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Init commit with AUTH report configuration

3 ha cambiato i file con 237 aggiunte e 0 eliminazioni
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  2. +237
  3. BIN

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- 0
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AuthReporConfigt.tex Vedi File

@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
% AUTH report settings
% author:
% Χρήστος Χουτουρίδης ΑΕΜ 8997
% cchoutou@ece.auth.gr

% Requirements
% ===============================================================
% \ClassName: To print Class name
% \DocTitle: To print document title
% \InstructorName: To print instructor's mame
% \InstructorMail: To print instructor's mame
% \CurrentDate: To print the date

% Exported commands
% ===============================================================
% \eng{}
% \FirstPage
% \FirstPageCoAuthor{}{}{}
% \SetFancyHead{}{}
% \InsertFigure{}{}{}

% Global configuration
% ===============================================================
% Note: You can reassign them with \renewcommand
% AFTER the \input{AUTH_Settings_Report.tex}
\newcommand{\AuthorName}{Χρήστος Χουτουρίδης}
\newcommand{\Department}{Τμημα ΗΜΜΥ. Τομεάς Ηλεκτρονικής}

% Packages and document configuration
% ===============================================================
\documentclass[11pt, twoside, a4paper]{article}
\usepackage[margin=20mm, top=25mm]{geometry} % Document margins

\usepackage[LGR, T1]{fontenc} % Language hyphenation and typographical rules
\usepackage[english, greek]{babel}


\usepackage{enumitem} % Customized lists
\setlist[itemize]{noitemsep} % Make itemize lists more compact

\usepackage{graphicx} % Graphics and figures
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
% Custom captions under/above floats in tables or figures
\usepackage[hang, small,labelfont=bf,up,textfont=it,up]{caption}

% Allows customization of section/subsection titles

% Change the look of the section and subsection titles

% Headers
\pagestyle{fancy} % All pages have headers and footers
\fancyhead{} % Blank out the default header
\fancyfoot{} % Blank out the default footer
\fancyfoot[RO,LE]{\thepage} % Custom footer text




% Local commands
% ===============================================================
% syntactic suggar for horizaontal rule

% AUTH report exported commands
% ===============================================================

% \eng{}
% syntactic suggar for english text
% example \eng{A quick brown fox jumpedover the lazy dog}

% \FirstPage
% Logo
% Titles
\center % Center everything on the page
\textbf{} \\[3.5cm] % vertical space
\textsc{\Large \Department} \\[0.5cm] % Department
\textsc{\Large \ClassName} \\[1.5cm] % Class/Course name
\Hrule \\[0.4cm] % -------
{\huge \bfseries \DocTitle} \\[0.1cm] % Document/Assignement Title
\Hrule \\[3.5cm] % -------
% vertical space
% Authors
\begin{flushleft} \large
\emph{Συντάκτης :} \\
\textsc{\AuthorName} \\
\textsc{AEM:\AuthorAEM} \\[1ex]
\normalsize \href{mailto:\AuthorMail}{\eng{\AuthorMail}}
\begin{flushright} \large
\emph{Διδάσκον :} \\ % Instructor
\end{minipage} \\
{\large \CurrentDate} \\ % date

% \FirstPageCoAuthor{}{}{}
% [1]: CoAuthor's name
% [2]: CoAuthor's AEM
% [3]: CoAuthor's email
% example: \FirstPage{someone}{1000}{someone@someone.com}
% Logo
% Titles
\center % Center everything on the page
\textbf{} \\[3.5cm] % vertical space
\textsc{\Large \Department} \\[0.5cm] % Department
\textsc{\Large \ClassName} \\[1.5cm] % Class/Course name
\Hrule \\[0.4cm] % -------
{\huge \bfseries \DocTitle} \\[0.1cm] % Document/Assignement Title
\Hrule \\[3.5cm] % -------
% vertical space
% Authors
\begin{flushleft} \large
\emph{Συντάκτες :} \\
\textsc{\AuthorName} \\
\textsc{AEM:\AuthorAEM} \\[1ex]
\normalsize \href{mailto:\AuthorMail}{\eng{\AuthorMail}} \\[2ex]
\textsc{#1} \\
\textsc{AEM:#2} \\[1ex]
\normalsize \href{mailto:#3}{\eng{#3}}
\begin{flushright} \large
\emph{Διδάσκον :} \\ % Instructor
\end{minipage} \\
{\large \CurrentDate} \\ % date

% \setFancyHead{}{}
% [1]: Even page text
% [2]: Odd page text
% example: \setFancyHead{Μαθημα}{Εργασία}

% \InsertFigure{}{}{}{}
% [1]: scale
% [2]: Label
% [3]: Figure file
% [4]: Caption text
% example: \InsertFigure{0.8}{fig:lala}{lala.png}{\eng{Makes lala}}

% \WrapFigure{}{}{}{}
% [1]: scale
% [2]: place left or right r,l,R,L
% [3]: Label
% [4]: Figure file
% [5]: Caption text
% example: \WrapFigure{0.8}{r}{fig:lala}{lala.png}{\eng{Makes lala}}

images/auth_logogr.png Vedi File

Before After
Width: 446  |  Height: 132  |  Size: 31 KiB
