_ = static_cast<ID_t>(rank_value);
if (size_ > static_cast<ID_t>(MAX_MPI_SIZE))
throw std::runtime_error(
"(MPI) size - Not supported number of nodes [over " + std::to_string(MAX_MPI_SIZE) + "]\n"

// Get the name of the processor
char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
int name_len;
if ((err = MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len)) != MPI_SUCCESS)
mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Get_processor_name() - ");
name_ = std::string (processor_name, name_len);

* Exchange one data object of type @c T with partner as part of the sorting network of both
* bubbletonic or bitonic sorting algorithms.
* This function matches a transmit and a receive in order for fully exchanged the data object
* between current node and partner.
* @tparam T The object type
* @param local [const T&] Reference to the local object to send
* @param remote [T&] Reference to the object to receive data from partner
* @param partner [mpi_id_t] The partner for the exchange
* @param tag [int] The tag to use for the MPI communication
template<typename T>
void exchange_it(const T& local, T& remote, ID_t partner, int tag) {
if (tag < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("(MPI) exchange_it() [tag] - Out of bound");
MPI_Status status;
int err;
if ((err = MPI_Sendrecv(
&local, sizeof(T), MPI_BYTE, partner, tag,
&remote, sizeof(T), MPI_BYTE, partner, tag,
mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Sendrecv() [item] - ");

* Exchange data with partner as part of the sorting network of both bubbletonic or bitonic
* sorting algorithms.
* This function matches a transmit and a receive in order for fully exchanged data between
* current node and partner.
* @tparam ValueT The value type used in buffer
* @param ldata [const ValueT*] Pointer to local data to send
* @param rdata [ValueT*] Pointer to buffer to receive data from partner
* @param count [size_t] The number of data to exchange
* @param partner [mpi_id_t] The partner for the exchange
* @param tag [int] The tag to use for the MPI communication
template<typename ValueT>
void exchange(const ValueT* ldata, ValueT* rdata, size_t count, ID_t partner, int tag) {
if (tag < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("(MPI) exchange_data() [tag] - Out of bound");

MPI_Datatype datatype = MPI_TypeMapper<ValueT>::getType();
MPI_Status status;
int err;
if ((err = MPI_Sendrecv(
ldata, count, datatype, partner, tag,
rdata, count, datatype, partner, tag,
mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Sendrecv() [data] - ");

* Initiate a data exchange data with partner using non-blocking Isend-Irecv, as part of the
* sorting network of both bubbletonic or bitonic sorting algorithms.
* This function matches a transmit and a receive in order for fully exchanged data between
* current node and partner.
* @note
* This call MUST paired with exchange_wait() for each MPI_t object.
* Calling 2 consecutive exchange_start() for the same MPI_t object is undefined.
* @tparam ValueT The value type used in buffers
* @param ldata [const ValueT*] Pointer to local data to send
* @param rdata [ValueT*] Pointer to buffer to receive data from partner
* @param count [size_t] The number of data to exchange
* @param partner [mpi_id_t] The partner for the exchange
* @param tag [int] The tag to use for the MPI communication
template<typename ValueT>
void exchange_start(const ValueT* ldata, ValueT* rdata, size_t count, ID_t partner, int tag) {
if (tag < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("(MPI) exchange_data() [tag] - Out of bound");

MPI_Datatype datatype = MPI_TypeMapper<ValueT>::getType();
int err;
err = MPI_Isend(ldata, count, datatype, partner, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &handle_tx);
if (err != MPI_SUCCESS)
mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Isend() - ");
err = MPI_Irecv(rdata, count, datatype, partner, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &handle_rx);
if (err != MPI_SUCCESS)
mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Irecv() - ");

* Block wait for the completion of the previously called exchange_start()
* @note
* This call MUST paired with exchange_start() for each MPI_t object.
* Calling 2 consecutive exchange_wait() for the same MPI_t object is undefined.
void exchange_wait() {
MPI_Status status;

int err;
if ((err = MPI_Wait(&handle_tx, &status)) != MPI_SUCCESS)
mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Wait() [send] - ");

if ((err = MPI_Wait(&handle_rx, &status)) != MPI_SUCCESS)
mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Wait() [recv] - ");

// Accessors
[[nodiscard]] ID_t rank() const noexcept { return rank_; }
[[nodiscard]] ID_t size() const noexcept { return size_; }
[[nodiscard]] const std::string& name() const noexcept { return name_; }

