AUTh Report LaTeX/XeLaTeX class
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AUThReport.cls 14 KiB

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  1. %
  2. % AUTH report class
  3. %
  4. % note: Requires compilation with XeLaTeX or LuaTeX
  5. %
  6. % author: Christos Choutouridis <>
  7. %
  8. \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
  9. \ProvidesClass{AUThReport}[2024-12-07 AUTh Report document class]
  10. % Pre-option packages
  11. % Options
  12. % ===============================================
  13. % Declare option for short report version
  14. \DeclareOption{short}{\def\auth@short{yes}}
  15. \def\auth@short{no}
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  22. % Requirements
  23. % ===============================================
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  30. \else
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  33. % Language packages
  34. \ifPDFTeX
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  54. % Local Tools
  55. % ===============================================
  56. % Tool to check equality
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  58. % syntactic suggar for horizaontal rule
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  60. \newcommand{\authAuthorTitleText}{%
  61. \ifnum \isequal{\auth@mainlanguage}{greek}=0
  62. \ifdefined \auth@coauthorName Συντάκτες\else Συντάκτης\fi
  63. \else
  64. \ifdefined \auth@coauthorName Authors\else Author\fi
  65. \fi
  66. }
  67. \newcommand{\authInstructorTitleText}{%
  68. \ifnum \isequal{\auth@mainlanguage}{greek}=0
  69. \ifdefined \auth@coinstructorName Διδάσκοντες\else Διδάσκων\fi
  70. \else
  71. \ifdefined \auth@coinstructorName Instructors\else Instructor\fi
  72. \fi
  73. }
  74. \newcommand{\authMailText}[1]{%
  75. \ifnum \isequal{\auth@mainlanguage}{greek}=0
  76. \href{mailto:#1}{\eng{#1}}
  77. \else
  78. \href{mailto:#1}{#1}
  79. \fi
  80. }
  81. % Pre-Begin hook
  82. % =====================================================
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  84. \newcommand{\authAddToPreBeginHook}[1]{%
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  87. % Language
  88. % ===============================================
  89. % Init language variables
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  95. \else
  96. % Set main language
  97. \setdefaultlanguage{\auth@mainlanguage}%
  98. \typeout{[DEBUG] setdefaultlanguage \auth@mainlanguage}
  99. % Set other languages
  100. \@for\auth@lang:=\auth@languages\do{%
  101. \setotherlanguage{\auth@lang}
  102. \typeout{[DEBUG] setotherlanguage \auth@lang}
  103. }%
  104. \fi
  105. }
  106. % Hook the babel setup
  107. \authAddToPreBeginHook{%
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  109. }
  110. % Theme
  111. % ===============================================
  112. % Layout
  113. % =====================================================
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  142. % =====================================================
  143. %
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  176. % \setmonofont{Courier New}
  177. \fi
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  180. % =====================================================
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  205. %
  206. % Page styles
  207. %
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  211. \authSetHeader
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  220. \fi
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  235. % Setup theme
  236. % =====================================================
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  260. % Public environments/commands
  261. % =====================================================
  262. % Common fields
  263. % =====================================================
  264. \newcommand*{\AuthorName}[1]{\def\auth@authorName{#1}}
  265. \newcommand*{\AuthorMail}[1]{\def\auth@authorMail{#1}}
  266. \newcommand*{\AuthorAEM}[1]{\def\auth@authorAEM{#1}}
  267. \newcommand*{\CoAuthorName}[1]{\def\auth@coauthorName{#1}}
  268. \newcommand*{\CoAuthorMail}[1]{\def\auth@coauthorMail{#1}}
  269. \newcommand*{\CoAuthorAEM}[1]{\def\auth@coauthorAEM{#1}}
  270. \newcommand*{\WorkGroup}[1]{\def\auth@workGroup{#1}}
  271. \newcommand*{\DocTitle}[1]{\def\auth@docTitle{#1}}
  272. \newcommand*{\DocSubTitle}[1]{\def\auth@docSubTitle{#1}}
  273. \newcommand*{\Department}[1]{\def\auth@department{#1}}
  274. \newcommand*{\ClassName}[1]{\def\auth@className{#1}}
  275. \newcommand*{\InstructorName}[1]{\def\auth@instructorName{#1}}
  276. \newcommand*{\InstructorMail}[1]{\def\auth@instructorMail{#1}}
  277. \newcommand*{\CoInstructorName}[1]{\def\auth@coinstructorName{#1}}
