123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514 |
- /**
- * \file
- * \brief Utilities header
- *
- * \author
- * Christos Choutouridis AEM:8997
- * <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>
- */
- #ifndef UTILS_HPP_
- #define UTILS_HPP_
- #include <vector>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <chrono>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <mpi.h>
- #include "config.h"
- /*!
- * Min-Max statistics data for exchange optimization
- * @tparam Value_t The underlying data type of the sequence data
- */
- template <typename Value_t>
- struct Stat_t {
- using value_type = Value_t; //!< meta-export the type
- Value_t min{}; //!< The minimum value of the sequence
- Value_t max{}; //!< The maximum value of the sequence
- };
- //! Application data selection alias
- using distStat_t = Stat_t<distValue_t>;
- extern distStat_t localStat, remoteStat; // Make stats public
- /*
- * MPI_<type> dispatcher mechanism
- */
- template <typename T> struct MPI_TypeMapper { };
- template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<char> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_CHAR; } };
- template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<short> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_SHORT; } };
- template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<int> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_INT; } };
- template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<long> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_LONG; } };
- template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<long long> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_LONG_LONG; } };
- template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<unsigned char> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR; } };
- template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<unsigned short>{ static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT; } };
- template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<unsigned int> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_UNSIGNED; } };
- template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<unsigned long> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG; } };
- template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<unsigned long long> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG; } };
- template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<float> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_FLOAT; } };
- template <> struct MPI_TypeMapper<double> { static MPI_Datatype getType() { return MPI_DOUBLE; } };
- /*!
- * MPI wrapper type to provide MPI functionality and RAII to MPI as a resource
- *
- * @tparam TID The MPI type for process id [default: int]
- */
- template<typename TID = int>
- struct MPI_t {
- using ID_t = TID; // Export TID type (currently int defined by the standard)
- /*!
- * Initializes the MPI environment, must called from each process
- *
- * @param argc [int*] POINTER to main's argc argument
- * @param argv [char***] POINTER to main's argv argument
- */
- void init(int* argc, char*** argv) {
- // Initialize the MPI environment
- int err;
- if ((err = MPI_Init(argc, argv)) != MPI_SUCCESS)
- mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Init() - ");
- initialized_ = true;
- // Get the number of processes
- int size_value, rank_value;
- if ((err = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size_value)) != MPI_SUCCESS)
- mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Comm_size() - ");
- if ((err = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank_value)) != MPI_SUCCESS)
- mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Comm_rank() - ");
- size_ = static_cast<ID_t>(size_value);
- rank_ = static_cast<ID_t>(rank_value);
- if (size_ > static_cast<ID_t>(MAX_MPI_SIZE))
- throw std::runtime_error(
- "(MPI) size - Not supported number of nodes [over " + std::to_string(MAX_MPI_SIZE) + "]\n"
- );
- // Get the name of the processor
- char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
- int name_len;
- if ((err = MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len)) != MPI_SUCCESS)
- mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Get_processor_name() - ");
- name_ = std::string (processor_name, name_len);
- }
- /*!
- * Exchange one data object of type @c T with partner as part of the sorting network of both
- * bubbletonic or bitonic sorting algorithms.
- *
- * This function matches a transmit and a receive in order for fully exchanged the data object
- * between current node and partner.
- *
- * @tparam T The object type
- *
- * @param local [const T&] Reference to the local object to send
- * @param remote [T&] Reference to the object to receive data from partner
- * @param partner [mpi_id_t] The partner for the exchange
- * @param tag [int] The tag to use for the MPI communication
- */
- template<typename T>
- void exchange_it(const T& local, T& remote, ID_t partner, int tag) {
- if (tag < 0)
- throw std::runtime_error("(MPI) exchange_it() [tag] - Out of bound");
- MPI_Status status;
- int err;
- if ((err = MPI_Sendrecv(
- &local, sizeof(T), MPI_BYTE, partner, tag,
- &remote, sizeof(T), MPI_BYTE, partner, tag,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status
- )) != MPI_SUCCESS)
- mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Sendrecv() [item] - ");
- }
- /*!
- * Exchange data with partner as part of the sorting network of both bubbletonic or bitonic
- * sorting algorithms.
- *
- * This function matches a transmit and a receive in order for fully exchanged data between
- * current node and partner.