// Mutators
ID_t rank(ID_t rank) noexcept { return rank_ = rank; }
ID_t size(ID_t size) noexcept { return size_ = size; }
std::string& name(const std::string& name) noexcept { return name_ = name; }

* Finalized the MPI
void finalize() {
// Finalize the MPI environment
initialized_ = false;

//! RAII MPI finalization
~MPI_t() {
// Finalize the MPI environment even on unexpected errors
if (initialized_)

// Local functionality
* Throw exception helper. It bundles the prefix msg with the MPI error string retrieved by
* @param err The MPI error code
* @param prefixMsg The prefix text for the exception error message
void mpi_throw(int err, const char* prefixMsg) {
char err_msg[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING];
int msg_len;
MPI_Error_string(err, err_msg, &msg_len);
throw std::runtime_error(prefixMsg + std::string (err_msg) + '\n');

ID_t rank_{}; //!< MPI rank of the process
ID_t size_{}; //!< MPI total size of the execution
std::string name_{}; //!< The name of the local machine
bool initialized_{}; //!< RAII helper flag
MPI_Request handle_tx{}; //!< MPI async exchange handler for Transmission
MPI_Request handle_rx{}; //!< MPI async exchange handler for Receptions

* Exported data types
extern MPI_t<> mpi;
using mpi_id_t = MPI_t<>::ID_t;

* @brief A std::vector wrapper with 2 vectors, an active and a shadow.
* This type exposes the standard vector functionality of the active vector.
* The shadow can be used when we need to use the vector as mutable
* data in algorithms that can not support "in-place" editing (like elbow-sort for example)
* @tparam Value_t the underlying data type of the vectors
template <typename Value_t>
struct ShadowedVec_t {
// STL requirements
using value_type = Value_t;
using iterator = typename std::vector<Value_t>::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename std::vector<Value_t>::const_iterator;
using size_type = typename std::vector<Value_t>::size_type;

// Default constructor
ShadowedVec_t() = default;

// Constructor from an std::vector
explicit ShadowedVec_t(const std::vector<Value_t>& vec)
: North(vec), South(), active(north) {

explicit ShadowedVec_t(std::vector<Value_t>&& vec)
: North(std::move(vec)), South(), active(north) {

// Copy assignment operator
ShadowedVec_t& operator=(const ShadowedVec_t& other) {
if (this != &other) { // Avoid self-assignment
North = other.North;
South = other.South;
active =;
return *this;

// Move assignment operator
ShadowedVec_t& operator=(ShadowedVec_t&& other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) { // Avoid self-assignment
North = std::move(other.North);
South = std::move(other.South);
active =;

// There is no need to zero out other since it is valid but in a non-defined state
return *this;

// Type accessors
std::vector<Value_t>& getActive() { return (active == north) ? North : South; }
std::vector<Value_t>& getShadow() { return (active == north) ? South : North; }
const std::vector<Value_t>& getActive() const { return (active == north) ? North : South; }
const std::vector<Value_t>& getShadow() const { return (active == north) ? South : North; }

// Swap vectors
void switch_active() { active = (active == north) ? south : north; }

// Dispatch vector functionality to active vector
Value_t& operator[](size_type index) { return getActive()[index]; }
const Value_t& operator[](size_type index) const { return getActive()[index]; }

Value_t& at(size_type index) { return getActive().at(index); }
const Value_t& at(size_type index) const { return getActive().at(index); }

void push_back(const Value_t& value) { getActive().push_back(value); }
void push_back(Value_t&& value) { getActive().push_back(std::move(value)); }
void pop_back() { getActive().pop_back(); }
Value_t& front() { return getActive().front(); }
Value_t& back() { return getActive().back(); }
const Value_t& front() const { return getActive().front(); }
const Value_t& back() const { return getActive().back(); }

iterator begin() { return getActive().begin(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return getActive().begin(); }
iterator end() { return getActive().end(); }
const_iterator end() const { return getActive().end(); }

size_type size() const { return getActive().size(); }
void resize(size_t new_size) {

void reserve(size_t new_capacity) {
[[nodiscard]] size_t capacity() const { return getActive().capacity(); }
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { return getActive().empty(); }

void clear() { getActive().clear(); }
void swap(std::vector<Value_t>& other) { getActive().swap(other); }

