- function plotPointsOverContour(points, contour_fun, x_lim, y_lim, size, plot_title, filename)
- % 3D plots a function
- % points: The points to plot
- % contur_fun: The function for contour plot
- % x_lim: The range for x axis. ex: [-2, 2]
- % y_lim: The range for y axis. ex: [0, 2]
- % size: The number of points for each axis
- % plot_title: The latex title for the plot
- % filename: The filename to save the plot (if exists)
- %
- global image_width,
- global image_height;
- % Generate a grid for x and y
- x_space = linspace(x_lim(1), x_lim(2), size);
- y_space = linspace(y_lim(1), y_lim(2), size);
- [X, Y] = meshgrid(x_space, y_space);
- % Evaluate the function on the grid
- for i = 1:size
- for j = 1:size
- % Pass each [x1; x2] as input to fun
- Z(i, j) = contour_fun([X(i, j); Y(i, j)]);
- end
- end
- % 2D plot
- figure('Name', '(x1,x2) convergence', 'NumberTitle', 'off');
- set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, image_width, image_height]); % Set the figure size
- plot(points(1, :), points(2, :), '-or');
- hold on
- contour(X, Y, Z);
- % Customize the plot
- xlim(x_lim);
- ylim(y_lim);
- xlabel('x1'); % Label for x-axis
- ylabel('x2'); % Label for y-axis
- grid on
- title(plot_title, 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16); % Title of the plot
- colorbar;
- % save the figure
- if strcmp(filename, '') == 0
- print(gcf, filename, '-dpng', '-r300');
- end
- end