  278. \newcommand*{\CoInstructorMail}[1]{\def\auth@coinstructorMail{#1}}
  279. \newcommand*{\CurrentDate}[1]{\def\auth@date{#1}}
  280. % Language
  281. % =====================================================
  282. \newcommand{\authSetMainLanguage}[1]{%
  283. \renewcommand{\auth@mainlanguage}{#1}
  284. }
  285. \newcommand{\authSetLanguages}[1]{%
  286. \renewcommand{\auth@languages}{#1}
  287. }
  288. % \eng{}
  289. % syntactic suggar for english text inside greek
  290. % example \eng{A quick brown fox jumpedover the lazy dog}
  291. \newcommand{\eng}[1]{%
  292. \ifPDFTeX
  293. \foreignlanguage{english}{#1}
  294. \else
  295. #1
  296. \fi
  297. }
  298. % \gr{}
  299. % syntactic suggar for greek text inside english
  300. % example \gr{Άσπρη πέτρα ξέξασπρη κι απτον ήλιο ξεξασπρότερη}
  301. \newcommand{\gr}[1]{%
  302. \ifPDFTeX
  303. \foreignlanguage{greek}{#1}
  304. \else
  305. #1
  306. \fi
  307. }
  308. % \setEnglish
  309. % Selects english for the rest of the text
  310. \newcommand{\setEnglish}{%
  311. \ifPDFTeX \selectlanguage{english} \typeout{[DEBUG] set Eng} \else \typeout{[DEBUG] No set Eng}\fi
  312. }
  313. % \setGreek
  314. % Selects greek for the rest of the text
  315. \newcommand{\setGreek}{%
  316. \ifPDFTeX \selectlanguage{greek} \typeout{[DEBUG] set Gre}\else \typeout{[DEBUG] NO set Gre} \fi
  317. }
  318. % Content commands
  319. % =====================================================
  320. \newcommand{\authInsertAuthsInstructors}{%
  321. \center
  322. \noindent
  323. % Authors
  324. \hspace*{0.05\textwidth}
  325. \begin{minipage}[t]{0.35\textwidth}
  326. \begin{flushleft}
  327. \large
  328. \ifdefined \auth@workGroup \emph{\textsc{\auth@workGroup}} \\[2ex]\fi
  329. \emph{\authAuthorTitleText:} \\
  330. \auth@authorName\hspace{1ex}[\auth@authorAEM] \\[0.35ex]
  331. \normalsize \authMailText{\auth@authorMail} \\[2ex]
  332. \large
  333. \ifdefined \auth@coauthorName
  334. \auth@coauthorName\hspace{1ex}[\auth@coauthorAEM] \\[0.35ex]
  335. \normalsize \authMailText{\auth@coauthorMail} \\[2ex]
  336. \fi
  337. \end{flushleft}
  338. \end{minipage}
  339. \hfill
  340. % Instructors
  341. \begin{minipage}[t]{0.35\textwidth}
  342. \begin{flushright}
  343. \large
  344. \emph{\authInstructorTitleText:} \\
  345. \auth@instructorName \\[0.35ex]
  346. \normalsize \authMailText{\auth@instructorMail} \\[2ex]
  347. \large
  348. \ifdefined \auth@coinstructorName
  349. \auth@coinstructorName \\[0.35ex]
  350. \normalsize \authMailText{\auth@coinstructorMail} \\[2ex]
  351. \fi
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  353. \end{minipage}
  354. \hspace*{0.05\textwidth}
  355. }
  356. % \FirstPage
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  364. \end{figure}
  365. % Titles
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  367. \textbf{} \\[3.5cm] % vertical space
  368. \textsc{\Large \auth@department} \\[0.5cm] % Department
  369. \textsc{\Large \auth@className} \\[1.5cm] % Class/Course name
  370. \Hrule \\[0.4cm] % -------
  371. {\huge \bfseries \auth@docTitle} \\[0.4cm] % Document/Assignement Title
  372. {\LARGE \bfseries \auth@docSubTitle} \\[0.1cm] % Document/Assignement Sub-Title
  373. \Hrule \\[3.5cm] % -------
  374. % Authors-Instructors
  375. \authInsertAuthsInstructors
  376. \vfill
  377. {\large \auth@date} \\ % date
  378. \end{titlepage}
  379. \newpage
  380. }
  381. % \TitleHeader
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  384. % Logo
  385. \noindent
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  387. \vspace{-0.8cm}
  388. \center
  389. \includegraphics[width=5cm]{img/auth_logogr.png}
  390. \end{figure}
  391. % Titles
  392. \textsc{\Large \auth@department} \\[0.4cm] % Department
  393. \textsc{\Large \auth@className} \\[0.1cm] % Class/Course name
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  395. {\large \bfseries \auth@docSubTitle} \\[0.2cm] % Document/Assignement Sub-Title
  396. {\large \auth@date} \\[0.4cm] % date
  397. % Authors-Instructors
  398. \authInsertAuthsInstructors
  399. \end{center}
  400. }
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  411. % [3]: Label
  412. % [4]: Figure file
  413. % [5]: Caption text
  414. % example: \InsertFigure{!h}{0.8}{fig:lala}{lala.png}{\eng{Makes lala}}
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  421. \label{#3}
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  429. % [5]: Caption text
  430. % example: \WrapFigure{0.8}{r}{fig:lala}{lala.png}{\eng{Makes lala}}
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  432. \begin{wrapfigure}{#2}{#1\textwidth}
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  438. \label{#3}
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