- *
- * @tparam T The inner valur type used in buffer
- *
- * @param ldata [const ValueT*] Pointer to local data to send
- * @param rdata [ValueT*] Pointer to buffer to receive data from partner
- * @param count [size_t] The number of data to exchange
- * @param partner [mpi_id_t] The partner for the exchange
- * @param tag [int] The tag to use for the MPI communication
- */
- template<typename ValueT>
- void exchange(const ValueT* ldata, ValueT* rdata, size_t count, ID_t partner, int tag) {
- if (tag < 0)
- throw std::runtime_error("(MPI) exchange_data() [tag] - Out of bound");
- MPI_Datatype datatype = MPI_TypeMapper<ValueT>::getType();
- MPI_Status status;
- int err;
- if ((err = MPI_Sendrecv(
- ldata, count, datatype, partner, tag,
- rdata, count, datatype, partner, tag,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status
- )) != MPI_SUCCESS)
- mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Sendrecv() [data] - ");
- }
- /*!
- * Initiate a data exchange data with partner using non-blocking Isend-Irecv, as part of the
- * sorting network of both bubbletonic or bitonic sorting algorithms.
- *
- * This function matches a transmit and a receive in order for fully exchanged data between
- * current node and partner.
- * @note
- * This call MUST paired with exchange_wait() for each MPI_t object.
- * Calling 2 consecutive exchange_start() for the same MPI_t object is undefined.
- *
- * @tparam ValueT The underlying value type used in buffers
- *
- * @param ldata [const ValueT*] Pointer to local data to send
- * @param rdata [ValueT*] Pointer to buffer to receive data from partner
- * @param count [size_t] The number of data to exchange
- * @param partner [mpi_id_t] The partner for the exchange
- * @param tag [int] The tag to use for the MPI communication
- */
- template<typename ValueT>
- void exchange_start(const ValueT* ldata, ValueT* rdata, size_t count, ID_t partner, int tag) {
- if (tag < 0)
- throw std::runtime_error("(MPI) exchange_data() [tag] - Out of bound");
- MPI_Datatype datatype = MPI_TypeMapper<ValueT>::getType();
- int err;
- err = MPI_Isend(ldata, count, datatype, partner, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &handle_tx);
- if (err != MPI_SUCCESS)
- mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Isend() - ");
- err = MPI_Irecv(rdata, count, datatype, partner, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &handle_rx);
- if (err != MPI_SUCCESS)
- mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Irecv() - ");
- }
- /*!
- * Block wait for the completion of the previously called exchange_start()
- *
- * @note
- * This call MUST paired with exchange_start() for each MPI_t object.
- * Calling 2 consecutive exchange_wait() for the same MPI_t object is undefined.
- */
- void exchange_wait() {
- MPI_Status status;
- int err;
- if ((err = MPI_Wait(&handle_tx, &status)) != MPI_SUCCESS)
- mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Wait() [send] - ");
- if ((err = MPI_Wait(&handle_rx, &status)) != MPI_SUCCESS)
- mpi_throw(err, "(MPI) MPI_Wait() [recv] - ");
- }
- // Accessors
- [[nodiscard]] ID_t rank() const noexcept { return rank_; }
- [[nodiscard]] ID_t size() const noexcept { return size_; }
- [[nodiscard]] const std::string& name() const noexcept { return name_; }
- // Mutators
- ID_t rank(ID_t rank) noexcept { return rank_ = rank; }
- ID_t size(ID_t size) noexcept { return size_ = size; }
- std::string& name(const std::string& name) noexcept { return name_ = name; }
- /*!
- * Finalized the MPI
- */
- void finalize() {
- // Finalize the MPI environment
- initialized_ = false;
- MPI_Finalize();
- }
- //! RAII MPI finalization
- ~MPI_t() {
- // Finalize the MPI environment even on unexpected errors
- if (initialized_)
- MPI_Finalize();
- }
- // Local functionality
- private:
- /*!
- * Throw exception helper. It bundles the prefix msg with the MPI error string retrieved by
- * MPI API.
