AUTH's THMMY "Parallel and distributed systems" course assignments.
Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

measurements_over_acc.m 2.3 KiB

  1. % Plot measurements
  2. accuracy = [100 80 60 40 20 10];
  3. ser_sift_acc = [ 4395 4365 4384 4315 4295 4246 ];
  4. ser_mnist_ser_acc = [ 7936 7924 7886 7903 7844 7801 ];
  5. omp_sift_acc = [
  6. 1162 1157 1148 1138 1134 1107
  7. ];
  8. omp_mnist_acc = [
  9. 2044 2036 2028 2007 1993 1973
  10. ];
  11. cilk_sift_acc = [
  12. 1148 1133 1127 1096 1079 1057
  13. ];
  14. cilk_mnist_acc = [
  15. 2008 2024 1974 1965 1959 1947
  16. ];
  17. pth_sift_acc = [
  18. 1157 1159 1121 1100 1084 1075
  19. ];
  20. pth_mnist_acc = [
  21. 2050 2086 2040 2020 2004 1979
  22. ];
  23. % 1ο Διάγραμμα: OMP
  24. figure;
  25. set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1280, 720]); % Set the figure size to HD
  26. plot(accuracy, ser_sift_acc, '-o', 'DisplayName', 'Serial SIFT');
  27. hold on;
  28. plot(accuracy, ser_mnist_ser_acc, '-s', 'DisplayName', 'Serial MNIST');
  29. plot(accuracy, omp_sift_acc, '-^', 'DisplayName', 'OMP SIFT');
  30. plot(accuracy, omp_mnist_acc, '-d', 'DisplayName', 'OMP MNIST');
  31. hold off;
  32. title('OMP');
  33. xlabel('Accuracy (%)');
  34. ylabel('Execution Time [msec]');
  35. set(gca, 'XDir', 'reverse'); % reverse x
  36. legend('Location', 'northwest');
  37. grid on;
  38. print(gcf, 'OMP_over_accuracy.png', '-dpng', '-r300');
  39. % 2ο Διάγραμμα: CILK
  40. figure;
  41. set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1280, 720]); % Set the figure size to HD
  42. plot(accuracy, ser_sift_acc, '-o', 'DisplayName', 'Serial SIFT');
  43. hold on;
  44. plot(accuracy, ser_mnist_ser_acc, '-s', 'DisplayName', 'Serial MNIST');
  45. plot(accuracy, cilk_sift_acc, '-^', 'DisplayName', 'CILK SIFT');
  46. plot(accuracy, cilk_mnist_acc, '-d', 'DisplayName', 'CILK MNIST');
  47. hold off;
  48. title('CILK');
  49. xlabel('Accuracy (%)');
  50. ylabel('Execution Time [msec]');
  51. set(gca, 'XDir', 'reverse'); % reverse x
  52. legend('Location', 'northwest');
  53. grid on;
  54. print(gcf, 'CILK_over_accuracy.png', '-dpng', '-r300');
  55. % 3ο Διάγραμμα: Pthreads
  56. figure;
  57. set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1280, 720]); % Set the figure size to HD
  58. plot(accuracy, ser_sift_acc, '-o', 'DisplayName', 'Serial SIFT');
  59. hold on;
  60. plot(accuracy, ser_mnist_ser_acc, '-s', 'DisplayName', 'Serial MNIST');
  61. plot(accuracy, pth_sift_acc, '-^', 'DisplayName', 'Pthreads SIFT');
  62. plot(accuracy, pth_mnist_acc, '-d', 'DisplayName', 'Pthreads MNIST');
  63. hold off;
  64. title('Pthreads');
  65. xlabel('Accuracy (%)');
  66. ylabel('Execution Time [msec]');
  67. set(gca, 'XDir', 'reverse'); % reverse x
  68. legend('Location', 'northwest');
  69. grid on;
  70. print(gcf, 'Pthreads_over_accuracy.png', '-dpng', '-r300');