12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 |
- % Data for new measurements
- p_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; % ToDo: add 7th p and time
- measurements = [
- 4761.5, 2957.5, 1940.4, 1985.2, 1364.5, 901.1
- ];
- % Create the figure window
- figure('Name', 'Results', 'Position', [100, 100, 1600, 900]);
- % Plot: Time vs p
- hold on;
- plot(p_values, measurements, '-o', 'DisplayName', '2^{28} numbers');
- hold off;
- xlabel('p');
- ylabel('Time (ms)');
- title('Time for $2^{28}$ numbers', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16);
- grid on;
- legend('Location', 'northwest');
- % Set x-axis to integer values
- ticks = min(p_values):max(p_values);
- xticks(ticks);
- % Save the plot
- print(gcf, 'FixSizeMeasurements', '-dpng', '-r600');