- *
- * @param err The MPI error code
- * @param prefixMsg The prefix text for the exception error message
- */
- void mpi_throw(int err, const char* prefixMsg) {
- char err_msg[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING];
- int msg_len;
- MPI_Error_string(err, err_msg, &msg_len);
- throw std::runtime_error(prefixMsg + std::string (err_msg) + '\n');
- }
- private:
- ID_t rank_{}; //!< MPI rank of the process
- ID_t size_{}; //!< MPI total size of the execution
- std::string name_{}; //!< The name of the local machine
- bool initialized_{}; //!< RAII helper flag
- MPI_Request handle_tx{}; //!< MPI async exchange handler for Transmission
- MPI_Request handle_rx{}; //!< MPI async exchange handler for Receptions
- };
- /*
- * Exported data types
- */
- extern MPI_t<> mpi;
- using mpi_id_t = MPI_t<>::ID_t;
- /*!
- * @brief A std::vector wrapper with 2 vectors, an active and a shadow.
- *
- * This type exposes the standard vector
- * functionality of the active vector. The shadow can be used when we need to use the vector as mutable
- * data in algorithms that can not support "in-place" editing (like elbow-sort for example)
- *
- * @tparam Value_t the underlying data type of the vectors
- */
- template <typename Value_t>
- struct ShadowedVec_t {
- // STL requirements
- using value_type = Value_t;
- using iterator = typename std::vector<Value_t>::iterator;
- using const_iterator = typename std::vector<Value_t>::const_iterator;
- using size_type = typename std::vector<Value_t>::size_type;
- // Default constructor
- ShadowedVec_t() = default;
- // Constructor from an std::vector
- explicit ShadowedVec_t(const std::vector<Value_t>& vec)
- : North(vec), South(), active(north) {
- South.resize(North.size());
- }
- explicit ShadowedVec_t(std::vector<Value_t>&& vec)
- : North(std::move(vec)), South(), active(north) {
- South.resize(North.size());
- }
- // Copy assignment operator
- ShadowedVec_t& operator=(const ShadowedVec_t& other) {
- if (this != &other) { // Avoid self-assignment
- North = other.North;
- South = other.South;
- active = other.active;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- // Move assignment operator
- ShadowedVec_t& operator=(ShadowedVec_t&& other) noexcept {
- if (this != &other) { // Avoid self-assignment
- North = std::move(other.North);
- South = std::move(other.South);
- active = other.active;
- // There is no need to zero out other since it is valid but in a non-defined state
- }
- return *this;
- }
- // Type accessors
- std::vector<Value_t>& getActive() { return (active == north) ? North : South; }
- std::vector<Value_t>& getShadow() { return (active == north) ? South : North; }
- const std::vector<Value_t>& getActive() const { return (active == north) ? North : South; }
- const std::vector<Value_t>& getShadow() const { return (active == north) ? South : North; }
- // Swap vectors
- void switch_active() { active = (active == north) ? south : north; }
- // Dispatch vector functionality to active vector
- Value_t& operator[](size_type index) { return getActive()[index]; }
- const Value_t& operator[](size_type index) const { return getActive()[index]; }
- Value_t& at(size_type index) { return getActive().at(index); }
- const Value_t& at(size_type index) const { return getActive().at(index); }
- void push_back(const Value_t& value) { getActive().push_back(value); }
- void push_back(Value_t&& value) { getActive().push_back(std::move(value)); }
- void pop_back() { getActive().pop_back(); }
- Value_t& front() { return getActive().front(); }
- Value_t& back() { return getActive().back(); }
- const Value_t& front() const { return getActive().front(); }
- const Value_t& back() const { return getActive().back(); }
- iterator begin() { return getActive().begin(); }
- const_iterator begin() const { return getActive().begin(); }
- iterator end() { return getActive().end(); }
- const_iterator end() const { return getActive().end(); }
- size_type size() const { return getActive().size(); }
- void resize(size_t new_size) {
- North.resize(new_size);
- South.resize(new_size);
- }
- void reserve(size_t new_capacity) {
- North.reserve(new_capacity);
- South.reserve(new_capacity);
- }
- [[nodiscard]] size_t capacity() const { return getActive().capacity(); }
- [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { return getActive().empty(); }
- void clear() { getActive().clear(); }
- void swap(std::vector<Value_t>& other) { getActive().swap(other); }
- // Comparisons
- bool operator== (const ShadowedVec_t& other) { return getActive() == other.getActive(); }
- bool operator!= (const ShadowedVec_t& other) { return getActive() != other.getActive(); }
- bool operator== (const std::vector<value_type>& other) { return getActive() == other; }
- bool operator!= (const std::vector<value_type>& other) { return getActive() != other; }
- private:
- std::vector<Value_t> North{}; //!< Actual buffer to be used either as active or shadow
- std::vector<Value_t> South{}; //!< Actual buffer to be used either as active or shadow
- enum {
- north, south
- } active{north}; //!< Flag to select between North and South buffer
- };
- /*
- * Exported data types
- */
- using distBuffer_t = ShadowedVec_t<distValue_t>;
- extern distBuffer_t Data;
- /*!
