- % Given environment
- clear;
- % Setup the function under test
- syms x y;
- fexpr = x^5 * exp(-x^2 - y^2);
- title_fun = "$f(x,y) = x^5 \cdot e^{-x^2 - y^2}$";
- % Calculate the gradient and Hessian
- grad_fexpr = gradient(fexpr, [x, y]); % Gradient of f
- hessian_fexpr = hessian(fexpr, [x, y]); % Hessian of f
- % Convert symbolic expressions to MATLAB functions
- fun = matlabFunction(fexpr, 'Vars', [x, y]); % Function
- grad_fun = matlabFunction(grad_fexpr, 'Vars', [x, y]); % Gradient
- hessian_fun = matlabFunction(hessian_fexpr, 'Vars', [x, y]); % Hessian
- % Amijo globals
- global amijo_beta amijo_sigma
- %fixed step size globals
- global gamma_fixed_step