// Comparisons
bool operator== (const ShadowedVec_t& other) { return getActive() == other.getActive(); }
bool operator!= (const ShadowedVec_t& other) { return getActive() != other.getActive(); }
bool operator== (const std::vector<value_type>& other) { return getActive() == other; }
bool operator!= (const std::vector<value_type>& other) { return getActive() != other; }

std::vector<Value_t> North{}; //!< Actual buffer to be used either as active or shadow
std::vector<Value_t> South{}; //!< Actual buffer to be used either as active or shadow
enum {
north, south
} active{north}; //!< Flag to select between North and South buffer

* Exported data types
using distBuffer_t = ShadowedVec_t<distValue_t>;
extern distBuffer_t Data;

* A Logger for entire program.
struct Log {
struct Endl {} endl; //!< a tag object to to use it as a new line request.

//! We provide logging via << operator
template<typename T>
Log &operator<<(T &&t) {
if (config.verbose) {
if (line_) {
std::cout << "[Log]: " << t;
line_ = false;
} else
std::cout << t;
return *this;

// overload for special end line handling
Log &operator<<(Endl e) {
(void) e;
if (config.verbose) {
std::cout << '\n';
line_ = true;
return *this;

bool line_{true};

extern Log logger;

* A small timing utility based on chrono that supports timing rounds
* and returning the median of them. Time can accumulate to the measurement
* for each round.
struct Timing {
using Tpoint = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point;
using Tduration = std::chrono::microseconds;
using microseconds = std::chrono::microseconds;
using milliseconds = std::chrono::milliseconds;
using seconds = std::chrono::seconds;

//! Setup measurement rounds
void init(size_t rounds) {
for (auto& d : duration_)
d = Tduration::zero();

//! tool to mark the starting point
Tpoint start() noexcept { return mark_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); }

//! tool to mark the ending point
Tpoint stop() noexcept {
Tpoint now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
duration_[current_] += dt(now, mark_);
return now;

//! Switch timing slot
void next() noexcept {
current_ %= duration_.size();

Tduration& median() noexcept {
std::sort(duration_.begin(), duration_.end());
return duration_[duration_.size()/2];

//! A duration calculation utility
static Tduration dt(Tpoint t2, Tpoint t1) noexcept {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<Tduration>(t2 - t1);

//! Tool to print the time interval
static void print_duration(const Tduration& duration, const char *what, mpi_id_t rank) noexcept {
if (std::chrono::duration_cast<microseconds>(duration).count() < 10000)
std::cout << "[Timing] (Rank " << rank << ") " << what << ": "
<< std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<microseconds>(duration).count()) << " [usec]\n";
else if (std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(duration).count() < 10000)
std::cout << "[Timing] (Rank " << rank << ") " << what << ": "
<< std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(duration).count()) << " [msec]\n";
else {
char stime[26]; // fit ulong
auto sec = std::chrono::duration_cast<seconds>(duration).count();
auto msec = (std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(duration).count() % 1000) / 10; // keep 2 digit
std::sprintf(stime, "%ld.%1ld", sec, msec);
std::cout << "[Timing] (Rank " << rank << ") " << what << ": " << stime << " [sec]\n";


size_t current_{0};
Tpoint mark_{};
std::vector<Tduration> duration_{1};

* A "high level function"-like utility macro to forward a function call
* and accumulate the execution time to the corresponding timing object.
* @param Tim The Timing object [Needs to have methods start() and stop()]
* @param Func The function name
* @param ... The arguments to pass to function (the preprocessor way)
#define timeCall(Tim, Func, ...) \
Tim.start(); \
Func(__VA_ARGS__); \
Tim.stop(); \

* A utility to check if a number is power of two
* @tparam Integral The integral type of the number to check
* @param x The number to check
* @return True if it is power of 2, false otherwise
template <typename Integral>
constexpr inline bool isPowerOfTwo(Integral x) noexcept {
return (!(x & (x - 1)) && x);

#endif /* UTILS_HPP_ */

+ 11673
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

+ 17103
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

+ 34
- 0
homework_3/test/tests.cpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* \file
* \brief PDS HW3 tests
* To run these test execute:
* ...
* \author
* Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
* <>

#include <gtest/gtest.h>

* Global fixtures

class TCUDAbitonic : public ::testing::Test {
static void SetUpTestSuite() { }

static void TearDownTestSuite() { }

* MPI: SysTest (acceptance)
* Each process executes distBubbletonic for uin8_t [16]
TEST_F(TCUDAbitonic, test1) {

EXPECT_EQ(true, true);