- * A Logger for entire program.
- */
- struct Log {
- struct Endl {} endl; //!< a tag object to to use it as a new line request.
- //! We provide logging via << operator
- template<typename T>
- Log &operator<<(T &&t) {
- if (config.verbose) {
- if (line_) {
- std::cout << "[Log]: " << t;
- line_ = false;
- } else
- std::cout << t;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- // overload for special end line handling
- Log &operator<<(Endl e) {
- (void) e;
- if (config.verbose) {
- std::cout << '\n';
- line_ = true;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- private:
- bool line_{true};
- };
- extern Log logger;
- /*!
- * A small timing utility based on chrono.
- */
- struct Timing {
- using Tpoint = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point;
- using Tduration = std::chrono::microseconds;
- using microseconds = std::chrono::microseconds;
- using milliseconds = std::chrono::milliseconds;
- using seconds = std::chrono::seconds;
- //! Setup measurement rounds
- void init(size_t rounds) {
- duration_.resize(rounds);
- for (auto& d : duration_)
- d = Tduration::zero();
- }
- //! tool to mark the starting point
- Tpoint start() noexcept { return mark_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); }
- //! tool to mark the ending point
- Tpoint stop() noexcept {
- Tpoint now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- duration_[current_] += dt(now, mark_);
- return now;
- }
- //! Switch timing slot
- void next() noexcept {
- ++current_;
- current_ %= duration_.size();
- }
- Tduration& median() noexcept {
- std::sort(duration_.begin(), duration_.end());
- return duration_[duration_.size()/2];
- }
- //! A duration calculation utility
- static Tduration dt(Tpoint t2, Tpoint t1) noexcept {
- return std::chrono::duration_cast<Tduration>(t2 - t1);
- }
- //! Tool to print the time interval
- static void print_duration(const Tduration& duration, const char *what, mpi_id_t rank) noexcept {
- if (std::chrono::duration_cast<microseconds>(duration).count() < 10000)
- std::cout << "[Timing] (Rank " << rank << ") " << what << ": "
- << std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<microseconds>(duration).count()) << " [usec]\n";
- else if (std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(duration).count() < 10000)
- std::cout << "[Timing] (Rank " << rank << ") " << what << ": "
- << std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(duration).count()) << " [msec]\n";
- else {
- char stime[26]; // fit ulong
- auto sec = std::chrono::duration_cast<seconds>(duration).count();
- auto msec = (std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(duration).count() % 1000) / 10; // keep 2 digit
- std::sprintf(stime, "%ld.%1ld", sec, msec);
- std::cout << "[Timing] (Rank " << rank << ") " << what << ": " << stime << " [sec]\n";
- }
- }
- private:
- size_t current_{0};
- Tpoint mark_{};
- std::vector<Tduration> duration_{1};
- };
- /*!
- * Utility "high level function"-like macro to forward a function call
- * and accumulate the execution time to the corresponding timing object.
- *
- * @param Tim The Timing object [Needs to have methods start() and stop()]
- * @param Func The function name
- * @param ... The arguments to pass to function (the preprocessor way)
- */
- #define timeCall(Tim, Func, ...) \
- Tim.start(); \
- Func(__VA_ARGS__); \
- Tim.stop(); \
- /*!
- * A utility to check if a number is power of two
- *
- * @tparam Integral The integral type of the number to check
- * @param x The number to check
- * @return True if it is power of 2, false otherwise
- */
- template <typename Integral>
- constexpr inline bool isPowerOfTwo(Integral x) noexcept {
- return (!(x & (x - 1)) && x);
- }
- #endif /* UTILS_HPP_ */