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# TexStudio files

# Output files

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% AUTH report class
% note: Requires compilation with XeLaTeX or LuaTeX
% author: Christos Choutouridis <cchoutou@ece.auth.gr>
\ProvidesPackage{AUTHReport}[2024-11-03 AUTH Report document class]

% Options
% ===============================================

% Declare option for short report version

% Declare option for CoAuthor

% Default option values

% Pass all other options to article


% Requirements
% ===============================================

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\RequirePackage{geometry} % Layout

\RequirePackage{graphicx} % Figures

% Format packages
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% Local Tools
% ===============================================

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% Theme
% ===============================================

% Layout
% =====================================================

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% A4 will result to:
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% Foot skip: 15mm
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% Right margin: 12mm

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% Fonts
% =====================================================

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% [5]: Sans family font
% [6]: Mono family font

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% Header and Footer
% =====================================================

% Clear styles

% Clear styles

% Clear styles

% Clear styles

% Page styles
% Style for the main document (including TOC)

% Style for Title page
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% Common Page style


% Change the look of the section and subsection titles

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% Set paragraph identation and skip


% \FirstPage
% Logo
% Titles
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% vertical space
% Authors
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\begin{flushright} \large
\emph{Διδάσκων:} \\ % Instructor
\textsc{\auth@instructorName} \\[1ex]
\end{minipage} \\
{\large \auth@date} \\ % date


% \TitleHeader
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% Logo
% Titles
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\textsc{\Large \auth@className} \\[0.1cm] % Class/Course name
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{\large \auth@date} \\[0.4cm] % date
% Authors
\ifnum \isequal{\auth@coauthor}{yes}=0
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\textsc{\auth@authorName} \\
\textsc{AEM:\auth@authorAEM} \\[1ex]
\normalsize \href{mailto:\auth@authorMail}{\auth@authorMail} \\[2ex]
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\textsc{AEM:\auth@coauthorAEM} \\[1ex]
\normalsize \href{mailto:\auth@coauthorMail}{\auth@coauthorMail}
\begin{flushright} \large
\emph{Διδάσκων:} \\ % Instructor
\textsc{\auth@instructorName} \\[1ex]

% Setup theme
% =====================================================

% Page layout (check above for the geometry setup)

% Fonts
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% Header - Footer

% Page styles and formating

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% QA document public environments/commands
% =====================================================

% Common fields
% =====================================================





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% \InsertFigure{}{}{}{}
% [1]: scale
% [2]: Label
% [3]: Figure file
% [4]: Caption text
% example: \InsertFigure{0.8}{fig:lala}{lala.png}{\eng{Makes lala}}

% \WrapFigure{}{}{}{}
% [1]: scale
% [2]: place left or right r,l,R,L
% [3]: Label
% [4]: Figure file
% [5]: Caption text
% example: \WrapFigure{0.8}{r}{fig:lala}{lala.png}{\eng{Makes lala}}

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% Network programming Lab sum report
% authors:
% Χρήστος Χουτουρίδης ΑΕΜ 8997
% cchoutou@ece.auth.gr

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{AUTHReport}

% Document configuration
\AuthorName{Χρήστος Χουτουρίδης}


%\WorkGroup{Ομάδα 3}

\DocTitle{Τίτλος Title}
\Department{Computer εργαστήριο}
\ClassName{PDS πααλληλα}

\InstructorName{Nick Πιτσιάνης}




\section{Εισαγωγή Intro}

\subsection{μικρός τίτλος small title}



img/auth_logogr.png Ver fichero

Antes Después
Anchura: 446  |  Altura: 132  |  Tamaño: 31 KiB
